Mecha Break Tournament Tier List Finally Revealed [Open

Mecha Break Tournament Tier List Finally Revealed [Open Beta]

#Mecha #Break #Tournament #Tier #List #Finally #Revealed #Open


Tournament VOD:
Keep in mind YOU SHOULD have tanks AS THEY ARE EASY TO PLAY FOR OBJECTIVES. But if you’re really good, the light weight mechs are super good with the right team compositions.

Intro 0:00
The Question 1:06
The Data 2:23
The Analysis…



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  1. Inferno is one of those picks where you can do fantastic if; 1: The enemy team has no melee units which usually doesn’t happen. 2: Your team communicates and stops melees from getting close to you. 3: The enemy melee/s doesn’t/don’t focus you down for some reason, most likely due to either being new or support/sniper focusing.

  2. this tier list open my eye by it not the be all end all but the data is good.

    first anybody and there mom could have told you panaka is the GOAT.
    welkin with his 1v1 box as a melee fighter is insane.
    what kinda shock me was hurricane been the best heavy i still think this a tourny bia here as i think stego could be up there with it.
    i know inferno was bad i told ppl in the discord that hurricane is better.
    and poor lume what can i say but RIP.

    great video tho really put thing into view of what the devs needs to do.

  3. As a Stego player during the beta i think you summed everything up well. At low level gameplay, it was very easy to dominate but at the way way high level, i felt pretty useless no matter how hard i tried to make Stego work. A good Pinaka will destroy you in seconds. Panther will take all your attention during his guerilla warfare tactics on you. A surprise attack from welkin is also death. Aqulia will chip away at you and force you to reposition constantly. Mobility seemed to be much more important than slow firepower. I found heavies less and less viable the further up you went in the rankings.

  4. Trying to play Stego by sitting on an objective in turret mode is just the wrong way to play the character. You need to be at a distance to use that enhanced lock on range and to actually make use of the shield. Going turret mode at close range is never a good idea, the shield is easily countered and more often than not the enemy will just go behind you, and micro missiles cannot turn enough to save you. Additionally playing behind your team allows you to somewhat mitigate the weakness of melee characters hard countering him.

  5. problem ive notice with Tricera was people havent learned to play it well on the other maps to become MVP. i managed 3 v 1's with Tricera. each time atleast 1 or both enemies were Welken or Panther or both. while being fired on by something else… Tricera can parry going into fortress mode and you can active the repair bots and they repair even when you are out of fortress mode… which is something i didnt see anyone else taking advantage off. … Parry, Cannon Fire, Repair Bots, Release Fortress mode…. thats literally the rotation to Triceras survival

  6. I really do think that wave-based spawns would shake the game up a lot on the open maps. Getting your spawns staggered is waaay too big of a problem when, like you said, spawn locations are semi-random and you're often uncontrollably dropped right on top of an enemy or two. Make spawns wave-based and make the team drop together.

  7. Stego, the new support and welkin are s tier. That’s all I know for a tier list. Panther would have been s tier before if welkin didn’t exist. At least these are my thoughts before the video.

  8. I have forseen the above in my tierlist that was created 2 weeks ago and after editing i finally published it on Monday ! Slight differences but when i was saying Luminae is really bad people in games wouldnt listen 😀 So spot on thanks for your video aswell !

  9. Tried Pinaka once, and I knew I had to main it. The shotgun ring? Amazing. The wall from heaven? Amazing. The ability to make ANYBODY on my team practically immortal for a period of time? Amazing. All I have to do is not be the main character, so the enemies forget that to even beat the guy who has a shield around him, they have to kill me first.

  10. The one reason I questioned that tier list with all the heavies on top was that Narukami was at A tier when Narukami was basically the counter to all of them.
    Also why were so many strikers in s tier, s tier was almost half the strikers. Oh also panther is good against the super heavies.
    Pinaka being S tier is right, but inferno, stego and tricera can get destroyed by a panther being supported by pinaka and a Narukami or an Aquila sniping them.

    By strategizing, strikers in b tier and a tier were better than most of the s tier.

    Like let's say 3v3 both sides of the fight have a pinaka but one side is panther and Narukami, the other is stego and tricera, narukami can focusvon whoever has the shield whike panther gets the shield and kills off their pinaka first, then it can go after the other 2 who don't have the firepower to outlast a shielded panther, a pinaka that blocks their shots and shotguns them while dropping walls on them and a Narukami just doing Narukami things.

    Which also shows that the game is kinda well made, overwatch had that issue where tanks and supports were meta before they forced positions on people.

    This doesn't. Tanks are good for objectives they're not as good everywhere else. Others aren't so good at objectives, Narukami will get murdered instantly.

    Which also means there's a high chance luminae is getting massively buffed

  11. Alysnes is actually a very decent and forgiving starter Mech too. I mean sure it might lose or lack getting MVPs, but the fact that it could actually bypass Heavy's Shield with its Halberd when you kite around them and retreat firing constantly. It does feel like a decent mech to counter Panther when you get Armor Purged.

  12. I definitely feel like tier lists in this game are going to end up being more based on map and overall team comp rather than specific Strikers (aside from Pinaka probably). My group had 75-80% win rate after 60~ games and we primarily played double air+sniper+pinaka or double dive(welkin/panther)+sniper+pinaka. Only time we used heavies was if we wanted to specifically queue Docks for free wins.

  13. I think the biggest contributor to Pinaka's dominance is that there are no other good supports, because of how underpowered Luminae is. Which is something that definitely should be addressed before other changes. If there were multiple choices for a support, the win rate would also drop without need for huge nerfs.

  14. as the welkin from gun bunnies i can safely say fk falcon punch >:). but on a srs note welkin has FAR too many stuns. his axe and cage are so good you can go games without using 2 or 3 unless u bump into another welkin.

