Militaries are fuelling the climate crisis | All Hail

Militaries are fuelling the climate crisis | All Hail The Planet

#Militaries #fuelling #climate #crisis #Hail

“Al Jazeera English”

The impact of war is so much more than just the emissions from tanks, ships and warplanes – modern warfare has a devastating effect on people and the planet.

So, what is the scale of planetary destruction wrought by militaries? And in a world where nations justify war on the basis of supposed…



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  1. Thank you. Well done and agree with other comments .. it’s taken too long for this to be reported. Where there is human migration there is a climate catastrophe. If you’re living within your capabilities and your needs are met why would you want to move. Time for some change. We’re supposed to be in the time of enlightenment.

  2. War was in the past the continuation of politics by other means. Now war is, at most, a continuation of the profits of arms manufacturers through the violent destruction of politics and nature. During the English Revolution, revolutionary radicals said the world was upside down. This image was used by Marx, but it no longer makes any sense. The world has its intestines turned inside out, everything that is bad becomes mainstream: violence, lies, lack of empathy. And many applauding the genocide in Gaza. Yes… Permanent war is profitable, but the damage it causes is not temporary. This is why I stopped fearing a total nuclear war. It is a great death cure for a sick world. When the USA and its allies are completely devastated, the most important issue for survivors will be "what will I eat tomorrow" and not "what will I gain from the next war".

  3. You just wait. Biden was not much of a friend, he tried but his hands are also zip-tied. But TRUMP will make protesting a felony and the Government will just fill the jails with people exercising their Right to Peaceful Protest.

    This election could be the tipping point where the US becomes a Shadow Democracy turned into a Oligarchy.

  4. Maybe 50 generations of Goat Herding in the Sahel has a contributory effect of the desertification of the Sahel and the expansion of the Sahara?
    So, foster village based Regenerative Agriculture, or Syntropic Farming methods, making use of simple land shaping techniques like in their ancestral past the region had farmers that cut Half Moon patterns with sloping topography to allow for Serial Succession in the patterns. Planting cover plants and fruiting shrubs first and eventually taller tree species. These Half Moon patterns cut are very good and collecting and storing water from the seasonal rains and the cover plants produce nitrogen fixing interactions with soil fungi to enrich the soil.

    So they are learning to hold the water on the land and to cover the land and plant a mixture of species NOT Monoculture Farming.

    It's very sustainable.

  5. All those decades of the US and England and France and Germany colonizing 3rd world countries, turning their population into slaves and favoring a minority class of landowners to protect our interests in our colonies.

    The US and Latin America is directly a spiral of US imposing harsh European families upon the people of Latin America, getting preferential prices for their Sugar, Cocoa, Bananas, and Coffee.
    So these European families from Spain or Portugal were more than happy to keep the land in their family for centuries and the Amer-Indian Tribal peoples became the Serfs of Latin American like the Slav's and Poles and Balkan People were to the Rich Northern and Western European Countries.

    But eventually the Latin American Indigenous Tribal people had enough and started Migrating North to America.

    So the US created it's immigration problem because it would not support Socializing the Latin American Countries which would have make land reform and improvements of education and health care and wages standard practices in Latin America and the Native People would simply stayed home.

    But then the US would have marginally higher prices in Sugar and Cocoa and Bananas and Coffee and that meant that Rich Industrial Families of North America would not be as rich as they could be.

    Profit, greed, colonization, marginalization and slavery. So now we in America Reap what we Sowed.

  6. There's a concept you have to remember.
    If the Military is given a budget and does not use all the money in that FY, then the next year the Appropriations will reduce the budget to the smaller amount used. That leads to downsizing and to fewer units of whatever was funded, and fewer soldiers to maintain and operate, meaning a smaller Company or Division or fewer Companies and Divisions.

    That means reducing Officers too. And middle level Officers and Senior Officers don't want to be cut from the budget.

    So it's important to the Military that the Threat Level is always growing, maybe changing but over all growing. A Peaceful world means a smaller Army and people get discharged and Defense Contractors do the same.

