
New LDS Apostle, Sean Reyes, & The Oath: The Mormon

New LDS Apostle, Sean Reyes, & The Oath: The Mormon Times

#LDS #Apostle #Sean #Reyes #Oath #Mormon

“Mormon Stories Podcast”

Good evening, and welcome to “The Mormon Times,” bringing you the latest news and stories that matter to the Latter-day Saint community. We have an exciting lineup for you tonight.

Tonight we will cover the announcement of new apostle Patrick Kearon. We then turn our attention to the…



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  1. Love this! Glad to see you trying out new formats. Panel discussions are a favorite of mine. It doesn't hurt that the panelists are all fantastic. And by that I mean it's an all star cast anchored by John Dehlin, a legend in the exmo space.

  2. As someone who has worked a bit with indie filmmakers as a screenwriter and script editor, I just want to say making an Indie film is HARD. It's costly and time-consuming. Just getting a crew together to managed the camera work, sound and screen editing, musical scoring,, lighting, etc, is nearly impossible. There are union standards to comply with if you want professionals in any of those fields. That's before you get to the settings, the actors, the blocking, the fight choreography, and everything else. You can set a budget and then have one tiny thing blow it up before you ever even get to the filming stage. You can go cheap, you can make a truly powerful indie film on a tiny budget but unless the script is powerful and the actors strong enough to carry it, it's not going to come together. And like any product, the more feedback and teamwork is involved, the better the product will be. When you have one person trying to force their vision into reality, someone who fails to listen to criticism, no matter how justified it is, or how kindly it's given, the product will always fall short. I won't diss on the indie filmmaking aspects of The Oath- even things like that forest setting probably cost upwards of thousands a day just to be able to film there- but I will say that Scott is another Tim Ballard, an egomaniac with dangerous extremist views. The movie isn't bad because of the setting, or the score, it's bad because Scott drove the entire project. Unfortunately for him, he drove it right off a cliff.

  3. and now for a weird biology tip that no one asked for: if you want a plausible explanation for how the fetus ended up outside of the dead lamanite woman's body, then google "coffin birth"

  4. This episode felt much better than the last one! I like how everyone had a role to play and specific times to talk. That helped it feel less awkward and give everyone their chance to talk. Rebecca does a really good job of guiding the discussion.

  5. I am a great fan of all of you. I know you have to be entertaining and I enjoy when you are funny but there is way too much silly stuff and yak here in what is essentially a serious set of issues. Please be a bit more selective.

  6. A Scandinavian looking Moroni, that's rich. Oh, I just remembered, Moroni wasn't real after all. In another era, I believe, Darrin Scott would have styled himself as a prophet, gathered his flock. Now he has Cinema and the media to capture his following, at least in his own mind. I've seen this before, conflating one's ego with saving the world. I noticed he mentioned his NDE to impress his audience with his spiritual authority. I know NDEs vary, but I haven't heard anyone else's out there promoting the Book of Mormon or Mr. Scott's movie. I think eventually, we will have a critical mass of NDE stories out there, with their commonalities, and their differences, so that everyone else will likely assume their own inner prophetic authority, enjoy their own spiritual autonomy, and gather together in groups of affinity, just like before. Or… not.

  7. Now I'm having a moment with the Church, a conservative Christian organization that's very politically active, allowing themselves to be rep'ed with a movie called "The Oath"… at the same time there's a far-right extremist/terrorist group called the "Oath Keepers" wreaking havoc and their members seem to be trying to like… create a Christian theocracy or something… Granted I'm a chemist not a PR expert but uhhh…

  8. 28:00 is is not totally unethical for him as an attorney and a state elected official to be trying to insert himself into what is clearly a fraudulent and seditious action, even individually? I know of a probate judge in my hometown who was suspended for posting a fundraiser on his personal FB page, and he also made personal comments about a court case (not probate) on social media.

  9. It's useful to consider that the revisions to the "Most perfect book" and the change to allow dark skinned people to receive the priesthood (1978?) were announced without common consent.

  10. Love this show keep up the amazing work please!
    I’m English and absolutely loved the film last of the Mohicans not really realising when younger what historical events took place. Or cowboys and Indians movies etc!
    Sorry for my ignorance but to Mormons is that film bad or mean towards Mormon religion or the opposite and cowboys and Indians out in the Wild West would the cowboys be morman?
    Sorry for my ignorance just can’t seem to find answers on google xxx

  11. "Common Consent": Let's not even pretend that anyone dares vote to the contrary. It was kabuki theater anyway.

    Episode Note, if I may: I just LOVE the banter between y'all. More of these, please.

  12. It just hit me, that men show their garment all the time through the top of their shirt… If a woman shows her garment just a tiny bit on the neckline or coming up out of a short sleeve she is ostracized immediately

  13. Not nor ever thought about being Mormon but all of your content is just fascinating!

    32:23 buuuuut you’re friends with Ballard? I call BS

    35:21 Your parents are immigrants but you want to close the borders. I guess freedom and citizenship for me but not for thee 🙄😒

  14. The Sean Reyes bs makes me miss living in Massachusetts where we had an AG who was actually doing some good things like fighting anti-Black discrimination in charter schools and trying to prevent institutions from using COVID as an excuse to throw disability accessibility under the bus. (I'm sure she's also done stuff that's less great because… politician in this system… and now she's governor… but better her than Sean lol)

  15. I must say any government official of any state should want the election of president to be safe and fair regardless if it's their own State because if one of their state cheats in a president gets in and let's just say Utah voted for Donald Trump but Donald Trump lost because two other states had cheated doesn't Utah get cheated out of its president or vice versa if it had been Joe Biden and president Trump had cheated and became president

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