My life story no cuts just raw talkage. CNC, uCs,

My life story no cuts just raw talkage. CNC, uCs, College, Architecture, Urban Design, and Families!

#life #story #cuts #raw #talkage #CNC #uCs


I spill my guts, Jimmy cracked corn and I just really don’t care! Comment if you wish, unsubscribe if you wish, like if you wish, and dislike if you wish. I do these videos for me and the people and customers who care because I care about them! Nuff said!

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  1. You inspired me to build a CNC back in 2013. I based it on your 'Blackfoot' CNC and ordered a lot of parts through your store. At that time it was (still is) prohibitively expensive to ship stuff from the U.S. to Australia. You put me onto a few suppliers locally and gave me the confidence to 'just give it a go'. I used that same machine today, 11 years later. It's still predominantly made out of plywood and still runs on the original V-groove bearings. Sure there are better machines around but for what I use it for (mainly woodworking and 3D carving) it is fine.
    Being self built, I understand the behavior of my machine intimately, so when it does someing weird, I can troubleshoot the problem and fix it myself all because of the resources you have given us.
    Thank you.

  2. I've known Patrick Hood-Daniel for a long time and consider him a friend. I 've worked with him on a multitude of projects personal and professional, including writing updates to PayPal gateway code he allegedly doesn't accept, and money has changed hands in both directions countless times. I testify to the world that he is a man of impeccable integrity in every aspect of life, a man of admirable character, a steadfast friend, and the purest example of a life-long learner I have ever known or probably will ever know. He's all signal, no noise, and one of my favorite human beings. Just keep learning and sharing Patrick.

  3. I wanted to learn AVR-C after playing with Arduino and found your channel. I truly appreciate the work you have done and shared with the community. I learned a great deal from your videos.

    If someone wants to take the time and effort to make careless reaction videos on educational contents then they need to reconsider their life choices.

    Please keep up the great work. Thank you!

  4. I appreciate your work. I started following your channel years ago and bought your DVD on AVR microcontrollers and your starter kits which I still use and reference to this day. Thanks.

  5. I have been watching you since 2012(2nd year of my bachelor's in electrical engineering). I had started learning AVR and embedded systems then, and you helped me power through those topics.

  6. What kind of miserable human being takes the work of a philanthropist like Patrick and tries to outsmart him? Get help, little guy… you are not qualified to level up to Patrick’s level. Come on!!!

  7. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I also as many other appreciate your hard work. It doesn't matter if someone is very smart or not… Work consistency and organization is what makes someone's efforts matter !!!

  8. Thanks for this video because it's nice to see more about the person I've watched particularly for all those STM32 microcontroller videos and moments in this video where I find myself nodding. As a result and without wishing to be offensive in any way, have you ever wondered or checked if you are on the autistic spectrum? Greetings from the UK.

  9. I see a brave man and wise one to, like your son said, "get over it".
    We cant afford losing to much time on those kind of toxic stuff.
    Thanks for all the sharing, teaching, etc.
    Great channel!

  10. People are cruel sometimes and the problem is that we, the ones that really appreciate your work and efforts, are not as vocal as the haters. I have been always interested into electronics but never had the occasion to study it. Found your videos in 2011 about AVR microcontrollers and it changed everything. You've explained everything so simply, so clearly that I fell in love with all your work. You're a great person and you're helping much more people than you can comprehend. Don't let haters break your spirit and stop you from being that source of knowledge and inspiration that you've always been for us, the silent crowd of your fans.

  11. Sir,

    Cant we just secure the step and direction signals by increasing the voltage?
    Is it possible?
    I have learned that Some expensive controllers like masso are using differential 24v signals.
    can we make the signals more immune that way??? any possibilities?/ Or Its a stupid thing?
    Can we do that and by shortening the USB cable to the pc or even installing a separate PC motherboard within the cnc enclosure to reduce the usb cable length??

  12. A friend of mine commented bellow that you changed someone life. That is true, I made a whole life career because of your videos. Back then, there was limited to no resources. I didn't understand anything about programming from college. I didn't have money to buy fancy equipements, I didn't have mentor, I had literally nothing to start with. But you completely changed my life for more than 11 years. I became embedded software engineer in multinational companies, I worked with all nationalities, I moved to Germany and now I am software project manager in the automotive industry. I teached many young engineers software. And all was because of you.

  13. Hi. As you are referring to me, i just would like to be completely correct. In the Corvetteguy50 video i commented ''I watched this video yesterday and i was tempted to send you the link'' , but i did not send the link of your video, but Corvetteguy50 found the video by himself before i commented his video. All that only for clarification.

  14. Hi Patrick, your first book was an inspiration to me and I used it to help me design my CNC Foam cutter for RC aeroplanes. A very emotional and honest video thanks for sharing. One piece of advice I have used is "Don't put yourself down there are enough people who will do that" During my working career we had yearly reviews, After that I was always down and my wife could tell it was that time of year. We had to do a self-assessment on how we rated ourselves in different categories. So after taking the advice, I rated myself top in every category. At the review, they asked why I had done that. I said, "I think I'm doing the best job I can if you don't then tell me what I need to do." It shocked them. Nothing much changed after that but I felt a lot better, I just marked everything as average after that. In the end, I decided it was a waste of time by poor management and why get upset about it. I just got in and out of the review as quick as I could. Sorry for the long comment. Please keep doing what you are doing I will always watch not because of this video but because your content is top dog. All the best for the future

  15. This video popped up on my recommended feed. Gotta say you do have great content and, just keep doing what you are doing! I'm not into CNC but, I do like the electrical side of things. I feel ya on being on sensitive and what not. I was into computers / Tech a lot in HS and, had to deal with the same thing from people growing up. (Even from family members).

