
Nintendo Switch 2 Nvidia Samsung SOC Update & Graphics

Nintendo Switch 2 Nvidia Samsung SOC Update & Graphics Demo + Furukawa Wasn’t Lying?

#Nintendo #Switch #Nvidia #Samsung #SOC #Update #Graphics


Big Nintendo Switch 2 Updates continue to ramp up lately as we get closer to seeing the possible direction Nintendo is taking with …



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  1. Hit the LIKE BUTTON if you enjoyed this. Leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts on all this info regarding the Nintendo Switch 2 with Furukawa’s comments, the possible Samsung SOC chipset and the Graphics demo done by Digital Foundry on the Nvidia T239 SOC and the interesting questions that are coming out of it. Thanks for your support as always guys.

  2. He even denied stuff the Activision CEO said under oath. He's not lying but what he's doing is being very technical. All it would take is one detail mentioned in all of the reports and he could get away with saying that the reports are "Inaccurate" and not be lying.

  3. If samsung were to make the chip it'd Probably be worse, all their phones using exynos thermal throttle quick and just suck in general, even they don't use their own chips anymore and use snapdragon chips made by tsmc, saying that even the 8 gen 1 samsung made sucked.

  4. Yeah, let’s hope that this time you may be right I remember back then I’m feeling like silly that I thought it was AMD but now I know that I just want to see what’s the thing it’s getting powered by and no matter what it’s gonna be fun anyway because Nintendo makes good games

  5. Samsung is definitely possible because Samsung is very inexpensive. I don't mind if the GPU isn't too fast, but I badly want the next console to have 16GB of ram. High resolution textures like that, 4x more memory will feel very next gen. They can use older techniques with the ram to make beautiful games, like FF7 Remake.

  6. So, you're opening this with Shivaxi's theme for one of the maps of the cancelled Unreal Tournament 4 game. And to think I wanted to talk to you about the first Unreal and how it was inspired by Metroid and then inspired back Metroid Prime, you're one step ahead of me sir!

  7. I say this Nintendo doesn’t tell the truth when denying the rumors,but months later reveal the console itself.The console specs,or what can do might be 50% right.

  8. Nah, samsung skipping a sku isn't a good hint at all, its 10x more likely they just bumped the chip to 5nm or they scrapped it by another nvidia chip, i mean, t234 doesn't even have rt cores, and the fact at its theorical peak it wouldn't be able to push ps5 like graphics even at 1080p, it would be more like series s, but the rumours say ps5 lvl + advanced rt at 1080/1440p (720p to 4k isn't doable), look at it for a second, those are reports from 2021 and the info on them is from 2020, almost 4 years ago, and the latest hint about t239 is from 2022, this thing will release in 2024, so its likely somewhere around late 2022 and early 2023 they bumped/changed the chip, and about furukawa thing he's probably lying, but the thing is, he can't say during 7th of switch that there is not a new console to invertors, they will just not trust nintendo, especially when switch estimations are just 15m for this year, so he can't lie that far, but he still can say "unnacurate" and then it turns to be truth, just like iwata did with new 3ds

  9. I think you got something mixed up regarding the Matrix Awakens demo. DF didn't say the GPU itself wasn't capable, they just couldn't get it to run in the 4GB of buffer the GPU (2050 I believe) had. They showed Control running with RT on just fine. Their laptop just wasn't able to run it so they couldn't debunk or prove it. Also Samsung skipping a SKU means nothing IMO. Companies do that all the time if they think their chip isn't suitable for the market for example when a competitor releases a massively better product there is no use in releasing yours, not to mention that Samsung apparently had another model in development that they released instead. Windows 9 didn't release and that doesn't mean its gonna power Switch either yk. I am pretty sure they gonna use Nvidia tech again to get as much binary compatibility with Switch as possible (back compat etc.) I'm also very excited for 60FPS and res patches for games like Xenoblade 2, not to mention an entirely new one, cant wait for Monolith to do their wizardry again.

  10. Just gonna see the vid now but since some unreleased switch games have screenshots having diff colored buttons do u think that’s a higher chance it’s gonna be called the Super Switch

  11. They just need to announce it already 😂 it’s the worst kept secret at this time 🤷🏻‍♂️

    It’s all very maddening 😎 but I hear ya about the business practice and protocol

  12. Good video. With the way Switches sell, it is smartest for Nintendo to be fashionably-late to the 4k party. This is because ain't nobody doin' 8k justice, anytime soon.

  13. Nintendo has flat out lied before when they have introduce new platforms, including the Nintendo switch lite. I do not believe them at all. And plus they have a total partnership with Nvidia and I doubt they would use anything else. This is just speculation.

  14. I still really doubt that Nintendo will use the latest fabrication processes. 6 or 7nm is what I expect. I fully expect them to keep to specs that are functional and serviceable to keep costs down and would be astounded if ANY of the Switch2 specs were bleeding edge. We are also entering an era where software rather than raw hardware performances is going to be doing a lot of the heavy lifting.

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