
Robert Morris Accuser Shares Her Story, Faith Journey

Robert Morris Accuser Shares Her Story, Faith Journey

#Robert #Morris #Accuser #Shares #Story #Faith #Journey

“CBN News”

The fallout continues after Robert Morris resigned from Gateway Church over furor following allegations he molested a 12-year-old girl in the 1980s. Morris, 62, who resigned from Gateway last week, offered an initial statement on the allegations against him in which he again used the term…



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  1. Hey, listen to the interview with an Ex friend and staff member of morris on the Justin Peters channel. He explains how morris and elders involved 2 police officers within the church to ensure this was kept “hush hush”.

  2. People are so quick to cast stones!! Just ask yourself, what Jesus would have done if He were physically around in this time? If a person repented and asked for forgiveness from God, and turned their life around, why would you keep on judging them? You might end up judging someone whom God has already forgiven. You people would have sentenced king David to death for killing Uriah's wife, had it happened in this era. It's as thou the people judging have never sinned. Madam, much as you were hurt, forgive the man and leave it for God. Hounding a pastor from serving God whether he is right or wrong, you are trekking on a dangerous path. What if God forgave the man long ago and he was using him to win souls for the Kingdom? It will be hard for revival to happen in the USA in modern times, if people don't change their approach to God's servants.

  3. This is so disgusting & 💯 wrong
    Don’t worry, these vid mega churches love to keto it in the family..,
    His son or son in law or daughter will TAKE over the so called church (no disrespect to honest every day people. My heart goes out to her & others 💛🙏

  4. So let me see. Ex child abusers can't be leaders so forgiveness and restoration is not for them. Has Robert ever abused another child since? I feel for this women I deal with this all the time but how do we deal with this without playing God. TD Jake's Robert Morris Tony Evans …All this exposure. I really hope there are no other victims. May God extend mercy to Morris and this lady.

  5. I will bet she is a Democrat and found out he was a part of Trumps Evangelical team…Why wait 35 years AFTER he had already confessed and been dealt with. .very vindictive and unforgiving! When God forgives true repentance God forgets.. she is just wanting to bring Pastor Morris condemnation…who are they to judge where God would have him…I guess they don't know the bible…Paul was a murderer, David an Adulterer etc…He has NOT abused any other children…again 35 years ago!!! I find her behavior NOW disgusting! Her 15 minutes of fame..judging her fruit!

  6. God bless her for telling her story. It must have been so hard to share this experience over and over to different churches with nothing happening for so long. I’m so glad that it’s finally being dealt with and that she didn’t give up. For those of you saying her parents failed her, please keep the main thing about this story the main thing: she was abused by a grown man. If anyone “failed” her, it’s the predator. 🙏🏽

  7. It's time to shut down Gateway Church. Period. Everything that's wrong in our country began in the church. God promises PROMISES that judgment begins in the house of The LORD. The swamp affected the church before it affected D.C. and it’s time to drain it.

  8. Respectfully, here's what you missed.
    I. She was approached by a Lawfirm/PR agency to bring this forward in this manner at this time.
    II. The Lawfirm is affiliated with the same group that JUNE represents. Did no one notice this occurred during the middle of PRIDE Month? Didn't make that link at all?
    III. Did she not even suspect that these individuals that approached her to bring this forward MIGHT have had ulterior motives?
    IV. Did she consider the effect this would have on the largest Republican voting block 5 mos. before a major election?
    VI. If NO ONE wants to be the bad guy here & ask her these questions point blank? I will. I volunteer. I'll be the bad guy. I've no problem asking her these questions.

  9. I am sorry this happened to her, but why wait so long to say something? This is not biblical the way she did this. If you had a problem with the pastor, confront him in private among the elders. This was not done in wisdom, but i feel in vengeance on her part. I say this, because i question the time it took to say something. From teen to her present age, Thats the big question! (1John 5:16) Confess your faults to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. For the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. This is what should have been done instead. Remember you are effecting the body not just a individual, so use wisdom

  10. He definitely should not have gone back into ministry after moldering and raping should have been instant dismissal from being in ministry. Especially because he was a minister at the time.

  11. It’s definitely Disgusting..Robert Morris Needs to give his Story Now. 12yo is not a Young Lady maybe there R More SA Victims🤷🏽‍♀️🙏🏽✝️

  12. Matthew 6:14-15
    For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

    But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

  13. I PRAY DELIVERANCE FROM THE DEMONIC SPIRIT OF RAPE AND ALL OTHER DEMONS ATTACHED TO Robert Morris. Breaking every generational and family curses in his bloodline❣️This Will Definitely REQUIRE Fasting and Prayer…Isaiah 58. It is a heart change…Repent…Reject…Renounce…Denounce…the spirit of Sexual Perversion❣️Holy 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥will set you free…If ‘One’ Truly wants to be set free❣️Praying Wholeness to Cindy and her family ❣️

  14. I forgive him 0:43 trust God to bring Him back to being to what God has called him to be. Whoever has no sin throws the first stone. Pray for Him pm not saying what He did was right. But we must forgive like Jesus forgive us. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  15. Why now? He had zero clout then, so how did he get away with it? Could she b lying as well? Who knows what the truth is bc at this point, where is the evidence? I hate this is happening, but why now? And I dont even listen to Robert Morris, but u all are at the end of life now. He was in pulpit for decades at this point. Praying that all truth unfolds

  16. Also, be careful, it is not for us to judge, and none of us knows the full story from both sides.People see things differently at different times. Based on the way, you were raised in the things you were subjected to what you believe to be abuse, may not be, and what you think isn’t abuse maybe . Based on the way, you were raised in the things you were subjected to what you believe to be abuse, may not be, and what you think isn’t abuse may be.that’s why when you have 7 witnesses to a crime they all have a different version of what happened.None are lying they just perceive what took place differently.any psychologist can tell you this.

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