
Limitations Of A Droid Army | Star Wars Canon Lore

Limitations Of A Droid Army | Star Wars Canon Lore

#Limitations #Droid #Army #Star #Wars #Canon #Lore

“Sci-Fi Deepdive”

Due to the mechanical nature of battle droids it should theoretically be possible for factions like the CIS to wield endless armies so how come the Separatists seem to be struggling with troop numbers? Today we’ll take a closer look at the limitations the droid army is really facing.




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  1. The phrase "Quality vs Quantity" and things like "Quantity has a quality of itself" has always been to me at least a little too simplified for a very complicated question of how a military force should operate, sure you can have 500 cheap tanks and probably has a good chance of taking on 100 good tanks but with those 500 tanks you have to maintain said tanks since they would be braking down more and a larger logistical tail to keep them operational, a similar logic would apply to the droid army as the CIS could have hundreds of millions to billions of droids if they wanted to but there are many factors such as a big one Logistics have to be considered

  2. 🤔 . . . I don’t think ‘age’ is the right word here, but continuous wear & tear from continuous usage is likely the ultimate culprit. However, I honestly think that it’s primarily because of whole penny pinching and supply & demand that might be the real culprit. Remember, the CIS droid forces were originally made for the profit focused mega-corporations, especially in the free trade zone, thus coming up with super creative & innovative ideas were few & far-in-between. Thus designing & building things didn’t just cost money, but repurposing factories to build these newer designs was also costly. You could say that this was the kind of capitalism that would give rise to communism, which ironically fell with the Battle of Endor & the Battle of Jakku (i.e. communism fell after capitalism has fallen).

  3. The Republic has a huge force of what are effectively commandos at their disposal, in the form of the Jedi. We see over and again that the Jedi are frankly poor generals and commanders, almost never at their command posts doing that job – but are close to unstoppable when they conduct a behind-the-lines raid on enemy infrastructure. I'd bet that large scale droid factories had every chance of being obliterated by a Jedi strike shortly after being identified.

  4. There is one other thing to add. Palpatine and Dooku. Both are manipulating the war effort so one can boost resources while the other pulls them back.
    Also while resources are going into the war effort on both sides and not into public infrastructure, a good portion of that is also going into Dooku's giant vault of resources in his castle.

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