Rejoicing in the Trinity – Dr. James White

Rejoicing in the Trinity – Dr. James White

#Rejoicing #Trinity #James #White

“BRBC Media”

James White, Guest Preacher – 7/28/2024



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  1. Catholic Here and just an observation. James White in this video correctly points out that Saint Ignatius of Antioch in his 7 authentic Letters teaches the Dogma of the Holy Trinity. I am grateful that He honestly admitted that Saint Ignatius of Antioch did not have the 27 Book NT Canon. In fact, it is the scholarly consensus among Catholic and Orthodox Patristic Scholars and Confessional Protestant Patristic Scholars from the Anglican Tradition (e.g. Lightfoot) and Reformed (Phillip Scaff) that there are only 6 NT Books that Saint Ignatius directly Cited (Gospels of MT and JN are 2 of them, off the top of my head 1 and 2 Corinthians as well). Scholars also note that there are allusions made to some of the other books, but that ranges from 8 to about 15.

    So it does suggest that the orthodox Apostolic Doctrine was indeed preserved via the Church and those early successors of the Apostles that were appointed by them. Sola Scriptura could not function without a defined Canon of 27 NT books, which James White freely admits does not occur till the late 4th century.

    Cheers and God Bless

  2. Funny that James says, "Peter was an experiential trinitarian. He heard the Father, walked with the Son, and was indeelt by the holy Spirit. And he knew the distinction between the three."

    None of that necessitates belief in the Trinity.

    That would be like saying there's a belief in the unity between pepperoni and eggs.

    "Peter was a pepperoni-eggian. He ate pepperoni and could cook eggs and he knew the difference between the two."

    Now that's babbling.

  3. James says he asked many of his fellow Christians to explain the Trinity and NOT ONE gave him the correct answer.

    How do you know he's the one who's correct? Isn't that strange? Nobody knew what the Trinity actually was so he decided to teach everyone exactly what it is.

  4. Pagan trinity

    To believe the trinity doctrine, when reading the scripture we must believe that God sent Himself into the world, died to reconcile the world to Himself, raised Himself from the dead, ascended to Himself in heaven, pleads before Himself in heaven to reconcile the world to Himself, and is the only mediator between man and Himself… We must believe also that in the garden God prayed to Himself, if it were possible, to let the cup pass from Himself, and a thousand other such absurdities.” — (J.N. Loughborough)

    Some of those other absurdities it teaches is that Jesus is the immortal God but died,
    is the invisible God but was seen,
    is the omnipotent God but was strengthened by an angel,
    is the omniscient God but did not know the day of his return,
    is as great as His Father but His Father is greater than He,
    is equal with the Father and yet He is the Father,
    is the Son but the same age as the Father,
    is the Son who has a Father and the God who has no Father,
    is the begotten Son and the unbegotten God,
    is very God and very man, came out from Himself,
    prayed to Himself, gave power to Himself,
    thanked Himself, bore witness of Himself,
    went back to Himself
    sits at the right hand of Himself,
    is His own Father and His own Son,
    left Heaven and yet was there all the time.

    There are many things which are hard to understand in the Bible but you can be sure that God never expects us to believe impossibilities.

    Over and over again you hear it said that the Gospel is so simple a child can understand it. And I agree. But how can that be the case with the teaching of the Trinity? Not only do children not understand it, but our best theologians cannot even explain it. However, the thought that God sent His Son to this earth to die for you and me is easy to comprehend when we believe the simple Bible statement that Jesus is truly the Son of God! Not one of three mysterious beings making up “one God.”

    How can you possibly believe that Jesus is NOT the begotten Son of the eternal Father and share John 3:16 with others in the hope of inviting them to take part in eternal salvation. Doesn't John 3:16 become a lie the moment you deny He is a Son?

    A metaphor did not send a metaphor to save us. A Father sent us His Son to save us.

    John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

    2 John 1:3 “Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.”

  5. Everyone has something to say about James, I’m pretty sure if I asked to exegete his view they can’t, so much narrow minded heads, and the sad part is the same ones bashing in the comments can’t even debate him if it reaches that point.

  6. Notice the views on the videos James White is in solo? He clearly got taught a lot in his debate with Alex. One thing that bothered me is James rarely sites anything he says and he uses way less scripture than Alex. He needs to quote more and use more scripture instead of assuming things and making outlandish claims with no evidence. God bless him but a kid with literally almost 40 years less experience in theology took him to school. James white is a good speaker and can get cheap laughs but he lacks real charity and understanding of the Catholic Church. He says a bunch of nothing, like a used car salesman. No disrespect only meant to be constructive criticism. I hope everyone who watches the debate has the courage to seek the truth and not James whites opinions. If you seek the truth and wrestle with the problems Alex brings up you’ll find solo scriptura is false. God bless y’all.

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