
New Operation: Swift Disassembly! – Galactic War Update

New Operation: Swift Disassembly! – Galactic War Update Day 47-48(2024/03/25-26) – Helldivers 2

#Operation #Swift #Disassembly #Galactic #War #Update

“Super Earth Galactic War Data Archive”

War data log streamed from the SES Defender of Freedom for Day 46 of the Super Earth Galactic War

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  1. SES Shield of the Constitution. Ustotu is a hard fought battle at the moment. heat, sandstorms and earthquakes dominate the planet. the terrain is mostly sand dunes, with rocky outcrops. leaving little to no cover for engagements. provide cover fire for your fellow helldivers, and bound in succession to the few rocky outcrops, to improve survival. visibility is compromised, the chances of patrols sneaking up for an ambush is high. but also allows for significant stealth operations to destroy the enemy. their targeting systems, must be thermal based to cut through the storms. dont underestimate their ability to find you in the sandstorms. SES Shield of the Constitution, signing out.

  2. SES Gauntlet of Mercy has moved operations back to the Automaton front. Most operations are taking place in Ustatu with some trips back to Creek for new divers.

    Seems Super Earth isn't happy about the lack of progress on desert fronts given how many Extreme Heat worlds we've been ordered to hit these last few weeks. The enemy seems keyed into this since they keep trying to raid and obtain them.

    Re-education and 'corrections' seem to be the order of the day. We seem have quite a few dissidents complaining about 'overpowered rocket units' from the bots. I don't know what they're complaining about. These bots are held together with cardboard and glue with how easy they come apart. These things shatter with the lightest touches rendering their weapons inoperable which makes them even more pathetic and easy to kill.

  3. I am sad that I'm likely missing the next two major orders. I'm hyped for us to be finally fighting the bots. 😀

    (I'm being called away from my Super Destroyer by two weekends of civilian duty. :P)

  4. SES Elected Representative of Selfless Service here. Tried my best to turn the tide on Manties. Those bots were just everywhere. It was damn never impossible to get though a level 5 mission without half your squad bailing out. It just felt like all our calls for help went unanswered, but a hard win is still a win.

  5. SES Ranger of honor her ship and crew and helldivers we're able to help out on the front lines at mantis I am here to inform that mantis is secure the Czar sector's hours Ranger is now refocusing their efforts on USTOTU this will be our first deployments on the planet once the planet is secure the ranger will be retest for malevelon creek once my level on is taken over the Ranger and her crew will be redeployed to the front on the arachnids my boys and I have never seen combat over there so will be new to us to all other super-earth ships fight well and don't go easy make the enemy pay for every inch we lose SES Ranger of Honor over and out

  6. fourth wall break I wonder if they’re taking it easy on us until the Illuminate come back. They’ll come back and the Automations and Terminids will take advantage of the lack of Helldivers and have a great resurgence. Thank you for reading this before shooting me for treason

  7. SES Lord of Twilight here. I am currently stationed on Oshaune in order to finally secure its liberation for Super Earth. However, once that is done, I will be redeploying to the Automaton front so that we may finally defeat the Automaton menace once and for all!

  8. SES Song of Steel reporting in. Our helldiver squad has been awaiting this day throughout the recent terminid offensive. Our men specialize in fighting the bots, as we focused our efforts on malevolon creek early in the war as well as defending the xzar sector.

    Intelligence has been gathered by our squad on ustotu that automaton marching chants have been suggestive of the bots' true motive: "CYBERSTAN. CAN'T KEEP HER DOWN." Our analysts conclude that this may indicate the bots will push to the northern galaxy to retake their home world of cyberstan. More intel is needed to confirm this. In the meantime we will continue to play them our own song: the Song of Steel.

    Liberty speed your step and steady your aim helldivers

  9. I actually witnessed the moment Hellmire came under attack again. I was playing with friend yesterday and we helping liberate Nivel 43 and when we came back to the ship after a successful mission we suddenly both heard the transmission about a attack on Hellmire and we both instantly rushed to the star map in slight disbelief and rushed to the defense on Hellmire. I swear, I never was so immersed in a game like I was in that moment when I heard that transmission. I just love this game

  10. SES Fist of Justice reporting in. Have jumped to Ustotu. Was happy to see the back of Hellmire, dejected to hear that it was all for nothing. I see those fire twisters in my dreams.

