
NATO PREPARES FOR WAR! Current Ukraine War Footage And

NATO PREPARES FOR WAR! Current Ukraine War Footage And News With The Enforcer (Day 673)

#NATO #PREPARES #WAR #Current #Ukraine #War #Footage

“The Enforcer”

NATO is preparing for war with Russia, as a statement by the Dutch minister of defense advises the public to stock up on food and water, and prepare for what may come. This warning comes as Russian forces are still being destroyed in head on attacks onto Ukrainian lines, with Ukraine posturing…



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  1. 14:20 Denmark is preparing as well ! i just saw in the news yesterday, that we have begun counting up how many bunkers, or like safety rooms we have. the sad thing is alot of them is not used as safety rooms anymore, and the counting is going soooo slow

  2. It's alright @The Enforcer and Matt. I hope everything works out OK for you both. I'm sure it will. Y'all are going to be OK. It's OK.
    Thank you for all you do. Take care.❤

  3. Hey guys me & Festus has to watch the stream the next morning & I had noticed the time frame & was wondering why such a short show. U guys take care of ur stress I'm 53 & Festus is 11 now & both of us have had to deal with way to much stress it's not a good thing it will eat u alive please be safe ❤️

  4. The advice regarding preparedness could be in light of the heightened security concerns surrounding grey-zone warfare, sabotage and things of that nature. I recently heard three ports on the west coast of the United States were closed due by CCP hacking operations. A water treatment plant was also compromised by Russian agents.

    At this stage, just hope for the best and plan for the worst

  5. I'll probably miss it if anyone answers, but why did'nt wegive the A10 planes to Ukraine. I obviously don't know much or would not ask that question. I just thought it was a good Jet for this type of war. If you know, leave an answer and I should get notice.

  6. Thank you for still making the stream Enforcers!
    Keep in mind that most people nowadays go through multiple careers and life paths in their lifetime. It's normal, but I completely understand, it can be very stressful for the first couple major changes. Stress sucks, but you'll get through it, believe in yourselves and take time off when you need it.
    Thank you to everyone who sees russia for what it is, a true danger to all of us. Slava Ukraini! Together to Victory! 💙💛

  7. Id generally doubt Russia figures it can take on another country, let alone NATO. If they are this hard presed against Ukraine, trying Finland is outright suicide. Estonia.. well maybe in theory thy could try, but basically all of NATO has troops there, i really doubt Russia could make much of a dent with what we have seen of their capabilities.

  8. Mad respect having the confidence and respect for us as an audience to be honest about your stress levels and mental health. You guys do alot that most people couldn't handle and your health is more important than anything.

  9. 1420 – Note that some russian do not dear to say the truth as it might be a trick to get them arrested or that someone might turn them in. But yes as they support their "great" leader, so interesting……

  10. This general is warning us because a lot of Dutch are very complacent. They live in a lalaland and do not think there will never be a war. The Dutch must be triggered to understand a upcoming dire situation. Almost no one here has food or water stocked. So, I’m is just a serious warning for us, Dutchies.

  11. I think the dutch military person wanted to wake up the people to the fact that war is more than missile attacks. If 🇷🇺attacks e.g. Internet connections successfully, we have situation where cash registers do not work, we need to use cash for payments. They also might cause problems to electricity infra and cause blackouts. For this type of incidents we need to prepare our selves (all of us) it’s not just military that needs to prepare. In Finland this has been the way of prepareness for decades.

  12. I get up at 3:30am everyday to watch before work.
    Even my son has learned so much from you guys too.
    The Lsa has been apart of our lives for years now.
    Pretty much the only show we watch on a regular basis.
    You guys have done so much good.
    We appreciate it. Thank you.
    I hope you keep it up.
    Serenity to you. Learn that prayer. It works.

  13. I hope you're not fighting custody battle like me mr host. cause that ruins every day of your life. am brand new here finally I find a freaking channel by Americans talking actual english not ruining my language with best info normal mentality narly footage rad humor… 2 years been looking for you guys. I never should've left Indiana for Europe

  14. Everyone needs a break to keep healthy. Both in mind and body. Take a break guys, chill and always value the things that are important to you. There is one thing this channel has absolutely done and that is take Matt from a shy young man into a self confident mature Man. I am sure Matt will be forever thankful for that. You guys will be successful whatever you choose to do.

  15. Law School will always be there to start again.
    Ukraine may not have that privilege.
    Seems to me you have a choice to make, but remember this…
    Brothers are forever, no matter the road.

    LSA ❤

    Kind regards


  16. Hi guys, thanks for hanging out with us for a bit. I hope all is well with you. Take some time for yourselves. We laid my wifes' son to rest this week. Sometimes life can be just plain hard. I wish you and your family well. And I hope next year will be better for us all. LSA my friends 💪

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