
Lets Talk About The Acolyte Episode 3 – Open Mic

Lets Talk About The Acolyte Episode 3 – Open Mic

#Lets #Talk #Acolyte #Episode #Open #Mic

“John Campea”

On this installment of Open Mic, John answers viewer questions and more!

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  1. I don't want to be rude and this is just my opinion. The show is absolutely dog shit! I love Star wars and i have quite a bit of knowledge but i can put that to one side. It's just a badly written and structured show. It's crap😅

  2. Is Disney LucasFilm trying to piss off the fans? It seems to me that this is the case. The are fully aware of the rift that exists within the fanbase, yet they seem to be actively stoking the flames. This show is SOOOO bad.

  3. The writing and directing of this show isn't good to me. At times it feels like a bad network drama with some action thrown in. Also it seems so small scale for star wars….im used to the worlds feeling bigger but I'm not getting that with most of these new star wars series. Acolyte feels like something other than star wars even though i can see star wars things and hear familiar star wars sounds…its strange….the show also has nothing in it that interests me so far….like nothing. Even the other bad shows had something that i could see as cool in the pile of yuck.

  4. Tired of a lot of folks crying about this episode breaking canon, it didn’t.. it just shows different cultures interpreting the force in different ways, as many of the Jedi of this era also did.

  5. What happens if views drop sharply? What happens if people start cancelling their subscriptions? Which is why I don't think it was wise to set fire to the fandom with show creator comments in the interviews.

  6. It’s completely fine if you’re able to like this show! But that doesn’t change the fact it’s a fundamentally bad show from every technical aspect (except maybe some sets from here to there)

  7. What if the mystery of the Jedi Master is not even worth solving. What if we go "erm… okay… I suppose…?", and it's a thing where you need a degree in Star Wars lore, to even recognize who it is. Someone for who the general public will say : "Who?".

  8. If not by the end of this show, the Jedi are going to be turned into an evil order in the near future for sure, its already heading that way, Jedi are not the good people anymore. They have become a reason for bad people to do bad things. That is all their purpose is now, so just wait a few years and the only difference between the Jedi and Sith will be the red light laber. They never win, they can be killed by a safety pin next time. The greatest Jedi – Yoda, Obi Wan, Luke, all died as failures. They have gradually taken away anything you had to look up to a Jedi, now they are space baby kidnappers.

  9. The show is terrible, the power of 1 the power of 2 the power of many!! The writing is bad, the witches who have that mantra are just dead but not from the fire & 17:22 We're supposed to believe the 4 Jedi just took them out! The young twins who are not identical by the way , are not given great dialogue what did u do!! Mama's dead!! I want be a Jedi!! I'm going to kill u !!! There's no time for the characters to give us anything about them , just quick turns! The whole there's no place in the galaxy for women like them ,even though there are female Jedi. U got a deconstruction of the Jedi going on , I get it lets knock down what came before. But just like the last Jedi instead of building ur focused on tearing down!

  10. This goes along with the lore of Halo. A lot of children were abducted and replaced with clones of them meant to die within a short period of time. While the original child was taken to be put in the spartan 2 program because only a specific genetic make up could achieve the results of a spartan. These Spartans were used to fight against an impeding strength that humanity would not be able to compete with through the current conventional methods that humanity would be able to have within a short period of time. So these scientists and military officials thought it necessary to abduct these children t save humanity or become extinct.

    It begs the question, that if there is a greater outcome do the ends justify the means?

    In the long run it makes sense but does that make the action in the moment any less severe?

  11. Star Wars has really never been lit like that. Whole IP has survived on nostalgia and being a novelty for the time period it originally came out in.
    The movies do not hold up to modern sci fi, so the amount of fans acting like it was some prestige drama that is being sullied by the new iterations baffles me to no end.
    The shit has always been mid. Grow up.

  12. Was it weird to anyone else that Carrie-Anne Moss’s character told the Mother “you cannot deny that Jedi have the right to test potential padawans. With your permission of course.” So… can they be denied to test them or not? Seemed like it contradicted itself unless I’m misunderstanding.

  13. Mae started the fire, she may be influenced by the dark side. The child was torturing a butterfly earlier, she's crazy. She tried to kill her sister in front of the adults.

    Love and hate are similar emotions. Anakin killed padmae when she didn't do what he liked

  14. What bothers me is not that people don't like The Acolyte. What bothers me is just how wrongheaded the criticism are.

    Like John, claiming that daughter being honest about her feelings to her mother is exposition dump is beyond wrongheaded. You might as well say that Luthen Rael's sunrise speech in Andor is exposition dump.

    It almost as if people are trying to justify their dislike of The Acolyte that they would just say anything to seem more objective. As opposed to just saying "The Acolyte just isn't for me". Which would be fine thing to say, as opposed saying something that doesn't make a lot of sense.

  15. “The good does not wipe away the bad, nor bad the good” -Stannis
    Thanks for addressing both.
    I reckon most Jedi would be much happier and at peace if they actually made their own decision instead of being abandoned on the doorstep. Wasn’t a fan of the ep

  16. The problem with you looking "in a balanced way" is that half of what you talked about isn't cannon. Never once have jedi just taken children without permission. I would love to see where that happened, and saying there is precedent for creating life through the force and using anakin as an example doesnt make any sense. There is a wild difference between the force itself creating anakin as a way of providing balance to the force, and outright creating life through manipulation of the force. Something every force or magic faction in cannon has been trying to do for ages and couldn't.

    The amount of reaching you are doing by falling back on "this has all be established!" is huge. You call the hate for this episode an echo chamber, why can't this just be seen as a genuinely bad episode? This show admittedly has some really cool ideas, but some of it completely railroads cannon. The parts that are interesting that don't railroad cannon, is executed with fanfiction levels of execution. I am convinced that people that found this to be good content never grew past the level of narrative of media like Bearington Bears and Curious George.

  17. I reckon most Jedi would be much happier and at peace if they actually made their own decision instead of being abandoned on the doorstep. Wasn’t a fan of the ep

  18. I think Campae is more adorable here than I've ever seen him: he desperately wants to not be confused with the haters. He even strawmans them early on in the video. He talks about the arrogance of the Jedi before ending with an extremely arrogant statement himself.

    He's coping, it's clear. Give in to your anger and your hate, John. Join the Dark Side, and together we shall bring dignity and compassion back to Star Wars.

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