
Nintendo Has a Problem with Offering Their Backlog of

Nintendo Has a Problem with Offering Their Backlog of Games

#Nintendo #Problem #Offering #Backlog

“John Hancock”

Nintendo has do to a better job at offering their rich backlog of games and I talk about it today. Inspired by Roxolid Productions discussion here:

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  1. Its not a backlog, its a back catalog. A backlog is a bunch of games you bought and have yet to play.

    Also, its not about what Nintendo is selling, its about what you are buying.

  2. As you said, huge missed opportunity for Nintendo to offer something for the retro game collectors. I for one have no interest in paying a subscription fee so I can stream games without any option to buy/download them. Just my two cents.

  3. I was Initially against the NSO service especially how the Switch as a portable you need to check In those games every now and then to authenticate you are still subscribed to NSO
    nothing worse than being out camping and you feel like playing Star Fox 64.. oops need Internet

    Back on the Wii U they had Individual emulators optimized for a specific game, you bought them Individually
    noone was buying Sin and punishment or any obscure games, they were buying Mario's and Zelda's so there was no money being made

    so now the Switch adopted the Netflix style where you pay monthly or yearly to access a whole library of games with online
    I would rather own them and the fear Is If the service shuts down you lose all these games and all those months you paid mean nothing.. especially sucks for rpgs or longer games

    but you cannot deny the value.. even If you are Just paying online the basic membership to play Mario Kart or Splatoon you still get NES, SNES, Game Boy
    and they are still adding games, you get those libraries for the price of playing online

    but If third parties want to make their own collections and not put their games on NSO they will, you can buy all the mega man games as a collection

    and with all the money they are making they can license games from Rare/Xbox and SEGA or SNK
    and as a consumer you aren't paying £16 for Mario then £16 for Zelda you are at most paying £50 a year for all the apps as a family membership
    you never tried winback on N64? nothing to lose, go try It

    and now rather than an individual emulator for each game It Is one emulator for everything which means yeah at launch we had Issues with OOT not having fog because the emulator was made for Mario 64 on 3D all stars, they fixed that and they continue to fix other games when they add new ones

  4. I agree! I stopped paying. Switch online doesn't offer nothing compared to all they should! And to haft to be online to play is stupid. Lucky I still have my 3DS with all my retro games (paid for) for playing on the go… And my NES and SNES… Then it's resalers making money off old Nintendo games…such a missed opportunity for Nintendo..

  5. Mr. John with nso they have to go through the rating board in Japan for the game plus they have to get alot of license from 3rd party company to bring nso to Nintendo switch online to answer that. Also they have resources to have it on nso to answer that. Now I been saying this since the xbox 360 and playstation 3 area it will be a live subscription service war. Anyway just to answer your question

  6. I'm sure it's to do with the bottom line. But also partly to do with holding something back until a particular revenue stream falls below a certain threshold. Perhaps then we see 'a la carte' (pun not intended) offerings for direct purchase.

    On the other hand, once we remove the nostalgia glasses, how many of those games in the online service are worth buying outright in digital form in order to play them?

    I'm a physical collector of every console Big N has produced as well as an online service user. I'm not that upset about it.

  7. I’m surprised the games aren’t included in the collection. Seems like a good way to track real speed run times and high scores in those classic games once the novelty of the micro challenges wears out.

  8. For a casual Nintendo fan who only owned an SNES (and was gifted a Wii no longer being used) the SNES classic filled my classic Nintendo game needs. I think having an online service is fine as long as they don’t shut it down.

  9. Theres a few reasons why you cant download old games. First is, they already did it with Wii, 3ds, and Wii U. I think if they had it on switch, people would just say, I Already bought it, just give me it for free. Which is what happened, you get the Nintendo switch online. Theres no reason to buy all your favourite retro games again and again each generation.

    So they came up with two solutions which work perfectly. You can just play some of them if you buy their online package. Then to the people who want something new out of the old, they make stuff like F Zero 99, and tetris 99. The old with a new twist that is also free. But bottom line is if you want every old classic game from every generation just download a rom hack.

  10. You seem to have a misunderstanding about the retro game offerings in Nintendo Switch Online. The retro games offered are played locally offline, they're not run on a server somewhere, and you don't have to be online to play them. The "online" part of them is you can play them multiplayer over the internet with anyone who has NSO.

  11. It looks to be as if Nintendo have noticed how software is sold these days. People don't buy Excel, Word, virus protection etc outright anymore, they buy a licence for a set period of time. It's way more profitable to keep people renewing their subscriptions than allowing them to just buy the games they want. Personally, I hate it. I absolutely believe in supporting the industry but honestly Nintendo aren't offering a decent enough product to make me do that and stop playing retro on my Steam Deck.

  12. How many games did Nintendo actually produce for NES and SNES, vs third-party publishers. Perhaps they don’t have many more games to release they produced, and/or they don’t have agreements with the other publishers.

