
Making YouTube Videos With a Film Camera is HARD | The

Making YouTube Videos With a Film Camera is HARD | The PetaPixel Podcast

#Making #YouTube #Videos #Film #Camera #HARD


From now until September 1st, you can snag some incredible deals, including $300 off the OM-1 Mark II body. It’s usually priced at $2,399.99, but right now, it’s just $2,099.99. It’s a fantastic opportunity to pick one up if you’ve been considering it!

You can also save $300 on the OM-5…



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  1. I have a Windows PC daily driver and a separate high end PC with an old Eizo monitor for photo editing. No way I gonna spend big for a HDR monitor on the daily driver PC. Leave HDR to our TV's and the Apple fan folks. (OK… I am an old retired guy. But I worked in IT and love tech)

  2. I live in New Mexico with a lot of blowing dust and remote harsh environments. Most photographers here use some sort of filter on all their lenses, they have one for each lens and never take them off. I know a guy who was not happy with the sharpness of an expensive lens… he was using a cheap filter. So it is important to spend $150 bucks on a good filter to protect your 2 grand lens.

    And, as for Imaging Edge… think back to when Sony included with new cameras a copy of Capture One Light. That was a decent beginner editor. Then Capture One discontinued the light version, and Sony was left with the vastly inferior Image Edge.

  3. I think if I were Sony, in order to compete with an R5 II or Z8 I would make the S line the competitor, give it just enough resolution to be able to film 8k (which should kinda match the resolution of Canon and Nikon), then you basically have something like the other two big brands and leave the AIV/AV with lower resolution

    The new A SIV should be able to record 8k anyway, like this I would say the higher end body’s from Sony fullframe camera have a good line up:
    R series (next model might get a bump in resolution)
    S series for video and speed + good resolution
    Standard A series’s + compact line, which I think is fine

    And yes I know, this camera will compete with the A1, but do does the R5 and Z8 in my opinion

  4. 7:40 Some of my most popular videos have been on super zoom bridge cameras. There's still a marked I'd say. Smartphones are getting optical zoom but physically can't compete with these. It's disappointing to see that camera companies have basically not touched that format from a technological advancement standpoint in ages. Panasonic kinda refreshed one recently, but they didn't do a whole lot. Imagine one with a 1" stacked or global shutter sensor and other advancements like faster processors…

  5. Regarding chinese lenses.
    You guys are just partially correct.
    Especially Viltrox and now TTArtisan come out with just their own design with AF actually filling gaps the other brands dont do.
    Like the Viltrox 27mm f1.2 for example

  6. At 1:08:00, Dexter asked about photo editing Sigma FP files. As Jordan rightly pointed out, the FP makes CDNG files. These are easily imported into Da Vinci Resolve, whose color editing capabilities are famously good. If you Google "Da Vinci Resolve orange and teal," you'll find numerous videos on getting that look. After you're done editing, simply export the frame as a TIFF. If you need to use your image as part of a composite or add graphics, you'll probably want Photoshop or Affinity Photo or some other editor to finish the job. However, if your main interest is in making stills, FP and DaV R is very workable combo. I bought mine to shoot video, mostly on tripods, although its small size is an advantage on a gimbal. The Fp is not for everybody, and it has its limits, but I've been able to make some very satisfying pictures (moving and still) with it. My feeling is that it punches above its weight for the price (I bought mine for $1500 US new, with an included Sigma 45mm Contemporary lens, during its introductory phase.) It's not my first camera and it might not be my last, but I'm glad I bought it. I also own, among other things a 35mm lens. 🙂

  7. Hey Jordan, If you want to borrow my Super 8mm splicer, let me know. I have been digitizing my Dad's old movies. Fun times. Question: When you get your film back, do they also digitize it for you?

  8. For Adobe: (1) Many users feel that Premier Pro's development has stagnated, with focus shifting to newer products. How does Adobe plan to balance innovation with maintaining and improving its core, legacy software? (2) There are concerns that pressure from major shareholders in private equity may prioritize profit maximization over user needs. How does Adobe ensure that its decision-making remains independent and user-centric? (2a) Follow-up: has Adobe ever faced situations where the demands of private equity investors conflicted with the best interests of its users? If so, how were these conflicts resolved? (3) Adobe has been criticized for a lack of transparency in its decision-making processes. How does Adobe plan to improve communication and transparency with its users? (4) Critics could argue that the subscription model prioritizes short-term revenue over long-term customer satisfaction. How does Adobe ensure that customer value remains central to its business strategy?

  9. The photos should be kept in SDR, as the originals would be. I just don't see how this wouldn't be a nightmare to color grade and test on many different monitors.

  10. Here is a question for Adobe:

    FK YOU
    Basically the same thing they ask us, the customers, when they make us accept their terms of service to use their products.

  11. 1:16:58 Glad you picked a question about the alternating cricket audio issue on the S5II, this needs more exposure as Panasonic support is ignoring this completely. On a related note, it would be useful if you guys tested preamps on the cameras you review 🙂

  12. For the HDR videos you choose to produce, would it make sense to post the video twice on YouTube to avoid their conversion challenges? Mention it at the start of the video two videos exist.

  13. The one time I shot on film back in 2011 it was 16mm and it cost a ton of money, took three months to get one of the rolls back in a video file, the other two were returned as they (the development company) went out of business, and I never ever will encourage anyone to ever shoot on film. 2011-2012 was so bad for film that was when it was nearly wiped off the planet, as it shoulda been.

