
My Top 10 Best Photos of 2023

My Top 10 Best Photos of 2023

#Top #Photos

“Watts Wildlife”

Happy new year! Enjoy the photos, and thanks for watching and following along!







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  1. Great vid highlighting your favorite pics. Pica is cool. I’ve seen many in the back country over the years in the Tetons at high elevation. I like your pic of Snow, but 399 is amazing. I was lucky to see her a few years ago with her 4 cubs. I also watched her and her new cub for a few hours in June a few weeks after she emerged. I appreciate your tips on the pics. I’m a novice photographer, but trying to get better. Just picked up a better lens for Xmas based on your channel motivating me and seeing so much wildlife last summer. You’re a good guy for taking care of your girlfriend. Health and people come first. 👍

  2. Thank you for sharing your favs, and your story. You are wonderfully genuine, and it shows in your work. Prayers for your girlfriend's full recovery, and much prosperity in 2024. PS: the Pika pic is adorable, and majestic. love it!

  3. Great photos! I really love the one with the bears swimming. Stepping back from photography and YouTube and stepping up to support your girl… that’s what life is all about. Being there for the ones you care about! No one can fault you for being away.

  4. Thanks Evan. I bought a large canvas print of 399 for my wife and we love it. Super high quality. Also bought a pic of the falls. Hope your partner gets better soon and appreciate the videos.

  5. Thank you Evan for sharing these beautiful photos. They are all great. I love the 610 & family crossing the River , very unique capture and off coarse your photo of 399 and her cub is such a special shot in so many ways. Hope your girlfriend is doing well and I wish you a great 2024.

  6. With your talents, Evan, and your determination, you'll make up for those 2023 speed bumps. We're pulling for you here in Texas. Do you plan on doing any photo guiding in Yellowstone or Grand Teton?

  7. My favorite is the environmental one of Snow. I believe getting the perfect environmental image, to be harder to capture than that detailed portrait shot most of the time. It was great to hear and see your excitement while giving some detailed background on your best 10!!

  8. I’m so sorry to hear about your girlfriend. I hope she’s doing better now. She’s lucky to have you support her like that. And I liked all those photos but I think that moose photo is stunning. I loved the blue and yellow color contrast in it.

  9. That was a great collection of images, and you are fully entitled to be proud of them. I connected more with the arches image and the one of the bear in the burnt-out area and the Pronghorn and the Grizzly and her cub but still liked the rest! You have grown as a photographer and a videographer a great deal, except for one thing. You have nothing to apologize to us for, you have shared your life, your photography and videos and time with us and we are still here and we enjoy it. We all understand life happens and plans change, the only hope I have is that you get to continue in your passion, whatever that may be and life does not give you anything you cannot deal with. You sir, inspire people with your work and your compassion, just make sure you save some of that compassion for yourself. Evan have a great 2024 and when you have more to share we will be happy to see it. Nick from British Columbia

  10. Huge props for stepping away to help a partner in need. Such a huge testament to your character. We will be happy with whatever content you are able to share. Wishing healing and improved health to your partner!

  11. Really loved your end of year review and life updates Evan. You were meant to get that shot of a lifetime of 399 to soften your hard year I think! The stories behind your gorgeous photos make them even more special and picking favorites is next to impossible on so many levels. I must say as you were going through them, the Pika image really made me smile because of the overall composition I think, or maybe because I live not far from the North Cascades and it feels so much like home! Wishing you the best for 2024!

  12. You always put out quality content over quantity , and your content (videos/photos) are awesome. You've inspired me to take up wildlife photography, and all I can say is what you get for photos I hope I can achieve close to that one day

  13. EVAN!!! Glad to see you back. Loved the entire collection and I know it reflects a great year. I might disagree with your "last" choice. I think the moose shot is great. It's a bulls eye composition which generally doesn't work as well but in this case it works quite nicely because of the moose's intense gaze which draws you right into the center of his presence. That very head on confrontational "don't mess with me" attitude that a moose can have comes through very strong. Nice to see the nature of the animal which is sometimes hard to do in a photo. I also think you hammered it on 610 and cubs crossing the river. Kathy Moran, a photo editor at Nat Geo was asked what she thought makes a great photo. Her answer was "I look for the surprise." When I first looked at the 610/river frame I thought I was looking at a small mountain range. The surprise came in a few seconds when I realized it was bears crossing in river mist. I loved that moment. I too love a pleasant surprise when I see a photo for the first time. Fantastic. I know you had a rough year but it looks like that may all be behind you. (Fingers crossed.) I know this winter will more than make up for lost time and opportunity. Can't wait to see what's coming. Oh yes, as usual, great exposure on the snow/sheep shot. Nice feeling of motion as well. While we're at it I'll say the Pica shot gave a very Ansel Adams feel in that you put yourself in it's place. A very small place and that gives you an incredible perspective on that vast expanse and stunning background. now BRING ON WINTER😁

  14. I will always feel happy when one of your vlogs pops up in my notifications! No matter how long it has been since the last one, I am so anxious to see each one. I am a sentimental old fool (just turned 76 last month) and the 399 picture still causes a welling of tears in my eyes no matter how often I see it. To me it is the photo of the century. I hope this spring you will see 399 again, with or without COY. Best of wishes this coming year for your photography goals, your vlogs, and in your personal life. Happy New Year indeed!

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