
Report: Nintendo Switch 2 Features 120hz Screen + More!

Report: Nintendo Switch 2 Features 120hz Screen + More!

#Report #Nintendo #Switch #Features #120hz #Screen

“Nintendo Prime”

Nintendo Switch 2 stuff keeps ramping up! Today we have a fresh report out of Taiwan, a place where Nintendo does a lot of manufacturing, about some tech specs behind the system!

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  1. I would be keen for a 120Hz screen not so much for 120FPS (I imagine games that could run at that framerate would be few and far between) but because it could run more demanding games at 40FPS which should feel about half way between 30 and 60 as is the case on PS5 games that support 40FPS on 120Hz displays.
    As for 8GB RAM I wouldn't worry too much as it will likely be relying on DLSS for resolutions above 1080p which should take a load off the VRAM and even the Xbox Series S only has 10GB of RAM.
    64GB storage is kinda disappointing but not a deal breaker if we can still use MicroSD cards to expand the storage, though I'm curious so see if Nintendo has a faster stroage solution to get load times similar to the PS5 and Xbox Series which could make MicroSD card speeds problematic…

  2. 120 hz screen portable ? Ohhh………let's hear that price. $400 ? Higher. Definitely. Unless there is a gamepass subscription service to recover $$$.

    I flat out don't believe 120 hz. It will be 60.

  3. Regardless of the report being true, this route makes sense for Nintendo + Nvidia. Natively, games could be ran at 720p 60fps and DLSS would output 1080p 120fps in handled mode. 8gb ram and 64gb of storage is also what Nintendo is known to do.

  4. A 120Hz screen in a Switch 2 would not result in 3D games running at that speed (maybe you would get a few simple indie games). It would enable games that can't manage 60 FPS to run at 40 FPS (120/3) rather than 30 FPS, something that isn't possible on a 60Hz display.

    Honestly, I don't care how much built-in storage a Switch 2 has as long as I can slap a 2GB SD card in it. I agree 128 GB would be a better starting point, but Nintendo knows how much storage people use on their Switches. If you go all physical with some eShop games, you're not close to filling up the OLED's 64. Sure, Switch 2 games might be bigger.

  5. Absolute minimum RAM the switch 2 should have is 12gb. Preferably 16gb. Having such a low storage is baffling to me, especially if that download only version of the switch 2 is real. I mean, I guess since physical nintendo games dont require to be installed, it encourages buying physical media, but SD cards can only go so fast.

    I really wanted a switch 2, but may be the first one I wait till a mid gen refresh for. I'd rather pay more for a handheld with current gen specs such as a possible steam deck 2 than less for a last gen system.

  6. Meh, this seems real dubious to me. I don't know why someone would create a narrative about a 120hz-capable screen when a lot of current Switch games don't even maintain 60 fps. Makes no sense to me and honestly I think the 12GB of RAM (vs 8GB) is more meaningful & a bigger factor.

  7. Yes, this is absolutely true if Nintendo is thinking straight. They are definitely going for 1080P at 120FPS as priority and any 4K capabilities are simply there and likely only at 30 FPS.
    120 FPS is the natural next step for Nintendo.

  8. If Nintendo wants to cut back some features to save cost, non negotiable should be RAM. 8GB isn't enough. RAM directly dictates what is possible on the system itself. It should be 12GB. Others features can wait on the switch 2 version 2.
    64GB on storage, they can always upgrade that down the line
    120hz screen, good but not necessary. A better one is proper HDR since Nintendo games tend to be colorful so that should make good impression to consumers. VRR support should be included as well since it affect how you feel when playing in handheld mode.
    Better battery life, while this is always welcomed, but as long as they don't go below what the current switch can do. It can wait until the next revision of switch 2

  9. I think this is the most ridiculous room I’ve heard there’s no way Nintendo is gonna have 120 Hz on their new system unless they want to raise the price to $550 and having eight gigs of ram makes no sense either. It’s got to be either 12 or 16 gigs to justify that price, but then again if the new system is supposed to be on the level of a bass PS4 and maybe eight gigs might be enough but what is ridiculous is the 64 gigs of storage still, but again the current switch has 64 gigs of storage And one can just get an SD card if they need more storage.

