RetroVibing: MS-DOS for GenZ

RetroVibing: MS-DOS for GenZ

#RetroVibing #MSDOS #GenZ

“Koding Aja Dulu”

Today we will explore MS-DOS with GenZ with Mustafa. 00:00:00 – Hello hello. 00:07:32 – Gilang Login DosBox 00:11:00 – DosBox 00:15:21 – Port & ISA Bus 00:17:55 – IOPort in DOS 00:25:43 – Interrupt Table DOS 00:33:57 – C “Hello World” 00:40:53 – @mustafasegf shocked executable…



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  1. Alamak jadi ingat jamannya desktop masih berupa disket 1.44mb dan disket yg gede, bawaannya bawa program wordstar, lotus 123, dbase I, II, III+, dan game pre historic itu sudah seneng banget… Perintah debug/edit(lupa) tapi ga tau debug apaan… Baru sadar itu mode real sekarang. Buat genz coba deh baca bahasa assembly yg ditulis s'to buat pahami memori yg ga flat…

  2. MS DOS DEBUG + Batch File searching for 8×16 character set in memory of DosBox.

    Press space for next 16 bytes
    Press escape key for exit

    Start Batch File with segment and offset address attached. Make sure that the offset address can divided by 16.

    C:>MEMSPY.BAT C000 1A00

    @echo off
    REM Display 16 bytes
    REM Need two parameter attached
    REM for segment and offset: like C000 1700
    REM Space = next 16 bytes
    REM ESC = Exit

    echo a>tmp.deb
    echo mov ax,b800>>tmp.deb
    echo mov es,ax>>tmp.deb
    echo mov bx,%1>>tmp.deb
    echo mov si,%2>>tmp.deb
    echo cld>>tmp.deb
    echo mov ds,bx>>tmp.deb
    echo xor di,di>>tmp.deb
    echo mov ch,10>>tmp.deb
    REM — Output segment address —
    echo mov dx,bx>>tmp.deb
    echo call 0170>>tmp.deb
    echo mov al,3A>>tmp.deb
    echo stosb>>tmp.deb
    echo inc di>>tmp.deb
    REM — Output offset address —
    echo mov dx,si>>tmp.deb
    echo call 0170>>tmp.deb
    echo add di,2>>tmp.deb
    REM — Get byte from ds:si —
    echo lodsb>>tmp.deb
    REM — Output byte —
    echo xor dx,dx>>tmp.deb
    echo mov ah,al>>tmp.deb
    echo mov dh,al>>tmp.deb
    echo mov cl,2>>tmp.deb
    echo call 0172>>tmp.deb
    echo add di,2>>tmp.deb
    REM — Output bits —
    echo mov dl,ah>>tmp.deb
    echo mov cl,8>>tmp.deb
    echo mov al,31>>tmp.deb
    echo rol dl,1>>tmp.deb
    echo test dl,1>>tmp.deb
    echo jnz 0141>>tmp.deb
    echo mov al,30>>tmp.deb
    echo stosb>>tmp.deb
    echo inc di>>tmp.deb
    echo dec cl>>tmp.deb
    echo jnz 0136>>tmp.deb
    REM — next row —
    echo add di,76>>tmp.deb
    echo dec ch>>tmp.deb
    echo jnz 0112>>tmp.deb
    REM — increase seg address + 64 kb —
    echo cmp si,0>>tmp.deb
    echo jnz 0157>>tmp.deb
    echo add bx,1000>>tmp.deb
    REM — get key from keyboard —
    echo mov ah,0>>tmp.deb
    echo int 16>>tmp.deb
    echo cmp al, 1b>>tmp.deb
    echo jz 0187>>tmp.deb
    echo cmp al,20>>tmp.deb
    echo jz 010C>>tmp.deb
    echo jmp 0157>>tmp.deb
    REM — Subroutine —
    REM — Output 4 hex ASCII —
    echo org 0170>>tmp.deb
    echo mov cl,4>>tmp.deb
    echo rol dx,4>>tmp.deb
    echo mov al,dl>>tmp.deb
    echo and al,F>>tmp.deb
    echo cmp al,A>>tmp.deb
    echo jb 017F>>tmp.deb
    echo add al,7>>tmp.deb
    echo add al,30>>tmp.deb
    echo stosb>>tmp.deb
    echo inc di>>tmp.deb
    echo dec cl>>tmp.deb
    echo jnz 0172>>tmp.deb
    echo ret>>tmp.deb


    echo n MEMSPY.COM>>tmp.deb

    echo rcx>>tmp.deb

    echo 88>>tmp.deb

    echo wcs:100>>tmp.deb

    echo q>>tmp.deb


    del tmp.deb


    del MEMSPY.COM

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