  14. HDR – hell no. But if it is only the smart phone ones – whatever. Seriously though my main monitor only has 450 nits, my iPads/phones can all do HDR but I rarely watch you tube there and if I do that environment often overwhelms the display brightness anyway making the whole question moot. Most HDR looks terrible, so generally hell no.

  15. re: HDR

    – It doesn't REQUIRE you to have any different image, it is a more modern standard, you can publish identical images in HDR and SDR, HDR is just more flexible
    – YouTube treats HDR files better, and there are fewer compression artifacts
    – It sounds like you did not handle the conversion to SDR very well in the past, you CAN control this on YouTube by providing a conversion LUT
    – As Jordan so correctly pointed out, he made the classic error when starting in HDR and just made everything bright, it is better to expand the range of stuff shown, rather than to make the same stuff just brighter.
    – You shouldn't be thinking of it as "HDR or SDR", but rather both, as you will have people watching in both, but don't you want to create the BEST image possible for those who have the option and got an OLED tv or a nice smartphone?
    – If you are reviewing a camera and docking it on something like dynamic range, or what picture profiles it offers, what would be the point if you never take advantage of those things? You are also only really reviewing a portion of its capabilities, as you are ignoring a large part of what it can do.
    – As Jordan also correctly pointed out, that is the point of shooting in Log, is that you preserve those details and give yourself the flexibility to deliver to better formats on YouTube.

    Lastly, and philosophically, people come here to learn, so I don't think PetaPixel is the place for sticking to the past and avoiding new technology, I would love a series on Jordan's tips on how to upload HDR, or his journey of discovery on how to fix the issues he finds.

  16. Jordan, for the love of all holy, please don't do HDR video. It looks terrible at the best of times, and it looks especially terrible on SDR screens (which all lot of people still use). Your videos look amazing as they are!

  17. 15:56 are cinema lenses really that niche of a subject? Maybe I can understand high end stuff like arri or zeiss, but there’s a vast lower end market that’s interested in quality pro-video equipment. Look at the GH7 video, that’s all people who would be in the market for a lens like the NISI Athena or DZO vespid. If lenses like the canon 24-105 f2.8 and cameras like the a9iii can get talked about on here, I see no reason why more cinema or pro-video stuff can’t also be a topic

  18. First question for Adobe:

    Adobe's AI features thus far have been focused on image generation, generative fill etc.

    Is there a plan to use AI features to improve photographers workflow and save them time? Examples:

    – Tools similar to what Imagen is doing detecting the best picture out of a series and culling automatically

    – AI based presets in Lightroom Classic

    – AI spot removal ala Luminar

    – AI based sorting / searching / tagging of my Lightroom Classic library

    It would be very valuable to have those features natively part of my Adobe subscription IMHO.

    Second question for Adobe:

    Can we get real already about the janky situation with Lightroom and Lightroom Classic? Let's get this down to one app, let people use local storage in a normal way.. Feature parity.. etc.

  19. I am fully with Chris. Grade the video so that is working as good as possible on as many devices as possible. Allow your viewers the flexibility to switch between devices. I myself watch your videos on four different displays, depending on where I happen to be. I'd rather have them to look consistently "okay" over many devices than great on one display and garbage on another. 

    And please do not take this the wrong way. But your videos are not meant to be art in the first place. As least the way I understand it. They are informative, helpful, funny, surprisingly cinematographically for a Youtube and of course you enjoying them has value. But at the end of the day for me your videos are a subset of journalistic content. And you not gonna see JJ Abrams lens flares or Michael Ballhaus style camera movement on the national news for a reason.

  20. I absolutely love the podcast and all the fantastic content you guys produce, especially the reviews! Your creativity and production quality are amazing. I do want to say that HDR isn't quite my preference. I hope you continue with what you're doing—it's amazing. Please know this is just a personal preference, and I appreciate everything you do!

  21. I've use both lens hoods and protective filters as I'm always out in the elements (from mountain tops to beaches) and have had one $4000 lens front element be saved from getting scratched by the filter… a branch I was going past poked the lens and impacted the filter, scratching it. The hood was on and failed to stop the damage. I replaced the $100 filter instead of having to throw the $4000 lens out and buy a new one.

  22. I don't think we will see a a7V so soon. They have the 7RV and a9III as well as the A1 for everyone looking for an upgrade. The 7IV is good enough and will be good enough for years and years to come. I would rather believe Sony changing the S Line to their new hybrid Line. They have the ZVE1 and FX3 after all so they could and should make a A7SIV with a stacked 33MP Sensor with all of the SIII Specs.

  23. I do not think Sony will have smaller version of A1 with same sensor. Nikon did it due to various other reasons. They wanted to improve their market share. Also, Z8 looks different without grip of Z9. In case if they need to make a mini A1, the difference would be like how it is for Z8 and Z6III.

  24. I'm 100% behind doing it in HDR. I know there are folks who don't have a proper HDR display, but AFAIK the youtube experience won't get worse if you just watch it in SDR, and there are a few HDR channels out there, the footages really are on the next level.

  25. 54:30 Smart TV viewer here! I basically watch 90% of YT videos on my TV since it's a good OLED display with amazing HDR support. But to be honest, YT's HDR implementation is kinda meh, and their HDR to SDR conversion isn't the greatest either. So I'd vote for keeping your videos SDR.

  26. I am using an LG C3 as a monitor I would like if you guys did hdr. I Also edit my photos in lightroom HDR now it is way better looking than standard SDR.

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