    What did President Eisenhauer say? "Beware the Military Industrial Complex."

  7. The Green Warfare I seek to do is to go to a struggling country, in this case Bulgaria and to try to add plants to the land I have there. Maybe some evergreens and some other drought and cold tolerant species. The land is in an area that use to be scrub forests, then converted to vineyards during Communism, then plots were sold off to individuals by the city in this now Villa Zone by the town. It's mostly pensioners with small villas or Dacha's that garden and maybe raise some chickens or a turkey or two.

    The try to feed their kids now living in the town and who live in their parents' small Bloc flat.

    But I can try to turn my quarter acre into a sort of Rewilded plot, too small to matter much, but it would grow sustainably without tilling and sprays and irrigation so that is a low cost answer to unused land.

  8. You have to realize that we, Humanity have become the proverbial Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Forget the religious aspect of the prophecy.

    The Reality is we are committing environmental and human suffering crimes that are caused by War.
    The other three, famine, disease and death are the result of our Forever Wars.

    We are doing it now. It's Us. Not some metaphysical event. Humans have released these by our own actions and we can change if we can defeat the greed in Government and Industry.

  9. So, that idea of me parking the car as much as possible and planting some small trees and plants on the patio is like putting a message into a bottle saying Conserve-Sustain and tossing it into the Oceans hoping someone will read the note and take up a course of action too.

    But Some of our current US President hopefuls, RFK Jr and Chase Oliver from the Libertarian Party seem to want to close US overseas bases and shrink the US defense budget. Sounds great, but will the Dept of Defense allow it? Could lead to a Coup or an assassination.

  10. I have been asking these question and nobody is looking until now. When a bomb blows up, it releases gases but worse it destroys something. Maybe a piece of land or forest. That is harming the environment.

    How do we get the Business of War out of our Government?
    Just look at the fuels being burned and the manufacturing of ammo and equipment and all those things we build just to blow up or worse, when they get old, get sold to 3rd world countries and new systems replace them. Always have to have better stuff than the Chinese or Russians.

  11. The Climate Crisis is Everyone'S cRiSiS n O t just e n d i v i d u a l 'S — — x buT H o L L x —- — x COUNTRIE'S x Responsibility'S N O ONE SHOULD OR NEED's TO BE off there the List O F Companie'S Organization OR EVEN GOVERNMENT Organization'S 🤔 NO ,,,,,,MATTER,,,,,, HOW B I G T H A Y A R E E V E N THE H O L L United States of America'S's'S's MuLtIpLe WiNg'S's'S OF THE ACTUAL HOLL Military Force'S ALL OF IT . . . . .

  12. there's basically nothing redeeming about neoliberal ideology, it's quasi-fascist and emerged after the threat of industrialization to the biosphere was understood, it's embrace as the post Keynesian paradigm, climate change denialism, and modern neocolonialism are one in the same

  13. 'LESS IS MORE' ~
    Happiness doesn't come in a Box to U Door ~ In MY +50yrs – i've Witnessed MORE & MORE ~ More ' Selection' & Offers , more Choices & "LUXURYZ" AND TVs & Games, BigBox Stores, Cosmetics & Pharma, Phones & Computers, Gunz & Bombz, Cars & Trucks, Bikes & Sports, BBQs & Grillz, Cats & Dogs, Airplanes & Vacations, Cruise & Cargo ships, Fashions & Clothing, Toys & Gadgets, Containers & Packaging, Souvenirs & Storage depots, Water bottles & Coffee machines…
    More Spending ON OUR WANTS aint a GREEN FUTURE for Anyones CHILDREN

  14. MayFlower set sail into OUR FUTURE with theEND OF THE WORLD in their HEARTZ & MINDZ
    ""The Puritans are a really interesting group in apocalyptic history, because they really saw the prophecies of great blessings to the ancient Israelites applying to themselves"" from PBS FRONTLINE

  15. War has always been bad for the environment. But people are blinded by their media. Even when climate emergencies impact their area, they still deny climate change

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