Shawn Stevenson: Transform your plate, transform your

Shawn Stevenson: Transform your plate, transform your LIFE

#Shawn #Stevenson #Transform #plate #transform

“Ed Mylett”

This week, we’re slicing into a topic that’s as crucial as your next heartbeat: the POWER of FOOD. And who better to serve up the wisdom than SHAWN STEVENSON, a man who’s turned his life around with the secrets hidden in what we eat.

At 20, Shawn was staring down a LIFE SENTENCE handed down…



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  1. Wow! Officially my new favorite interview! I’ll be sharing this with all my personal training clients. Sadly, in this 8 second attention span society we live in, not sure they will invest the time. I pray that they do. I preach “Food as Medicine”, “Food is Fuel” to them constantly. You guys hit so many points that are so close to my heart.
    As someone who grew up poor and still occasionally struggles financially, I was shoutin “Preach!” when you spoke about the health disconnect for those without financial resources.
    Thank you! 🙏🏼
    I’ll be buying the book.
    Is there a Mylett discount code?

  2. This was awesome! Def getting the book and using it with my wellness coaching clients! I am looking forward to gathering around a table with my family today!!! Happy Thanksgiving. Everyone!

  3. Ed I love that you once more brought Shawn back on the show!!
    Your previous conversations have transformed my health and you introduced me to my rolemodel for anything related to this topic (sleep, nutrition, exercise, stress management, …).
    I'm forever grateful to know both of you guys. Thanks for doing this podcast, I'm really excited to watch it! 🙂

  4. Shawn seems like a nice lad but the bit that he left out is cooking any food destroys the life force of the food and all cooking oils are toxic to humans . In elite health circles this has been known about for over 40 years. The stuff that Dr Brian teaches would make Shawn look like he is in elementary school. That said he is young and gifted and will no doubt come up to speed in a few years time.

  5. Thank God for nudging me back to your show after the Tyler Henry episode…

    All discussions should be on the table and people should use their faith and discernment to decide what is right and wrong. The older I get the more everything becomes clearer.

    Thanks for what you do, Ed, and I apologize for any harsh criticism.

  6. Sorry but a lot of these studies crack me up. Most of it’s common sense stuff but guys like this try to make it sound more complicated for podcast content. Of course eating with family or friends can be more stimulating…well not in all cases.

  7. I was thrilled to see that you were having Shawn back on the show! He immensely changed the way I eat and shop for groceries the last time he was on this show. His book, Eat Smarter, has more notes, underlines, highlights and sticky notes than any other book I've ever read. He is a wealth of knowledge! Thank you for having him on the show again.

  8. Where can i find this man and his books? I'm absolutely blown away at the similarities that I share with him. I was in the Air Force and I sustained back injury. Turns out I had degenerative disc disease (l4 l5 s1) At twenty one years of age. This resulted in me taking an early medical separation from the air force after three years. As I was getting out of the Air Force. I started to discover natural health and got a job at a local health food store in town. I immersed myself in the literature of a large variety of books and research herbs nonstop. I have become passionate about natural health and fitness and eating healthy and making the food taste great. I'm now thirty one years old and I would say my back is ninety five percent Restored. I exercise a lot and am in Brazilian jujitsu. I eat a lot of the foods that this man is talking about. And I just find it crazy how we have a similar Story.

  9. "Just smelling vegetable oils during cooking, the fumes of it, can damage your DNA" .. Wow, my mind is blown. I was thinking of working at a fast food chain for some extra money, definitely not going to do that now. Thank you Ed for yet another important educational interview!

  10. I love eating with my boyfriend, family, friends or colleagues. I live alone, so many weekdays I eat alone. But I cook myself a healthy dinner every evening, lots if veggies, every now and then with chicken or fish. I love cooking and I love cooking healthy meals for myself. I take very good care of myself, being 61 now, after work I love cooking, it’s relaxing for me. And another great thing is, while cooking I get so much art inspiration for my paintings. So that’s a win win 😄👍🏼❤️

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