
Retro Game Room Tour – Nintendo Console Games Collection

Retro Game Room Tour – Nintendo Console Games Collection

#Retro #Game #Room #Tour #Nintendo #Console #Games #Collection


Join me for a tour of my retro game collection! In part one we will be looking at my Nintendo console shelves, from NES to Wii.

Planning to do some more in depth collection videos and organise everything soon too! Let me know what you think is missing / what are the best games you saw in this…



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  1. Definitely worth redoing this by system after the reorganisation, what a massive collection! I was sad Eternal Darkness didn’t get a mention, I really loved that game and it’s crazy (or real?) storyline 😂 I’m doing a replay at the moment and really enjoying it still

  2. You have an awesome collection. I wish you hadn't have rushed through showing your collection and gone into a bit more detail on some games that you liked and most other people didn't like (monster hunter comes to mind I have tried and tried to enjoy the series but I just can't get into it). And some more reviews of games from your collection.

  3. I think, with a collection of your size, it would be better to go through each sub-collection in a single video.

    One of the things I like about your videos is the personal stories relating to your game collection. And to be honest, this felt a little rushed.

  4. Conduit on the Wii. That gave me the first person shooter fix I was missing. Conduit 1 was my favourite and had more replay value. However the ending of Conduit 2 was hilarious. Would be great to see you play either of those, or Space Station Silicon Valley for fun.

  5. You can still get Red Steel cheap bought it a few weeks ago for 50p from cex not played it yet. I would recommend Cursed Mountain for the Wii reminds me of Silent Hill and is only £2.50 from cex bought it in December but only recently sat down to play and it was one of those games that you stay up late to play as is really good.

  6. Tomb raider legend was amazing, one of the last ones before the reboot. Feels like a proper Indiana Jones game with a plot centered around Arthurian legend. Don't know if it holds up but I love it.

  7. Just starting my Game Cube collection now. i skipped this console entirely when it came out. Because i was young & dumb! Now i'm older & wiser & now i know i should have never skipped the Game Cube! Ha-Ha! Thanks to this video i am going to find Cell Damage & Sonic Riders for the Game Cube! Thanks for the retro break…Goodbye!

  8. I liked the zoomed out image. Perhaps, in the future, you could alternate between. Anyways, I like how all are displayed, down to earth, like the majority of us would, games and theirs accessories are meant to be used and played. 🙂

  9. I dream of a collection like that <3 One of my favorite games on the wii that people for some reason hate is Sonic Riders: Zero gravity. Loved the courses and discovering all the different shortcuts with all the characters. Really enjoyed the motion controls too and oh lawd that soundtrack is god tier 😀

  10. Fantastic collection… not sure why you rushed through it so fast. You seemed really uncomfortable that you had so many games to show. Good video but would have been ever better if you just relaxed and didn't clock watch. Who cares if it takes 60 mins instead of 20 or 30

  11. Very nice! I've got to be honest I was so disappointed in Castlevania 64 especially after the incredible SC4, I thought this would blow me away when I got it home 🫤

  12. You are one of the nicest and down to Earth guys on YouTube! You deserve more! I always like how you recommend games to us. I'm 38 and still discovering new gems thanks to you! 😀

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