
Samsung disables customer phones remotely, holds data

Samsung disables customer phones remotely, holds data hostage until Mexican government stepped in

#Samsung #disables #customer #phones #remotely #holds #data

“Louis Rossmann”

Say thanks to Juan for the great article: Sources: (1) …



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  1. Do Motorola and Samsung think that makes people consider to buy a "legit" device from them going forwards?
    That's just fucked up even if there is the possibility of using custom ROMs.

  2. How can i unlock the nfc reader on my phone to write?
    Or is that gonna make a big alarm go off somewhere in some rooom and then they log into the phone remotely n watch u on your camera to see what u are doing

  3. And to boot all chargers made today are multi-voltage anyway you can plug them into almost every grid regardless whether it’s 120v or 240v 50 or 60 hz many aftermarket chargers come with a hand full of plugs to accommodate any grid in any country

  4. How did they distinguish between people who use grey market devices and for example someone that is there just on vacation using their device with local sim card? Do they track where given IMEI was first turned on? Or do they just disable everyone who they deem is far from where they think that given person should be using the device?

  5. Amen. Samsung may be taking this a step further. There's information out there that newer phones may be showing up with a, non removable, app called "Agenda 2030". If so this appears to be tied to the WEF's Agenda 2030 "movement". This all remains to be seen and verified, however, it would be prudent for people to be aware of what the WEF is pushing and what Agenda 2030 about. Already sovereign nations have yeilded, by agreement, power to the WHO to mandate actions of governments over their people in the event of another pandemic. No longer will your national Govts be in control of policies in that event; WHO will be making those decisions, whatever they are. Its gone to far, globalism is not your friend and does not have your interests or well-being at heart.. Read, investigate for yourselves, confirm what your seeing from multiple sources that you can verify for yourselves are balanced and dont have thier own agenda. You are the final arbiter of truth for yourselves. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely..

  6. How bad is the phone disabled
    Totally bricked?

    Didnt this happen before where phones got locked and barred here in europe
    But people sent them to india and stolen phones worked there
    What makes them give a fuuc about this though?
    5:56 exactly,why u think i been kicking govt stuff off from here…

  7. Samsung has had many phones over the past years going through various regions with no issue. I'm sure there's a bit of truth to their actions. I'd have to research a little further but here but I doubt they would just wake up and switch off phones for no reason they would know what type of phone was what and if the specific unit was stolen.
    Unfortunately here I can not side with louise before finding out samsungs side of the story.

  8. Shit like this is why I refuse to even own a cell phone. Toss in the fact that the phone can be remote accessed to track your location without your permission and used as a surveillance device again without your permission.. to hell with 'em.. not worth the money! Surprisingly, it's less inconvenient that you would think. After all, we all got through most of the last century with the infernal things.

  9. Personally,I don't think manufacturers should have right to control and access to the data of the owner of mobile(or any) device. They should have right to block the whole device only if theft or criminal activity is performed with such device. And still locking, no access to the data.

  10. I don't like Samsung, I hate it. I'd rather be without a phone than use this brand. Basically, I don't own anything from Samsung. Not even from Motorola, much less from Apple.

  11. I dropped samsung with the S5. I had to take it to a service center to get the plastic usb port plug replaced. They said I had to unlock the phone so they could take it in the back and check it wasn't running a custom rom. I said how does that in anyway impact a plastic tag from the phone case?
    They said that they couldn't repair without the test. I told them to GFYS and left. Bought 5 replacement port covers off Ali express for about £6.

  12. No I won't – hell, I keep a list of companies with the worst anti-consumer practices and don't buy their stuff anymore (sadly Samsung is on that) unless I truly can't (Nvidia is such a case, as their GPUs are simply better than everything else on the market! I'd love to buy AMD or Intel, but their stuff sadly is not as good! AMD still has problems with ray-tracing, despite the fact that this is a mature technology now, not something that just came on the market, not to mention that their GPUs are power hogs! They brute force rendering speed these days, which makes them run hot easily and suck up power like mad – while still being slower than Nvidia! Seriously, I am not a fanboy, I buy what is better – hell, my last desktop was an AMD machine, while the one before – which lasted me 10 years! – was an Intel machine!)

  13. Always on and fully cloud integrated devices were and always will be anti-consumer! Hell, it's not enough that they physically take away features, while saying it's what costumers want! Like with the stupid unibody-designs where you need special tools to even fucking replace the battery! Same for removing headphone-jacks, SD-Card-Slots etc. – I know why I am bouncing from manufacturer to manufacturer over the last decade (note: I'd probably still use my first smartphone – a Samsung Galaxy S2 – if it didn't break, because frankly: There has been no real breakthrough on the smartphone market sind 2010! No faster processors etc. don't truly count IMHO), because they removed features I want (removable battery, headphone-jack, SD-Card-Slot) and now they are doing that remotely? Seriously, get stuffed! I mean it's like back in the day when companies were bitter because people pirated music, video games etc. because prices were outrageous! Well, I bet these things will get hacked (just like stuff like in cars where you have to pay monthly for heated seats and other extras!)

  14. Glad my phone is region unlocked. And if I end up buying a device or plan on buying a device that has a locked bootloader, I'll make sure I find a solution to unlock MY device's bootloader.

    And that f*ck you to Samsung at the end. Thank you Louis.

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