
Nintendo Switch 2 Leak: New Custom SoC & Feature Set

Nintendo Switch 2 Leak: New Custom SoC & Feature Set Details; Two SKU & More – What We Know (ft. MVG

#Nintendo #Switch #Leak #Custom #SoC #Feature #Set

“Nate the Hate”

A variety of Nintendo Switch 2 rumors surfaced in recent weeks & they covered a multitude of topics: but did any have a foundation …



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  1. I enjoyed watching Nate's video There are bad comments for you, but please ignore them For example, it always gives false information! Nate like this comment has never been wrong So when is the next episode? kk

  2. IDK why all these idiots think it will be called switch 2 when has Nintendo or any other company other then Sony put a 2 on the second console.? people thought the there was gonna be a xbox 2 and it was xbox 360, then they thought it was gonna be a xbox 720 and it was xbox one.
    people thought after the wii next console was wii 2 and it was the wii u, wtf do you think it will be the switch 2?

  3. What do we think about screen type? I would be very upset to see a non OLED at launch with an OLED held for year one/two edition. We already did this with the current gen.

    I’d rather see the option at launch. Physical edition, OLED version or all digital+LCD as the affordable model. Then maybe the all-digital gets a screen update later in the gen?

  4. Regardless of what Nintendo builds for a next gen gaming platform it's core design will still follow the same tried and true design philosophy of Gunpei Yokoi which is..withered technology with lateral thinking.

  5. Obviously digital only wouldnt have physical BC, but both would have digital BC, which is far more likely to be included as it would be downloaded from eShop rather than bc via unique cartridge slot. In fact I wager physical BC is a no go. Unless the catridge slot supports 2 formats

  6. I think it is most more likely Switch 2 will come with one SKU, year later Digital only (the affordable one ala lite/2DS). That's more of a Nintendo way. The Wii U launch doing two GB sizes was–awful.

  7. Not that I disagree. But I dont think a tentative penciled in date is that far fetched. Saying hey, we're targeting Sept with a penciled in date of 24th, subject to change to Nov with penciled in date of 6th (or whatever). Idk, feels like it was inherently presented as tentative and subject to change

  8. I'm going to guess that they will go into showing us the account transfer system subscription 1st & then show off the next Switch system because that there would be how to show the smooth transition that they are talking about.

  9. The reasons here for not possible with backwards on one skew makes no sense. Offcourse that could be the case! There is no backwards compatibility on the digital only version because you can not insert the cartridge, old switch games are not available on the eshop. The disc version can play the old cartridges. What's hard to understand about that?

  10. Personally, while I think the two skew Switch 2 digital / non digital is possible, I feel that they'll not do this. Nintendo still seems to focus their business model on Japan, and Japan still has dominant physical sales. I think they'll go one model and buck the two skew approach. Maybe not, just my prediction. But if they donoffer a cheaper all digital skew, I'll buy it. All my Switch games are digital anyways.

  11. if I have learnt something from Nintendo in all these years is that it is never that good, Nintendo is a flawded company with very high highs and very low lows but everything they do is done with love and that makes them enjoyable at the very least

    Nintendo Switch 2 will not live to the expectations of anyone and it will be disappointing at first, and at the same time it will be an amazing console, either because the specs of the machine are not good or because it doesn't have backwards compatibility, Nintendo will never give us all at once

  12. Also, I dont get how it was so hard to understand that the two different sku's and only one being backwards compatible… It means PHYSICALLY BACK COMPAT. If there is an E-Shop, then back compat games on that will work on both sku's. But if you own a game on a cartridge, then you would only be able to play it on the more expensive version. That makes perfect sense to me anyways.
    I was thinking you would have to rebuy any old Switch games again digitally…. But they would probably let you redownload games linked to your account. So the back compat thing would only be about physical games I suppose.

  13. I was planning to eventually get a PS5 but if most rumors turn out to be true about Switch 2 then I would honestly prefer a Switch 2 over PS5. We're finally about to have a Nintendo system that can play most of it not all big 3rd party games along with Nintendo's 1st party games, plus it will be another hybrid system being able to be played on a TV or in portable mode. That sounds like a more attractive system than PS5 in my opinion.

  14. There is no need for Nintendo to have two different models for digital and physical. The current hardware model is already perfectly designed, for completely digital, or both physical and digital games.

    Nintendo are in this unique position having this game card slot which new technology could utilise, for very large capacity download of digital games.

    All Nintendo needs to do, is start selling, blank GAME CARD storage cartridges. Which will allow digital games to be stored physically. In the same way they are currently stored on SD-Card, with the advantage of greater capacity storage and faster load times.
    Two GAME CARD slots using both, blank and retail cartridges, would be ideal.

    For there to be completely digital future, storage capacity will need to increase.

    Especially for portable systems to be able to carry, complete game library.

    1TB SD-Card is not large enough.

    Nintendo should view their hardware just like, Valve Steam Deck, but give the option to choose, digital downloads to blank physical GAME CARD, or purchase retail physical games.

  15. The reasoning because they are so close and could do it at any time sounds sound! Except they have always waiting for publishers. And made them WAIT! Otherwise, they would lose MINDSHARE to their competition that did MAKE them wait. It has ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS. They WAIT, and still there is ATTENTION and business dealings.

  16. I certainly hope the Frame Rate thing is there (forgot what its called). I know Nintendo loves to cut corners on price, but I much rather pay for a console that can perform ok during PS6 and Xbox Series Two era or whatever they call it lol.

  17. Why is no one talking about the fact that the switch 2 will be the first closed system environment running DLSS. Nintendo, Nvidia and Devs could optimize the heck out of this ai tech 😮

  18. Switch 2 Backwards Compatibility Solution

    Step #1
    Put Switch 1 game into Switch 2 card slot

    Step #2
    Switch 2 will download the game directly to the SSD

    Step #3
    Connect to Nintendo’s servers to download updates / patches for said game

    Step #4
    Play the game (while the cart [“key”] remains inside)

    The Switch 2 SoC should either have integrated technology that will allow for running / emulation of Tegra X1 processes (whether enhanced or not), OR have a dedicated Tegra X1 chip also installed inside the machine.

  19. Just finished watching thru season 4 of Sopranos with Pie O My on my yearly re-watch of the show! Tony really did love animals more than humans. The funniest is during Christopher's intervention when he finds out Chrissy sat on and killed Adriana's dog when he was high. He gets real mad and asks him why he did it and then Paulie chimes in with "what, was it barkin?" LOL Kills me every time lol

  20. I got that Oneders reference, its from a film, That Thing You Do! The band in the film is called The Oneders (Wonders) but everyone kept pronouncing it "The O-Needers."

  21. Great podcast. Thx guys!
    On the topic of "partial" BC, well, I can definitely see it happening IF BC is only possible using additional hardware, like, throw in a full X1 GPU, just like Sony had to do with the first PS3. And this very same @MVG already explained in a video how complex getting BC would be, so, why discard the possibility entirely?
    So more expense SKU gets the cart slot AND an additional chip (X1 GPU), and this explains and justifies the price and the feature set.
    It would be touchy to not confuse customers, but this could ultimately sorted out. I just think that if that's the only option NVidia and Sony had to offer BC, it's a non optimal scenario, but I'll take this 2 SKUs split anytime vs no BC at all.

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