
Militia Have A Problem (Solar Too)

Militia Have A Problem (Solar Too)

#Militia #Problem #Solar

“The Outer Circle”

One has to wonder do the writers actually play the game, because if 80% of your units are functionally unplayable, wouldn’t that be an issue? I mean, I’m with it for the rule of cool and I love the provenances as a way of adding flavour, but let’s be honest, the changes to morale, weapon skill…



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  1. One has to wonder do the writers actually play the game, because if 80% of your units are functionally unplayable, wouldn't that be an issue? I mean, I'm with it for the rule of cool and I love the provenances as a way of adding flavour, but let's be honest, the changes to morale, weapon skill and weapons means that this edition all of the Militia/Solar weapons that were once amazing against Astartes are not, and cost the same… but every weapon the Astartes has is just as good or got better against Militia/Solar without a price increase. On what planet do you call that good writing? Anyone? I'm not asking for perfect balance here, but throw me a bone at least and.. oh, I don't know, attempt it?

  2. The criticism of the Militia list is valid. To get the flavor of Imperial Army – somewhere between untrained militia masses and Solar aux ,I run my guys with the Penal Solar Aux rules.
    I don't think the Aux rules can really fall under the same critique (except for the malcador and most russ turrets under performing .. mono build etc.), I've have had a fantastic time killing marines and my cheap carapace infantry sticks around all game if people are running all comers lists.

    The investment of GW into Aux can only be a good thing, I assumed they would rewrite the rules to make the dracosan and malcador sell properly, but even if they don't, new units are definitely still welcome.

  3. Funny you should bring this up… I just played a game the other night. Militia vs Iron warriors. Militia didn’t stand a chance. Game done and dusted by turn two.

    Third line is awful. Baneblade went down on turn one. As each glance counts as a pen… and each explode results in an additional D3 hull points..

    Cheaper vehicles would help

    Militia were way cooler and more competitive.

  4. I guess… the idea is you build, paint and field about 200 Solar Auxilia/Militia… and just pull 25 or more of them from the table each shooting phase/assault phase. So… buy lots ok. /GW

    -ex Guard player here. Cover is god, and well… you're gonna lose a lot of troops anyway. Horus Heresy is a 3+ Man's world.

  5. I don't care what you say, having a 1/6 chance to start the game pinned is hilarious. The rest of the table needs to be good enough AND useful enough (having a chance of getting night vision is not helpful, even if the rule is good) to offset it, but I honestly do like it. There's something very appealing about the derp in the militia list. It's just unfortunate that its entertainment value is spoiled by the army being far too limited in viable options.

  6. So a small trick I found to make militia better is to run your leman russ tanks in an allied Detachment. It allows you to get the multiple Russes in, but leaves you with the possibility of taking two, non-tank related provenances. I think Cavalry is OK, but you have to commit them in the Cavalry provenance and hide them, then use their speed to dart out to objectives late in the game.

  7. There needs to some kind of Tyrants legion formation, with space marines essentially acting as commissars, all ofnthe old fluff described space marines on both sides sending in waves of humans, uncaring of the casualty rates either because they didnt care or they simply didnt understand how squishy baseline humans were compared to themselves

  8. So I'm 29 minutes into the video and all I'm wondering is what the hell is even the point of militias other than to get tabled before turn one. It's all boils down to "they fight like youth conscripts". Without any good points guess good rules will be included in the next expensive box set for the army. Go paint some imperial fists.

  9. @TheOuterCircle So I like faction rules that might give a negative effect on a roll of 1, as long as two criteria are filled:
    A; the buffs on a 6 (and a 5) are very good to make up for inevitable 1s
    B; there are some ways to mitigate 1s eg. WHF black orc boss could inflict D3 wounds to make up for an animosity in his unit.

    But maybe I’m only of this opinion because I like narrative and fluff over competitive?

  10. I agree with almost all what you said. The only point which i disagree is the arvus, they seems aweful at first sight, but it is our only deep strike possibility in the army without taking provenances, and they can hover when they land. They will get intercepted true, but unless they explode their troops will go out unharmed. Even if they explode, half of the squad will survive (4+ save). 12 grenadiers with assault needlers is really a menace to not underestimate, and for 145 point for a full arvus it is not a big deal if you lose them, but they can bring so much on the table in term of mobility. Believe me when you play militia, every astartes will go all in and forget to screen they backfield, and even 5 krak grenade will render any artillery tank useless, and 5 assault needler will kill some rapiers. The only downside of the arvus is that they eat fast attack slots, but except for somewhat sentinels and thunderbolts, no choices are useful.

