
Lets get this over with – Apple Vision Pro

Lets get this over with – Apple Vision Pro

#Lets #Apple #Vision #Pro


hi im brad. and i spent over 4000 dollars on a vr headset. oh god

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#apple #visionpro #spatialcomputing



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  1. It's a crazy product. I doubt augmented reality is the future but if it has any credible chance to be a success then Apple or any rival companies need to find a way to make VR with a 9 hour battery charge.

    I cannot see a 2 hour VR/AR device having any real success. It will just end up a six month 'play and put it away and go back to real life laptops' gimmick.

    And the reported heavy weight is another huge obstacle to long term success. I think the chances of the Vision Pro becoming a mainstream success are very unlikely. By December 2024 we'll know if the year's sales were good enough to see if it has any long term future.

  2. I watched Marques' review of this the other day and now Brad. I love the high contrast in review styles. Getting different perspectives has been enjoyable. Would watch again.

  3. I'm shocked you went into this without knowing much about the set-up.😂😂 You didn't even know you have to adjust the fit dial for the straps to fit you well. My goodness!! 😂😂

  4. HARD pass. It's a slightly improved Quest 3 (visually), but severely lacking in features. No gaming? LOL. At nearly 8 times the price, I just don't see the point. It's got the same terrible ergonomics of all VR headsets, and is much too heavy. Good luck getting VR, err, I mean "spatial computing" to go mainstream with this junk.

  5. Hello, how do I decrease the glare or reflections from the display when watching HDR content in dark environments on Vision Pro? I check the light seal and it seems to not be the problem, I wiper the screen. Is it the lighting in my home, if I sitting by a window? I’m not a seasoned VR individual?

  6. I SO want Steam Link running on this! The uncannily realistic full-face tracking, plus hand tracking precise and fast enough to replace actual controllers (judging by hand overlay in VR view), that's insane! Wouldn't even be surprised if it even does some limited FBT.

  7. AWESOME video. Did not expect to sit through the whole thing, but it was awesome watching you test things with all of your experience and knowledge of VR/AR headsets and screens and everything. You did some very interesting experiments, and I loved hearing your impressions of everything you tried, including the personas and the hand occlusion. I loved hearing that we're finally at the monitor-replacement level.. hearing you say "this is better than a TV" amazed me. I loved that you tried the spatial videos — that's an area where I hope Apple really tries to improve. I WANT so badly to be able to record volumetric video with 6DOF. I realize that will require multiple cameras and probably some AI processing, but that's GOT to be the future of video. I'd love to save memories of my family and pets and vacations in a format that I can explore and re-live later. Hope we see advancements in that area soon.

  8. I had it tight in the beginning and it definitely added pressure to my forehead… as I continuously adjusted throughout my use I’ve found that you don’t need to have it tight, it fits really well and you can have the strap pretty loose.

    I think instinctually we want to make it tight but the looser I went the more comfortable it became and it felt so much better.

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