  10. I would be surprised if they actually do a 1080p 120hz panel. That would make the battery life drain much quicker. But if it is an option like how some phones do it. Then maybe…

    I wouldn't be surprised if it's a test unit. Doesnt mean itll have 120hz of course.

    8GB would be a major let down though

  11. These supposed spec leaks seem a bit…out there. Firstly, the screen being 120Hz is a pretty moot point if the system can't run games at more than 60FPS anyway. Sure, the polling rate might be a bit better overall but unless they get this screen for the exact same price it's kind of a waste of money. Secondly, the system only having 8GB of RAM would probably be the easiest way for Nintendo to gimp the system before it even comes out. Everyone is assuming that Nintendo will FINALLY take this opportunity to upgrade to a system that's capable of at least outputting games in 4K if not being able to run some games well above 1080P. When you factor in the fact that RAM for APUs is shared between the CPU and the GPU along with the fact that the OS will take a set chunk out of that RAM then we would likely see some pretty crunchy textures for current gen games if this is all the memory that Nintendo puts on the system. RAM is also pretty cheap in the grand scheme of things and considering the hit to memory bandwidth as well I think it'd be pretty stupid to pre-gimp your system even more so than the Series S on RAM when RAM prices are at a really good price right now. Thirdly, the idea of 64GB of storage is really what completely sinks this as seemingly unrealistic. I already mentioned that RAM prices have come down quite a bit and this is also true for internal storage. Regardless of the medium that Nintendo goes with, games are just way larger once you push to higher resolutions so more storage is a must. Although honestly, as long as the new system has user-upgradable storage (hopefully in the form of M.2 SSD expansion) then I don't personally care how much internal storage is on the base system and really the thing that I want to see is hardware at a level that third party devs are able to easily port their games over to the system and have them RUN WELL! Nintendo has always been the best at getting everything out of their systems with their first party titles so I'm sure those will be great regardless.

  12. Ok i did my research and i found this, in update 16.0.0 of switch firnware there were references to 5 ram configurations: 4gb, 8gb, 16gb and finally 32gb of ram, we know switch has 4gb and its dev kit (since oled launch) has 8gb, the other two are 16gb and 32gb config, so it pretty much means switch 2 will have 16gb of ram and its dev kit 32gb as dev kit tend to have 2x as ram, so what about this report? Probably outdated info, all of it or maybe just a part of it, cuz it really doesn't fit to put a 120hz screen and then 64gb of storage, we know that 120hz vs 60hz screen can be even a better deal price wise, but the same goes for more ram, so it is kind of weird, it could be explained as simply outdated info, cuz even necro felipe said the 8gb ram was an option back then but then it was scrappes in favor to 12gb ram, he said that in september, but probably he also got some outdated info, just newer than taiwan, and it wouldn't be surprising, that's how those things work, t239 stuff is probably correct as everyone points to exactly that, but it likely isn't the same version as 2022, there are reports and linkedin info, some say it was scrapped and other ones say it was rebumped and even necrolipe doesn't say anything about that, but i would bet its the same, but rebumped to 4 or 5nm and with improved clock speed (info from nvidia leak back in 2022, it pointed at clock speeds up to 1.38ghz)

  13. 120hz screen would be useless on 8gb ram, performance levels could barely reach 60fps on 1080p. they'd put 16 gigs if they wanted to put a 120hz screen, especially if they plan to up the resolution. and they'd need to spend extra money to make the panel vrr compatible for 120hz to be smooth at all.

    EDIT: I would also think that if nintendo were to make the console backwards compatible they'd instead focus on getting higher and steadier framerates on 30fps switch games(e.g botw, totk), and more stable framerates on 60fps switch games(e.g mario odyssey, splatoon 2 and 3, smash bros)

  14. I don't care that much about the display because I play in docked mode 98% of the time. The 64GB storage doesn't shock me because 512GB and even 1TB micro sd-cards are affordable for me most people. It's the 8GB of system memory what worries me a bit. Maybe compression can be done much more efficient on the T239 SoC. 12GB Would have been be better to future prove the device.

  15. No specs are f**** trash man you can get it you can get a f**** handheld PC for $400 with better specs 😢 just a plain Nintendo games when you can steal the Nintendo games and you can put it on anything else it's so easy like Nintendo needs some man up and stop making shity consoles

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