  15. Welkin + Pinaka team I had with a friend was stupid strong lol. I do think the game needs more support strikers (and a fix to the luminae) though, we got 2 choices and 1 was mediocre at best so Pinaka would obviously get the highest pick rate due to lack of choices.

  16. i'd say Falcon is probably easily an A- for me it's damage may be low but it's ability to harass the squishier mechs and it's ability to quickly run over and support allies tied up in a 1vs1. the fact that most teams in open beta got destroyed when they had nothing to counter a falcon.

    it's main weakness is it's inability to carry so you are reliant on your team being able to capitalize on the additional damage and chaos the falcon causes

    also let's not ignore how easily welkins can cap objectives. if a team doesn't lock a welkin down they can easily cap an objective.
    Edit: this is coming from a falcon main and i agree with the placement

  17. Air Boost Modded Build with Panther is very deadly.
    Most of my gameplay with Hurricane is very nice, I could 1v2 if I could mod faster Energy Regen.
    Stego really needs a pilot who knows where to position in the map. (Other than beside the objectives)

  18. I've got not fucking idea about anything about this game in a competitive level but you used Red Alert 3 music so I will now listen to everything you have to say

  19. Pinaka needs a complete rework, idk what the design team was thinking.

    The lack of natural healing means that at least one support is mandatory but the way respawning work contradicts that. As you've said it's impossible to group up as 6 but that also means once you win a fight, the other teams will need to spawn in one by one as stragglers. They really need to look at the respawn system again, just make you spawn on a battleship or something and let you wait before dropping, having to wait up to 20 seconds before teammate(s) spawn in is a huge disadvantage especially when you've already lost a previous fight.

    Ultra-heavies felt like the ultimate noob stompers so I'm not surprised tbh, in a coordinated team most of the Heavies can be disabled by one single Skyraider right click. I've also had matches as Stego where the other team would just use invisibility from respawning to drop right behind me.

    You went a little bit into the Falcon but I think there's a serious discussion between Falcon and Skyraider. Falcon needs the support and immense skill level to just stay alive, and it's only good into specifically Narukami and Skyraider. Skyraider on the other hand is good into pretty much everything while also especially disruptive against Heavies, has decent dps and an armor-piercing charged shot to threaten low health targets, while also has incredibly good offense and defense capability with the jamming missiles. I'm an SR main during the beta and my thought every time I try out the Falcon is that I could be contributing much more to the fight as SR instead.

  20. Not too surprised by Aquillas stats, absolutely loved him in the playtest and consistently popped off, even getting a nasty 14-1-8 game with him. Sniper being that mobile and tanky is already insane, but throw in his own peal, and its just insane. Its like MW2 quickscoping cranked up to 110

  21. I want to give my take with 150+ matches with Luminae, for starter the heals are enough. Sure Pinaka has a higher burst single heal but that don't matter under the same scenario where Luminae cannot heal through is the same for Pinaka. Luminae offers soft lock jamming post buff and boast very flexible speed with a secondary job of picking off low hp and light mechs. Those matches where Luminae did not win in often are primarily because well the peak dmg it can do is 250k to 300k true dmg. Depending on enemy team, this is just barely enough to offset half the total heal a healer can potentially do. Obviously with a small sample size this will make it look trash. Luminae also scales both bad and good depending on how good your teammates are. Like previously mentioned comments on this video, if the mech does not last very long your kit is effectively useless your dmg isnt enough to save yourself. soft lock jamming is useless if they have a projectile based weaponry all they have to do is just aim at you. In no way it should be label as bad, but the keeping it in D tier is fine.

  22. Luminae main here. Played the entire open beta with him, 300+ matches and over 40 hours. The tournament results did not surprise me at all. This unit needs to be reworked because the kit design clashes with itself. The weapons are mid-ranged, but then Ability 1 (Haze) is melee range, and when we say melee range we mean so close that you are standing directly beside the target. Corruption Haze deals AoE dmg and scrambles the enemies FCS, meaning they can't lock on. This makes no sense because melee units do not need to lock on at that distance. So you can't stop melee units, and you also cannot disrupt ranged units unless they are in melee range. This ability needs the same properties as other taunt abilities. You should not be able to lock on to Luminae at all while Corruption Haze is up, that way he can deal with the units in melee range while not getting sniped from across the map or bombarded by the worst offenders, the Transformers (Falcon, Skyraider). Additionally, buff Luminae's defense across the board. Worst in every category compared to Pinaka. B-C-C-D. Not good enough for unit that does very little damage. I have much more I want to say about this unit but I'll leave it there. I'm still going to main him, and hope there are buffs coming.

  23. To begin with, there aren't that many teams in this tournament at all, so the sample size is paltry at best.

    Second, I know of at least ONE team who screwed up when picking Luminae. They were going for Luminae support, but accidentally picked Pinaka+Luminae instead. Since they lost the match they weren't able to progress.

  24. Funny that a Japanese team I followed went through the exact opposite process during the official Japanese tournament. They ditched super heavies during practise session then found out that the top 3 teams all ran Hurricanes and they absolutely can't deal with it. With a crack falcon/skyraider on both teams at all times, they cannot touch the objectives as they are getting interrupted constantly–Welkin's box is destroyed too quickly to be useful that's on top of getting penetrated by skyraider. They had to watch the victory slip when the objective they are trying to get was locked down by a falcon and the enemy just grabbed their target under the bubble of Hurricane.
    The other two super heavies are getting way too many walls dropped on them, maybe they would be fine once Pinaka is further nerfed. Narukami is certainly a surprise pick as it also performed poorly in Japanese tournament. The flyers are just too good to let it snipe in peace and it just can't help contest the objective as much.

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