Smug Optane Master Race Comment – Jody Bruchon Tech

Smug Optane Master Race Comment – Jody Bruchon Tech

#Smug #Optane #Master #Race #Comment #Jody #Bruchon #Tech

“Jody Bruchon”

“It’s not a problem for ME, so it’s not a real problem!”





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  1. As a computer tech since mid 80's I totally agree with Jody Bruchon.
    Some manufacturers have had ridiculous configurations and many pay on-site warranty techs a fixed price per job which only allows 30 minutes for the job and 30 minutes to get to the next one.
    Now work on a Dell-Alienware Laptop where you have to remove 50+ screws and pull the whole thing apart to get to the other side of the mainboard to replace the either an ssd drive, or replace one of two mech drives that has failed which the manufacturer put into a striped array (so the manufacturer could save $5 on the cheaper drives), putting the technician in the position of having to inform the end-user that the warranty does not encompass recovery of data from failed drives and that such recovery over data spanning across multiple drives complicates the matter (unnecessarily). The bewilderment of the client who was not told their machine had two half-sized drives to begin with.
    In scenarios like this, the manufacturers set up both the customer and the customer-facing technician with a shit situation and for what? saving a couple of bucks per machine or to obtain market advantage from performance gains by using methods that introduce unnecessary risks with the customer's data over the life of the machine – that the customer was never informed of?

  2. I think some of the disconnect is because Optane as the full fat 480GB to 1.5TB drives were amazing. The latency and random read/write performance is still better than any thing else on the market. The write endurance was also insane, I cant remember exactly, but it was orders of magnitude higher than even current premium "pro" SSDs that use regular nand flash.

    These 16-32GB accelerator drives, however, are pure garbage and they've started failing a lot. Because they're so tiny their endurance is garbage, and if I remember correctly they only use two PCI-E lanes compared to the 4-8 of the full fat Optane drives so the performance isn't all that good.

    I think the general story behind Optane was Intel was trying to develop storage so fast that you wouldn't need RAM anymore, but it just never panned out. What they were left with was essentially normal SSDs that, while having much lower latency and much higher random read/write performance, were also something like 5-10X more expensive. So they just canned it a few years ago.

  3. Some folk think that anything that does not directly improve their lives is "pointless." Jody, rest assured that those of us with a psychological age greater than 12 understand that you were making a point about older hardware that is STILL IN USE, and thus the question of whether it will continue to work is not "pointless" to its user(s). Keep up the good work.

  4. I know they're "old" but SSHDs are so slept on. I know SSDs will always be faster than either HDDs or SSHDs but for my aging devices, I just love SSHDs or high RPM HDDs. I guess I'm old fashioned. Don't know nothing about optane but i think I'd rather have a free PCIE slot or m.2 drive over something an SSHD can do with one slot in a safer manner.

  5. Re "racism", what you say is true, but I'd add that most of the actual racism that exists in America today is perpetrated by the very people who constanlty whine about the "racism" of other people.

    Mostly it's a race "hustle", a con; a way to obtain unearned priviedge by playing the victim. Witness BLM, Al Sharpton, Ilhan Omar,… most of the rest of the time, it's some anonymous, middle-aged, wealthy white female Social media addict pretending to be a "repressed" black.

  6. You can definitely tell the power user/tech enthusiasts from those who have to make a living servicing consumer-grade tech for end users. Having responsibility to steward customer data and/or business workflows exposes the lack of fault tolerance and redundancy inherent in non-enterprise grade gear. It's hard enough in the enterprise space, let alone messing around with Chinesium gear you get from Amazon.

  7. Agreed 100% and have dealt with this a lot in the past. Especially bad when those same people screeching about "i'm not having issues so why are you" call you all sorts of derogatory shit for no reason. So glad universal karma seems to get them not long after when they start having similar issues almost every time.

  8. I don't really listen to "influencers," but I think you and Chris Titus Tech have made me see the light that SSD truly is the way to go these days rather than HDDs, so I've bought three SSDs.

    2TB for my Asus Notebook
    2TB for my PS4 Slim
    480GB for a spare laptop (and also bought 8GB RAM for it)

    That spare laptop concurrently has Windows 10 LTSC (so you know, no bloatware), but soon enough it'll be running Linux Mint XFCE (which I'm using on others and I quite like it a lot). Who knew I'd be making the move to Linux this soon. 🙂

    And for some reason the way you pronounce LInux annoys me. lol

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