  11. SES soldiers of destiny.
    I am thankfull renforcements have arrived as i have been fighting on the oil staind sands of ustotu since dropnir.
    I hope the 27 400 bots i disposed of will help my new commrades have an easyer time here .

  12. To all Hell Divers on the Automaton front.

    Direct engagements with the Automatons should be swift and decisive. Avoid prolonged fighting and prioritise destruction of Automaton infrastructure above all else. Upon failing to do so, try your utmost to rush through crowds and get ahead to the next objective. You can always come back before extraction when crowds have dispersed.

  13. SES Guardian of Destiny
    A quick clarification for the sandy conditions on Ustotu. While the Automaton's targeting programs are not hindered by the frequent sand storms the silicon in the dust does wreak havoc on their sensors. Meaning it is very hard for them to spot you. Use the storms and the low visibility provided to position yourselves adventagously before engaging the enemy. Take it slow and be methodical.
    We are just about to ship back out to dismantle more bots. See you down there Helldivers.

  14. This is Prophet of the SES Prophet of Family Values, my squad was deployed to helmire and we have been fighting for over 9 hours. The bugs they are endless, my squad is gone, killed, ripped apart, devoured by bugs. I am all that’s left. Oh sweet liberty. This truly is hell.

  15. SES Harbinger of Wrath here. Cant help but notice that there are way more divers still in the bug sectors when command clearly ordered us to take Troost. This is the biggest offensive against the bots we've had so far. We need every body we can get in the Trigon Sector to terminate these bots.

  16. SES Lady of Starlight. I was deployed after Helldiver primary training to the Nivel 43 front, the bugs are growing ever more dangerous, and they have undergone transformations and mutations not covered in basic training. I dont know what our superiors are thinking. They are obviously the greater threat in comparison to the automotons.

  17. SES Keeper of Starlight OperationLog 26, 2 SE Days compassionate leave to mourn the fall of family elder were complete. initial course to return to bugs frontline to pickup rookies and resume on field advanced pathfinder scout training to aid the cause.

  18. SES Lady of War reporting in. o7

    After concluding liberation activities on Mantes, we redeployed to Ustotu. Our veteran botslayers have been sharing some general tips, and here are some of them for posterity. First of all, the bots indifference to blinding conditions is equally applicable to our sentry stratagems, although they are prone to wasting shots on drop ships. Speaking of drop ships, Helldiver portable explosive ordnance is not only capable of destroying one of their engines and thereby bringing the vessel down, but also of exterminating the bots while they still hang from the ship, even at lower payloads (say, grenade launchers) than are required to bring the ship down. It's more difficult to brute force your way through the bots than it is the bugs, but with a bit of finesse, covert advances allow Helldivers to destroy vital infrastructure before the metal bastards even know we've arrived.

    Liberty speed your steps, Helldivers. o7

  19. SES Emperor of Humanity reporting in. Approximately 8 hours before redeploying Helldivers to Automaton front. We have a full capacity of experiences Creekers eager to spread Managed Democracy all the way to Troost. Comms out.

  20. SES Wings Of Liberty, i have been fighting the automatons ever since the attack at mantes, diving into suicide class missions spreading freedom.
    I am glad to see reinforcements deploy in the automaton front now that new new major order was given

  21. SES Triumph of the Regime, reporting in. Helldivers were deployed to multiple fronts in the Automaton sector, many Clankas were scrapped, Citizens rescued and companions vaporized by occasional Orbital friendly fire.
    Helldivers deployed from the SES Triumph of the Regime, will continue to deploy to Automaton fronts until the Clankas run out of spare parts.

  22. SES Hammer of Justice reporting in: my squad and I have moved from the Creek to Ustotu to help carry out this new major order. I’ll be honest, it’s a great relief to receive support on the western front. We shall fight tooth and nail to destroy the automaton threat.

  23. [SES Soul of Midnight, formerly King of Starlight, transmitting message.]

    we are finishing off the very last scrap of Oshaune's verMin plague, until the event of lIberation or onCe the major oRder is in need Of more reiNforcements. godspeed to all our brave super soldiers.

    [End Message.]

  24. SES Harbinger of Wrath reporting in. While I really want to retake the creek, the major orders say otherwise. I will deploy troops to support existing boots on the ground in the Trigon sector until such time as we have a viable approach to Troost secured. After which Troost will become the singular target of my efforts. Once Troost is liberated and secured, I will return to the creek until I receive orders to do otherwise.

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