  13. Just go back to the PS2 era and all the amazing compilation discs we got. From the super replayable Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1&2, Taito Legends 1&2, the SNK Arcade and Metal Slug collections, Sega 2500 series, etcetera. They were all jam packed with games, quality, extras, unlockable artwork and music and games, they really wanted you to enjoy a big selection of their releases.
    To not include the small roms in full of the NES games in this new NWC game is unacceptable and I wish ppl would stop praising them for it. Or at least have the spine to critique the big N even if they love the game.
    We're at the point where we can say it's pure greed. Imagine Nintendo or Sony bringing out a release of 20 or so Japanese games that are English friendly, but we didn't get in the west. Nintendo could easily pick a few Famicom and Super Famicom games, Sony could put some amazing PS1 games we nvr got. It would be so easy to come up with the selection and keep making volumes. Not to mention American games. You'd think one of these consoles would have a disc called "Hidden Gems of the ____" by now lol

  14. Doesn't matter. Once Switch 2 comes out, I'm probably cracking my Switch wide open and disconnecting it from all online services. Then I can play any game I want. That's what I did for the Wii U after they abruptly abandoned it, after I had already spent well over $100 on their good Virtual Console games with the nice front-ends, none of which carried over to the Switch.

  15. Can I bring my Virtual Console games from Wii, WiiU, 3DS to my Switch? Nope. And that is the worst customer service to date. Losing your content while upgrading to the SAME vendor. I wonder why the governments allow this. I have a hunch though $$. Re-buying games you own is disgusting.

  16. I have always had a sneaking suspicion that Nintendo does a ton of market research to see what fans want and then purposefully doesn't do that stuff just to keep them dangling. Nintendo is like an old cartoon character dangling the carrot on a stick while fans are constantly trying to get it, but ultimately never do.

  17. The artificial rarity of Mario 3D collection is really starting to show, the game is priced 218€ in my local gamestore and 99€ used… Like maaan why not keep it available digitally at least. That was a scummy move. I have the game at least but it still annoys me alot. Also missed opportunity not doing more collections like that, Zelda one in example!

  18. I personally don't like the idea of sub for games. I'd rather directly buy them which is why I will never buy the NSO expansion pass. I would LOVE to buy the games individually or in smaller bundles if they stayed in library regardless of my online sub. I hope we can someday buy them

  19. Nintendo has actually improved their classics ever since we've gotten Arcade archives (Nintendo games), Advance wars 1 + 2, Paper Mario thousand Year door, Mario vs Donkey Kong (Remake), Luigi's Mansion 2 HD, Mitopia (The 3DS remaster) Skyward sword HD, Pikmin 1 + 2, Super Mario RPG (Remake) Kirby return to Dreamland deluxe, Links Awakening, Metroid Prime remastered, Super Mario 3d all stars (physical version), Nintendo world championships NES edition, Donkey Kong country returns HD and A bunch of other third-party retro video game collections.

    Those are our options if we want to keep those games forever

  20. C'mon. We all own emulators, FPGA Analogue, MiSter etc… We don't really want same games – as one box – being sold to us… over and over. Actually what Nintendo did – was a great example how refresh & sell old games (gems) to modern kids. And this is how others should do ! Without inviting young generation to the legacy, legacy going to be forgotten. I love the idea.

  21. The thing is you may need to stop thinking Nintendo as a Video Gaming company and more like Disney as they wanted 100% control on there IPs and don't wanted them to be out to any one own fully.

  22. I’ve subscribed to the Switch online service since it was released. I agree, the trickle method of releasing games is painfully slow and it seems half of them are weird Japan-only games that nobody wants or asks for. I’ve played video games since the days of Pong and the Atari 2600 so getting retro games on a virtual console is quite nostalgic for me. I just feel we are getting milked for as much money as possible by stringing things out for what seems like the entire life cycle of the Switch and possibly the Switch 2. Very much a misstep for Nintendo.

  23. When these Youtubers on here start talking about wondering and hoping if Nintendo GameCube is going to come to the service, I think how stupid do you have to be to want that?

    We have clearly had GameCube games come over in physical form to the Nintendo switch, and it has been great because those games can be played off-line at our own leisure without having to pay a premium on the sideline.

    The services are a damn rip off because it’s like going back to the old days of renting from Blockbuster a game over and over again when you could just as easily have bought it outright, but instead, you pay through the nose when you return it late or you don’t return it at all!

  24. I agree. The problem is that all the consoles keep closing their stores, and opening new ones. Stop it! Just have a nintendo store, psn, and xbox live then let us connect to the same store with each console. You don't hear about Steam shutting down to make a new Steam store. It's the same store even if you buy a new PC.

  25. My thought is that every game was available for purchase, on its original hardware. So whatever else happens is just a plus. Idk, I’m only a casual gamer tho

  26. Nintendo will open a museum in Kyoto near their headquarters this year, but not everyone can make it out there. Something like Atari 50 celebrating Nintendo's rich history with playable "exhibits" and historical archival materials would be ideal for a worldwide audience. I'd prefer to have it as on physical media, but i understand with card size limitations, it may be more feasible to make it part of Nintendo Switch Online and change out "exhibits" from time to time like museums.

  27. I totally agree, they miss so many opportunities. Just imagine if they released Ocarina of Time with modern graphics but the same game on switch. They would sell millions of copies and make a fortune. So many great games that could be re-released, new NES games, i would buy them. So many classics that fans are begging to come to switch. While I think the switch library is fantastic and switch online is great sometimes i feel like they need to listen to fans and they are missing out on a lot of potential profit. Oh, here is another stupid thing Nintendo did – why did they stop selling the NES classic edition and the SNES classic edition? So many people were trying to get one and couldn't. Im sure they were making a lot on those. It doesn't take much to run NES games. The fans wanted to give Nintendo their money and couldn't since they stopped making them.

  28. People should look into emulation. There's really no need to wait for them to re-release old games. Emulations been out since the 90's. Or another way is to get Everdrives, R4's or other carts that play games on the original hardware. There are so many ways to play old games.

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