
Samsung purposely knives customer’s TV to weasel out of

Samsung purposely knives customer’s TV to weasel out of repair

#Samsung #purposely #knives #customers #weasel

“Louis Rossmann”




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  1. just to add fuel to this dumpster fire, 9 years ago I had problems with the tranny gearbox of my volvo car, I went to the manufacturer , they said the tranny is dead and needs replacement and it will cost me 6000 bucks, I went to a local mechanic who just changed twice the oil in the tranny and never had a problem since, cost me 700 bucks.

  2. I feel this. If samsung had just left the video up, and oned up to it, they might have been reasonably separate from the employees actions, but to force the video to be taken down not only lends credibility to the story, but makes it clear that samsung doesn't care all that much, if at all, about customers.

  3. Remember when Samsung deliberately put lower specced capacitors in their TVs and monitors, because they calculated they would only fail once warranty runs out? I do, and I am never buying Samsung again because of that. That clearly shows that trying to scam and cheat the customer was endemic to the whole company.

  4. you know what's funny, while louis was saying that unauthorised people need to be twice as good and whatnot all I thought was "what only twice louis…I think you passed twice as good a long time ago"

  5. This reminds me very much of an experience I had in my repair shop just last week. Customer brings in a Samsung Tab A it's 14 months old covered under the 2 year Samsung warranty and it's rebooting by itself. He had already sent it to Samsung's "Authorised" repair centre who told him that it was liquid damaged and it would be £1000 to repair (It retails for £200). I checked it over took everything out – liquid indicators were white and there was no sign of corrosion anywhere. Just another example of Samsung's "Authorised" repairers being dishonest to not honour the warranty. It wouldn't surprise me if they earn a bonus based on the number of devices they refuse for warranty service.

  6. I agree and disagree with you on the authorized/unauthorized technican. I had really bad experience with unauthorized technicans and I was an authorized technican for HP and the company was forcing people to make bad repairs. We had 37 minutes for a machine (laptop and desktop computers) to take it to the table from shipping, find out what is the problem, order the parts, repair the machine and pretest the machine. You were not allowed to make quality repairs. Do the fastest thing that will make it go trough test and take the next one. Does not matter what was the original problem…. most cases were "new" motherboard and new OS.

    There was a case when a customer sent in his machine with some intermittent error and got another motherboard, then sent in the laptop again and got another motherboard again. And it was his original motherboard because if they don't find any errors, they put the parts back to production (it came back again, customer stating the original error occured again). We were putting in used parts and they were charging customers for full price.
    We were told if we try a new motherboard and it's not solving the problem clean the thermal paste from it thoroughly, because they sell those parts as well. They are selling used parts as new.
    Long story, short… I was fired because I was doing repairs that made satisfied customers and not satisfied company.

  7. Companies as large as Samsung are always going to end up employing their fair share of unethical repair people. The measure of the company is what they do about it. What was Samsung's response to this exposure? If they sacked the engineer, offered to fund the customer to prosecute the engineer for criminal damage and generously compensated the customer and then took steps possible to prevent it happening again then I wouldn't blame the company. What did they do?

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