
Open Umbilical Hernia Repair at California Hernia

Open Umbilical Hernia Repair at California Hernia Specialists (4K)

#Open #Umbilical #Hernia #Repair #California #Hernia

“California Hernia Specialists: Specialty Care for Hernia Repair”

Hernia Specialist Dr. Todd S. Harris narrates a recent open umbilical hernia repair with mesh at our center. In the video patients can see the exposure of the umbilical hernia, the dissection around the hernia defect and the mesh used for repair. (in 4K)



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  1. If its a minor hurnia do they still have to rup that thing uner the belly button out? Im freaking out because im pretty positive i have a hernia without the buldging but its been hurting in and off since i went to the gym 5 months ago. Used an ab cruncher machine heard a pop and my stomach right above my belly button hurts all the time.

  2. I had my open umbilical surgery on Monday. I already feel great. The pain I felt after is what I would describe as doing an 8 hour ab workout the day before. To be honest, the most discomfort that I felt was the dime sized blisters that broke as a result of an allergy to the surgical tape.

    One thing that happened that wasn’t planned was I was trying to pee 4 hours after the surgery and I popped off all of my steristrips. So, I had a open wound that “oozed” onto my dressing. My wife is an RN in the plastics/bariatrics unit at one of our local hospitals. So, she just re-applied the steristrips per the surgeons advice. I did find it odd that I had no stitches on the incision site. I only had stitches on my abdominal wall (I wasn’t given the mesh). The biggest downside is I cannot get back to lifting weights for a month. As a comparison, I had sinus surgery/septoplasty/turbinate shaving in March and that was leaps and bounds worse pain wise afterwards.

  3. Hi Doctor I have belly Hernia can you pls suggest on this I had 3 emergency C-Section last baby born in Jan Hernia from
    2018 Jan after 1 st baby had pain only 2-3 times in 5 years there is no pain then still I need to go for surgery can you pls advice I am much worried ..

  4. I literally had this surgery just yesterday in Upstate N.Y. As I sit here recuperating, I am in discomfort, trying not to cough, taking my pain mess and sleeping in my recliner. I had lived with this for over a year, then it became uncomfortable to live with any longer. It was a 3.5 incarcerated hernia, my belly was filled with air for the surgery and I did get mesh. I'm hoping to feel better in a couple of weeks so I can work out. I lost 60 pounds before the surgery, took 6 months, and I could see the bulge and really feel it because of the stomach shrinkage. I'm happy I had it done, despite the pain, because I heard it could become serious if left untreated.

  5. مرحبا دكتور ممكن استفسار بسيط
    عندي فتق سري من الطفولة يعني ولادي كان بارز بشكل ملحوظ
    وبمرور الزمن وزاد الوزن والعمر صغر حجم السرة لكن اثناء المجهود مثل الرياضة احس تبرز وتنتفخ شي بسيط بحجم حبة الحمص وبداخلها هواء
    هل هذا طبيعي ام غير طبيعي
    ماهو قرارك هل اجري عملية جراحية

  6. Hey Doctor, really appreciate if you could pleaee advise
    I had an ultrasound for kidney stone and a 2cm para-umblical hernia was detected. Stone is gone and I don’t have any stomach problem anywhere.
    Surgeon is recommending to have surgery whereas GP is suggesting to defer it since I dont have any symptoms

  7. I’m actually quite unsure if I have an umbilical hernia. A few days ago I had some pain develop in my lower abdomen and belly button which slowly went away with some NSAIDs, however i feel something soft at the roof of my belly button and I’m slightly worried it may be a slight hernia. There’s no visible bulge though and I don’t have any other symptoms, which is what has me confused. Not sure if I need surgery or not.

  8. I’m on hernia number three, at six months, old, inguinal hernia, 35 years old another inguinal hernia… 63 umbilical hernia, that definitely needs to be repaired… I probably shouldn’t have watched this video… I think I’m gonna need a box of edibles😂😂😂

  9. I currently have an uncorrected umbilical hernea. I was informed about during my separation physical when I retired from the military. Its been a few years since then… The surgery is covered by the VA since its service connected. I still can’t seem to push myself to get the surgery. Never had any type of operating room surgery before.

  10. I have umbilical hernia. It's gotten a little bigger. I can feel a lump above my belly button. I know I'm going to have to get this surgery. Is this done through general anastasia ? How long is the recovery time? .. Thank you, Doctor or anyone who can answer my questions.

  11. Can I get open surgery WITHOUT mesh? I've read and listened to problems developing with propylene mesh post-surgery. Is nerve damage a secondary and real possibility? I have an umbilical hernia and I'm very concerned with chronic pain that doesn't go away. Thank you.

  12. I believe this is the type of hernia I had.. my question is how long is the healing process? I had surgery yesterday and today I have very little pain only when a twist my body a little.. I’m able to sit up with no problem as well.

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