
Monster Hunter Wilds Gameplay – Capcom’s Greatest Open

Monster Hunter Wilds Gameplay – Capcom’s Greatest Open World Yet

#Monster #Hunter #Wilds #Gameplay #Capcoms #Greatest #Open

“PlayStation Access”

We’ve seen a Monster Hunter Wilds demo behind closed doors at Summer Games Fest and think it’s Capcom’s greatest world yet. Monster Hunter Wilds open world is packed with dynamic weather, environmental threats and an incredible ecosystem of battling monsters. Rob has full impressions and…



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  1. They said officially the game isn't open World, it will still use separated zones it's just the zones will be larger and seamlessly connected to towns and villages. There's still loaded separation between habitats.

  2. Interesting point about Monster Hunter not being a dark and gloomy world, because I kind of feel like it should be. Maybe it’s the environmentalist in me, but if I’m going to be killing powerful and majestic creatures with massive weapons, I want to have a strong motivation for doing it. I want to feel like a hunter in a savage world where humans aren’t at the top of the food chain, desperately holding the line against the beasts that rule this world to defend the few rugged bastions of civilisation. Instead, the games make me feel more like a kid pulling the wings off flies.

    Maybe it’s the gameplay loop of killing each monster over and over again to gather the materials to make your equipment, even though you could easily make at least five suits of armour and a dozen swords (yes, even Monster Hunter swords) from one of those creatures, but I think it’s the presentation as well. It doesn’t feel like humans are struggling to survive in this world, and each new monster feels less like a worthy opponent to be engaged and fought as an equal and more like a fresh addition to the menu – “And what kind of beast would sir like to kill today?”

    In World, they even tried to put an environmentalist spin on it by framing your hunts as “research expeditions”, which reminds me uncomfortably of Japan’s justification of whaling for “research purposes”. Maybe I’m reading too much into it; it is, after all, just a game. But tone and presentation go a long to way to determining how a game makes you feel, and Monster Hunter makes me feel like – well, a monster.

  3. Oh! I'm jealous Rob, you sneaky devil! The game looks so great. I wonder where in the monster hunter universe this game sits. If its around MHW or a different universe altogether

  4. I'd like to hear about Rob's time in LA. As an American viewer, there are so many moments where I'm intrigued, and at times confused, by what the crew are talking about. Whether that be slang, laws, customs, FOOD, etc.


  5. Sound so cool would sooo like to see.
    I really don't get why the don't release footage of this.
    They really gonna sit on all the apparent good stuff for 2 months straight and rely on word of mouth alone :/

  6. This makes me want a Monster Hunter Stories with these graphics and a more grown up story. I really don't want to kill these beautiful creatures, but riding them? Awesome 😁

  7. I love Rob… he's probably my favorite at Access. But it's hard to take him seriously after he said Veilguard was the best looking game he's ever seen.

    Either way I'm very stoked for Wilds. World was phenominal in pretty much every way, I hope Wilds fixes the few issues that existed there.

  8. This is something i have been hoping for monster hunter since world! I love that they are focusing on the ecosystems and monster/animals ecology! It would be cool for certain monsters to hunt you down as prey during expeditions! Monsters waiting to ambush you as prey and a flying wyvern swooping down like a bird of prey and pick you off the ground to take you back to its nest!

  9. Is there any gimmick mechanic in place yet? (World had clutch claw, Rise wirebugs). Older titles (Rise too) had weapon skills/abilities, are they going to be in Wilds or is it too soon?

  10. I've consumed all the monster hunter wilds content to date. This game is gonna be amazing, and it looks GORGEOUS. Now we just need them to give it the love it deserves and not rush it out, Same care they gave world.

  11. I'm a bit confused as to whether you can switch weapons on the fly because it seems like the hunter could go from Great Sword to Bowgun while on the Seikret so does that mean you can have any weapon on there or do you have to select a specific secondary one?

  12. You know that game series you so desperately want your friends to get into? They’ve never tried it and you know deep in your soul that they would fall in love with it and regret the years they’ve wasted never playing it? That’s what Monster Hunter is friends. Give it a try!

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