  16. I am a no one to you from Australia. I watched the other bloke for a few months and as a Electrical Mechanic I stopped watching him and will not tell you what I thought of him. I found your channel a few years ago and have been watching all your videos that you have put out…. Keep up the good work and never stop. one day I will learn CAD and follow my passion in robotics. I will be the last subscriber you will ever have. LOL.

  17. I am writing this anonymously. I used to wonder about behaviors similar to what you are experiencing and then I finally realized – it is how toy poodles will behave around a large dog. They may bark and nip at your heels but it is just something the little dogs do to try to appear bigger than they are. The best thing to do is to find a way to laugh it off – if someone behaves like this a lot and you find they are once again nipping at your heels, it is probably because you are doing something right, which made them feel small (for their own reasons and not because of something you did). I enjoyed the video, hope to continue to see more.

  18. Ranting is the trademark of the corvette channel host, and once he done rating about others he will get a hard one telling how impressed he is with himself. Its toxic jalousy, just ignore him and keep doing what you do.

  19. Hopefully I can find the time to watch the whole video this weekend, but for now I want to say thanyou for helping me get my first CNC mill which I design and built running. That was almost 3 years ago when I had to leave my job in a different career field due to the economy back then. I was lost, but thanks to your channel and other maker's channels that taught me new skills and now I'm starting my own car parts manufacturing business. Thank you.

  20. I posted a comment on your last video to which you responded very quickly and addressed my concern, which I appreciate. I've been watching your content for a long time and built my first cnc conversion based on the information you have provided. You did a short series on AVR microcontrollers probably 10+ years ago and I found them to be really helpful. Thank you for doing what you do for so many years.
    In my last comment I almost said that you should prepare yourself for a corvetteguy69 response but I chose to not even put that out into the universe in hopes that it wouldn't happen. The guy is pretty brutal sometimes. Take care.

    Edit: I am a professional CNC machinist now and that would not have happened without you and several other YouTubers who were providing so much quality information at a time when there was little to no compensation besides the benefit of communities that formed around them. Again….thank you!

  21. hi
    sincerely I think you are a good guy.
    don't bother with this kind of video, this person sifts through youtube to criticize and it's not even constructive.
    I learned a lot with your videos on the stm32 mcu.

  22. I built my little cnc because of you, it was different from yours, because I had no money to buy good parts, but I learned a lot from you,your're a good teacher,a good man, extremely smart, I wish I had your high IQ, people like you who teaches other people because you want them to learn worth a lot, keep up the excellent work, and don't let other people hurt you, is just comments,that's it.

  23. hello
    your channel is very educational and well detailed.
    you don't have to worry about these kinds of comments, there are always people who criticize without seeing the videos.

  24. There are those of us, like you, who humbly try things, sometimes make mistakes and we learn from them as we keep going. Then their are those who arrogantly try to make themselves out as superior by trampling on others with no care for the person. Whether this corvette guy has helpful knowledge to share or not I wouldn't give him a second thought with his arrogant condescending attitude. It is good to point out where someone is making a mistake but no need to be so rotten about it nor attack a persons character. I watched his video. I don't care what he knows, he is not my kind of people.

  25. I have not seen his video but for yourself, forget it. Years ago, and i dont even know how far back , i started getting interested in cnc by watching your videos. You were showing how you built the tables in a way that i could build one myself if i wanted to. Sometime people say things that hurt others that are not necessary to say, and solve nothing by saying them. Just relax and do what you do noing that you are helping some of us, and the others only matter if you let them. Thanks for your instructional videos you supply to thouse of us they help. Thanks again andrelax and take it easy.

  26. Hello. I’ll say right away that I could understand the video incorrectly, or there will be errors in my message, since my English is bad. Anyway, I came across your channel thanks to a video about microcontrollers. I'm interested in this topic. I rarely watch your videos, as I am still just starting to understand electronics, and many of your videos are not understandable to me at this stage. I haven’t heard about the video with hate towards you, but I want to say something. I am impressed by videos of this format, where people talk about themselves. At such moments, I understand that you can achieve a lot with the help of work. you are a very smart person. I didn’t even expect that you are also an architect. I plan to buy your book on electronics. is this possible if i live in europe?
    In general, I would like to thank you for your videos. I hope everything goes well for you. We are all human and I understand your feeling.

  27. I follow 3D printing, Laser, Machining, both manual and CNC and a few other topics on YouTube. I always enjoy the stories of how people got to where they are which so often involves a complex and sometimes convoluted path. A connection to computers, programming, IT or controls seems to be a common theme along with a desire to learn. I encourage you to keep doing what you are doing.

  28. Your channel has been instrumental in helping me grasp how to manipulate bits on an 8-bit device, enabling the creation of complex functionalities and observing their real-world results. Many of us owe you a great deal for this! Your videos stand out because they aren’t just “watch me code,” “watch me build circuits,” or “look how cool I am” tutorials. Instead, you have a natural talent for breaking down complex concepts and making them accessible to everyone. You’ve made it easy for many of us to learn. So, don't let the opinions of a few naysayers from nowhere affect you—they don't define the incredible impact you’ve had.

  29. Patrick, Rick Beato has a music channel on YouTube with millions of subscribers. In one of his videos, he was talking about speaking with a friend about some of the negative comments he receives on his work. His friend said that those negative comments are really folks commenting about themselves, and the positive comments are really folks commenting about themselves. I thought that was interesting.

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