
Let’s dismantle the worst COD campaign of all time |

Let’s dismantle the worst COD campaign of all time | Modern Warfare 3 (2023)

#Lets #dismantle #worst #COD #campaign #time









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  1. imagine giving us ghost as a playable character and instead of making a tight stealth mission that plays to his skills and uses his reputation, you just put him in an open world mission that could be done by any soldier 💀

  2. 17:06 she could also jump out of the plane with them.
    She doesn't survive but that should be given at that point but bomb doesnt go off and she might hurt the terrorists.
    She doesnt even try, she belives terrorists that phone will do anything. Thats the problems on top of the fact that there were gun shots on the plane for few minutes, really doubtful some random passengers would be a hero.

  3. 2 main villains die but get revived cuz writers want to and soap a charackter people actually care about dies for serious with no chance of getting him back… and then the abyssmal campaign missions… stupid just stupid… i hate that

  4. Sooo now México is in sotuh america? dam i want to see the maps that cod ppl use AND BRICKY, no, the shadow company did not murder ppl in a SOUTH america contry, they kill ppl from a NORTH america town in México

  5. Hmmmm WW2, Vanguard, and now MW3…when are we gonna tell Sledgehammer to never cook again? Cuz they’ve had several opportunities for a decent campaign and they’ve completely missed each time

  6. Know the Mw4 idea is a joke/rant, but holy cow would that have been an awful story. I was on board with Rogue Ghost and having to reel him back in. But him being the villian and also actually playing as him is faded. So he just never talked to Price and Gaz ever for them to recognize his voice?

  7. I don't know if 4head man himself edits these, or if he has an editor, but he zooms in a lot to never zoom out, he just cuts to a different sorta zoomed out pstion and zooms in again. Then cuts again and I hate that I've noticed this becuase I can't unnotice it and demand compensation of extra virgin oiled forehead variety.

  8. Good example of a sudden death done right – Halo Reach; don't read if you haven't played it yet, it's worth it

    Kat's death while still not perfect is done really well, one of the other members of Noble Team, Jorge, just died 2 missions before by manually activating a bomb to destroy a large covenant vessel (before many more of the same vessel show up, which is such a kick to the balls and does so well to illustrate how fucked Reach is). You spend the entire next mission, Exodus, reeling from the loss of Jorge, the gentle giant and soul of Noble team, and then the next mission New Alexandria back in the saddle attempting to save the city. You do as much as you can but by the end of the level you still need to evacuate the city. In the following cutscene, the group is all talking about the war they've already lost, and mourning Jorge's loss, before another surprise covenant bombing. Everyone gets into elevators to the bottom floor of the tower they were in, and starts running to the exit, and then BAM. Kat gets shot in the back of the head by a needle rifle. Noble team were never talkative or outwardly social for the most part, but everyone still drops dead fucking silent when it happens. They fire uselessly at the ship with the sniper who took her out, achieving nothing. And of course, the scene after is one of the most beautiful in any FPS if you ask me, as Noble team once again silent, walks out of a wreck, staring down the glassed, burning corpse of a city they failed to save in the level previous level, lighting a signal flare for extraction – and not a word is said as a heart wrenching piano piece plays. Unironically one of the best done deaths in gaming, the only negative of it is that it doesn't tie in with the game mechanics as a needle rifle shot cannot one tap you.

  9. 42:47 on a side note. Black ops 3 campaign is purposefully weird. Spoilers for a game that came out years ago.

    So after the first mission when you are critically injured the rest of the game takes place in your head. You are literally dying on an operating table thats why the characters repeatedly say "stay with me" or "are you still with me"
    Taylor links you to his mind to try to stay grounded while you go into operation and you basically relive his life but as the game progressess things start to degraded so it becomes a schizophrenic nightmare. In the end you die on the operating table, the last mission is literally your brain shutting down.
    Honestly i hated the campaign at first because none of it made sense at first but after a second playthrough it clicked. All that compiracy stuff about a virtual paradise none of that matters, it was resolved years ago. Most of it didn't play out the way it does in game, like i said you are dying and Taylor is sharing his memories to keep you grounded. You are literally trying to make sense of it all and the only way your mind can is with a conspiracy but its in vain.

    Great story once it clicks

  10. The most iconic moments from the original modern warfare trilogy was in mw2 fighting in dc when you just leave the bunker and the music swells and you see the devastation. In mw1 it has to be when the nuke goes off (all the marine missions were great)
    In mw3 eh not really my favorite game since it felt way to over the top but i liked the opening mission, that stuck with me.
    In the remakes…just vlean house. The rest of it just feels like im watching cut scenes. The entire remake series felt like cut scenes. Og mw2 felt perfected. The right amount of over the top and grounded

  11. Bricky, are you insane? How could you possibly talk about sudden character deaths in videogames without showing Kat from Halo Reach? Honestly, I was expecting a 2 second edit with no follow up or context.

  12. Mr Bricky teacher of Warhammer be praised as emperor himself. I know its another topic then CoD and dont know where to ask you but have you play Iron Harvest? Knowing you like mehs and rts.If you have, what do you think about it? And remember press V

  13. Okay but the false flag missiles being hypersonic could have been, like, a thing. Like that would have been a really neat way to escalate the stakes, from the nukes that could be intercepted in OGMW2 to hypersonic chemical weapons that can't be intercepted. But I doubt IW really has any idea what that even means. OG Infinity Ward went out of their way to nail both the military technology aspects, and the elevated Hollywood story design and pacing aspects for Modern Warfare.

  14. arguably, on realism difficulty, it did take me around 5+ hours and the civilian-fleeing-mechanics in the stadium timed well with the shooters

    and i would still argue that COD:AW, IW and GHOSTS were quite a bit worse, campaign-wise,

    but this has certainly been the worst MW-Campaign so far

  15. While people can die out of nowhere, especially in a violent battle, it only has an impact if we're attached to the character. If they haven't done the bare minimum to get us invested, it will induce the equivalent of the "Oh No……Anyways" meme in practically everyone watching it

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