

NARUTO’S WORDS MOVE NAGATO’S SOUL!! Girlfriend’s Reaction Naruto Shippuden Episode 174


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  1. I feel like Naruto grew more in this arc than any other storyline in this series. After Jiraiya’s death and meeting Pain, Naruto became a lot more mature and focused on his goals of changing the ninja world. I guess you can say that Pain really did force Naruto to grow up.

  2. If only there were no religions in this world. But still, most people are dumb and they believe in magic, magic and miracles. The world would be a hundred times better without fictional gods

  3. When watching first time I genuinely felt sad for three orphans, because Lithuania is so close To Belarus and Russian borders, we could be at war as well, al I want is to live a simple life I don't care much about these toxic success videos and all that macho gym grinding stuff videos. I'm just an ordinary guy who doesn't have any special skills, my only good skills are English and Russian language knowledge, I learned these languages at at young age mostly Russian. As for my hobbies I don't have any cool hobbies like most people, my only hobby is drawing monster designs and their evolved forms as well, also I write their story where they usually reside and what is their duty monsters also have their different element so far I have created fire monster, water monster, nature monster, lightning monster designs and currently I'am stuck at earth monster design it's a dog but becomes a very powerful god in his final form. As for names I usually use japanese names and combine it with a specific trait or something to fuse the names and create one name for example flametatsu, flame means flame, but tatsu from japanese language means dragon, so basically flametatsu means flame dragon. My designs are not very good they are not even professional looking, but at least I have hobby, it would be impossible to make this hobby into work. Anyway thank you for your videos as usual.

  4. Free Will and Destiny are quite the complex concept. As someone that has had too many coincidences in his life, it is hard for me to deny destiny is extremely prominent in this world. I also believe that we have the free will to choose which route to take depending on our specific understanding or realization of those said coincidences. Everything we do is a product of our perceived culture, but we have the ability to create and modify our culture to better benefit us in the now and the future. In my opinion, I believe that we have to paths of Destiny, and Free Will is the product of our own choices due to our perception of our current culture.

  5. Mainly destiny given what we discover later and also given the fact that he literally had no other choice with what was going on around him at the time. Everytime he believed in his ideologies something important was taken from him and then his only light in the world Yahiko got taken because of their search for peace. He literally had no chance man.

  6. why do you guys cut some parts in editing? its probably to reduce boring parts but all it does is disrupts the flow and makes the viewing experience worse

  7. somethings meant to happen you could not avoid it, and sometimes you had the choice , right and wrong are clear but also circumstances determine that outcome, to chose wrong and blame destiny thats not valid, and to chose right and make u feel righteous also not valid . a person will only struggle all his life to try to live best life he could few mistakes and few rights choices some of the choice that was wrong turned good to other, and some choices could benefit me but hurt other . simply u only see what u see , i believe nagato killing was definitely wrong no arguing about it but in his mind he did what he thought was necessarily. if he didn't do what he did naruto would not have learnt sage jutsu naruto would not read the novel and would not decide to follow his master goals (or even meet his father which also where naruto learnt that Tobi is the mastermind. thats destiny)..and nagato if not for the life he lived he would not resort to such measures and thats a choice nagato made there is always price to be paid in the end but those who do not sacrifice are the cowards i see choice and destiny are working hand in hand together freewill is true and choices are real same equally, but to kill is never a choice in this story nagato had that ability to recorrect some of his mistakes by reviving those who died in the hidden leaf. if u think sometimes u did something wrong and u wish to go back and correct them that comes from your nature of feeling guilt which already show ur true self of trying to do the right look ahead learn from your mistakes and never give up on hope or urself .

  8. spoilers

    Well, we all know who manipulated Nagato, so it wasn't destiny, neither it was free will. It's something that happens in real life too and that's called making someone expendable. Naruto facing pain alone and defeating him is what I call destiny and Nagato choosing to change after what he has been through it all is actually his free will.

  9. To your question, Nagato wanting to kill the Hanzo followers, Danzo and the Leaf’s Root Foundation was more than justified as they’re involved in more than half of the entire nations problems or wars. However everyone was already dead from natural causes or he killed them by this era so causing pain too a nation of innocent people and kids is over emotional and terrible strategy for what he wants to accomplish.

  10. I think it's result of free will rather than destiny. But not just Nagato's free will but everyone's choices from their free will.

    For example Jiraya's choice of training Nagato, Yahiko and Konan. And Hanzo's choice of betraying them. So it's the result of choices from everyone's free will.

    About question of free will, I once heard someone saying that everyone has freedom to choose. But that we don't have privilege to determine, what will happen because of that choice.

    For example Hanzo did not see that his choice of betraying Nagato, Yahiko and Konan would cause his death.

    And for example your choice to ask viewers about free will vs destiny on Nagato's decisions caused me to choose to write this comment. But I don't know what will happen after posting this comment.

    Anyway great reaction as always! Been watching your videos since your reaction Dragonball Z episode 95 and you have become one of my favorite reactors.

  11. He named the main character of the novel Naruto. Why? Looking closer at the scene, he saw ramen and one of its versions called Narutomaki. This also explains why manga creator gave Naruto a love for ramen.

  12. I'm sorry I watched this incredible episode over and over and I still don't have the answer to that, but one thing do really hit hard how the hero in the book changed because it stopped believing in himself, and I think a lot of people now experience that same experience, different circumstances makes a person change but that's one question I can't really answer doesn't mean I don't understand it I just don't have that the correct answer to that question😊

  13. The lesson is always our will to choose. For good or bad. I’m an Art teacher. And I’ve seen my share of bad behavior in the 14 years I’ve taught . And while circumstances can try to push us down a path, we always have a choice. To do what’s right or not. I hear this alot “ he made me do
    It” whatever that may be. No one makes you do anything. You make that choice. For whatever reason. No matter how dire things get, you have a choice. The lesson and inspiration with Naruto is that he’s already chosen to never give up or give in. Never allow your circumstances of the moment or over time to change who you are as a person. Don’t give in to the things that can drive us down the wrong path. Things like anger, resentment, or feelings of not being in control. It’s not only a lesson we should bestow upon our children but we as adults should remember it as well. To quote Rocky; “ It ain’t about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”

  14. Found recently the reason why heros in these animes rarely kill any villain. Shonen Jump has a rule that the heros that they publish must have Mercy and Patience, to promote a positive message. Kishimoto came up with this ending of the Pain arc with this in mind and decided to have them talk instead of fight to the death with a twist death. It's actually a genius idea and made the end of Pain so much better than it needed to be.

  15. It's free will. You still have to make the choice to accept your destiny. If he accepted it earlier, things would have been different. People who see the future see the finish line but not the journey in between because that in between is created by the choices we make. 2 child's of profacy, and it was supposed to be 1 by example. Due to the choices made, it became 2.

  16. It’s interesting that sometimes, all it takes to settle things is to talk things out, rather than use force. I know it doesn’t always work that way, but it’s something that should be considered instead of resorting to violence, which leads to more pain and suffering.

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