
New York wants to demand criminal background checks for

New York wants to demand criminal background checks for 3D printer purchases 🤦

#York #demand #criminal #background #checks

“Louis Rossmann”

Merchandise: …



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  1. well seeing the line you put there ……….. keep in mind ……… there is a freeking "make your own gun with a 3d printer " group ! if your pissed , only 1 time usualy it needs to work , and has ! so would you not agree , if you do not have any agressive background or heavy criminal record , why not ? but heck i am talking to a person who lives in a nation that has issues with people NOT owning a gun ! 😁

  2. The is a good example how law makers do not understand the technology they try to regulate. They hear bad things about a technology and want to regulate it before understanding it. You are right that anyone can make a gun out of other tools and only a very small percentage of people has interest and even smaller percentage have the know how to make a 3d printed gun. It takes more then just a 3d printer to make a 3d printed gun, 3d printers can make the shape you need but you still have to make the metal internals.

    These law makers are just so out of touch in reality, it makes me sick.

  3. YouTube says Louis was naughty and deletes his channel. Louis proceeds to call Google and YouTube,. recording the calls, makes videos and puts them up on Rumble and X. Louis goes Super Saiyan in the process gaining a larger following. YouTube gets taken to court and loses. Internet celebrates one mans tenacity.

  4. Do you really want to know what this is about? Apparently, there are gun "buybacks" at many places in NYS. People have gotten the idea that they will just print 3D guns and turn them in. So much so that they have pretty much stopped paying for 3D printed guns knowing that they can be printed by the dozens specifically for the buyback value. Honestly, I would just go there and offer $50 more than what the buyback was paying to people looking to turn in their guns.

  5. Gee it is such a shame that I live literally 20 miles from a store in NJ that sells what? Right, 3D printers. Are they going to ask for ID to buy a 3D printer in NJ to make sure you are not from NY? This entire thing is just ridiculous and nothing more than another feel good gun grabbing law.

  6. Okay, so… I can build a 3D printer from scratch, I've done it before, so how does New York address that? Glad I don't live there. Sony vs. Universal decided this ages ago. Even though a VCR could pirate movies (well TWO VCRs) there were many LEGAL uses for a VCR (recording shows you can't watch live, playing back home videos, watching rented videos, viewing training videos at work, etc. Just because you can 3D print a firearm doesn't mean you can ban it. You can print lots of things with a 3D printer, so it has far more LEGAL uses than illegal ones. This is a major overreach; It'll get challenged in a higher court and be overturned.

  7. This sounds like the beginning to outlawing everything that can be used to make anything in order to ban anything home made to make sure everything is forced subscription only and ownership is illegal.

  8. Man at this point theyre just wasting tax dollars talking about this because they know it'll stur up nonsense. What people need to do is tell them to stfu and focus on actual problems.

  9. Hopefully something so comparatively Draconian doesn't happen here. It's a innovative technology ffs, so lets let people…innovate with it, especially now that it's relatively affordable to do so or acquire one.

  10. What a slippery slope this is. One can only print the frame of a gun with a 3d printer. You can't print the barrel, spring, receiver, etc. You can fire many guns without a frame.

  11. yeah, if People don't say anything, we get dumbass Laws that don't do anything but punish everyone other than the 'target' of the Law.
    remember to speak up.

  12. It seems you are missing the point of legislation. All politicians are working for one thing. re-election. The goal of proposing and/or passing legislation is only to be able to get votes. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, legislation is like advertising, only half of it works, no one knows which half! LOL In NYC and much of the NE, being seen as strong on gun controls, helps positions all around the county raise donations, all kinds of donations. Those that get the donations are getting rich and so we will not see an end to legislation anytime soon. The stupider the better because the stupider the legislation the more the media coverage and the higher the donations. Really stupid and un-constitutional legislation is the best, gets the most media and the most donations and never gets enacted or funded. LOL

  13. They wouldn’t need criminal background checks for everything under the sun if they didn’t turn actual criminals loose from prison left and right.

  14. The REAL problem is that the voting public votes for these idiots and, another problem with people in general is that they have let legislators run wild and the public either ignores the laws being instituted OR are manipulated by the press to think the legislation is a solid peace of what is needed. You get liberal states and the control of the people is one of their main agendas.

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