  11. Thanks for the detailed video. Would you be willing to do a video covering what changes using the Panoptica team's modifications to the rules? Its a widely used fan addition that claims to fix lots of the problems so it would be interesting to see iflt reviewed by someone with a critical eye

  12. You have low points cost but high financial invest let alone the time need to paint and build. it feels like militia and solar is just a waste of effort. The only thing militia has going for it is being 40k compatible.

  13. I like to think that the third line land raiders are ones that are too badly damaged to repair so they've been scavenged for parts and whatever husk is left gets given to the militia who "refurbish" it into a totally viable combat vehicle, the same way the home guard did in WW1 with basically anything they could get their hands on.

  14. Regarding [the Malcador] sponson fire arc: You've made this criticism in previous videos but how the gun is actually modelled is irrelevant to the sponsons arc You just draw a line down the centre of the tank (Page 206).

  15. During the Praxil compliance the Imperium fought their warriors who were genetically augmented and drugged up criminals who could even put astartes on the backfoot and were such an issue contingents of the Blood Angels and Imperial Fists were sent in to assist the current force of Emperors Children, after compliance these forces were integrated into the Imperium's forces. Gene crafted and Alchem jackers aren't going to represent these you'd have to proxy with the astartes rules to represent them.

  16. To be charitable, I think that the developers see Militia/Solar as being something to be used in narrative battles, and not as a serious force. That's how they slipped in to doing these lazy modular rules then nerfing them to make sure they aren't really very good.

    Almost literally, this is an army where doing ANYTHING leads to you taking mass casualties, including when you attack the enemy. That's not fun, full stop. That's also not worth playing. It really seems that the only plausible strategy would be to take so many dudes that you don't care about return fire and overwatch, you just send wave after wave of men to their deaths.

    The problem with that is of course that no-one enjoys rapidly removing very expensive minis from the tabletop, and anyway on real tabletop having so many dudes actually becomes a detriment. Your dudes are getting in each others way, and the simple mass of bodies means that you can't just shrug and charge yet another unit. They can't join in unless they make it into base contact. So no matter how cheap the militia are, it almost wouldn't matter. Because simply having enough attacks/shots to achieve something doesn't mean you can actually focus those onto the enemy units you want.

    This compounds when you remember how missions work, where you have to either go forward to take/contest objectives, or just kill more squads of the enemy. You have a huge mass of dudes, which means you can't exploit cover and LOS as you move. You also have whole squads that die and give up VP very easily. So how are you going to win this game?

    I do think that the whole Militia and Solar Aux lists need to just be shredded and start over. It would be helpful to just scrap the attempt at modular lists with customisable traits, since they are mostly dreadful anyway, and it means that no-one ever gets unique stuff, which hurts them overall.

    Personally I want to see more lists (Siege Auxilia, Vanguard Militia, Suicide Cultists) that are built and (somewhat) balanced amongst themselves. That way you can make completely unique list entries which are strong but can't be combined with other things. And then you can tweak values and upgrades and slots to account for the issues that show up. It also allows for more in depth special rules, so you can make your cultists gladly go to their deaths, and when they die demons get spawned or something.

    More lists also allows for more exotic and interesting things. I always loved the flavour of the Tyrant's Legion list from way back when, where you had a mix of marines and militia. Why don't we have that in 30k? Having a handful of marines to be the backbone of a militia force is perfect for fluff, and also plays interestingly and allows for some more interesting additions. Traitors can use them as meat shields, Loyalists draw enemy fire.

    Even if the humies have to stay squishy and dying a lot, what we need is a way to contextualize that so they aren't just a punching bag. If it's a war of attrition, that's cool, just give them the old Vraks rule where units that die or run come back on from reserves at full strength. Or they raise demons. Or they have a titan maniple who show up on turn 3, or fleet support and lance strikes happen. Or really anything so that you aren't just hoping the opponent rolls bad.

  17. You want the assault needlers for the grenadiers instead of the volkite. It has more firepower than the volkite with a little but more range and the pinning rule. That weapon option can also melt automata and dreadnoughts really well with the huge number or wounds you can still cause to them.

    You forgot discipline masters as well for militia. They pretty much fix your leadership problems with that army.

  18. I know you have a weird relationship with them, but panoptica have a done a lot to help the militia in their works. I do however agree we shouldnt HAVE to use 3rd party and that these rules should get touch ups from GW…. but i guess they are too busy suckling IF to care.

  19. You may as well take Erebus as an auto include in a evil militia army as an ally 😀

    summon daemon sovereigns and makes the big unit he's with fearless. ofc he'll probably get sniped, so if heavy on snipers stick him in the allied tact squad.

    Milita only work when you ally stuff in or use them as an ally. Can still be themed and fun.

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