
Sony & Discovery change mind on stealing from customers

Sony & Discovery change mind on stealing from customers

#Sony #Discovery #change #mind #stealing #customers

“Louis Rossmann”



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  1. Adobe did the same thing with all of its legacy products. I was persuaded by adverts into "Purchasing" CS6 for £750 which I did. I refused to "rent" my editing software with their rental program introduced thereafter as CS6 was working fine….this worked for years until Adobe just "shut off" the verification servers for the software to drive people into their rental software. When I upgraded my system – I lost the £750 software that was advertised as a purchase.

  2. You really only buy the right to use a product and most companies just let you keep the item for free. This is why I hate gamepass and streaming. I am buying games with physical copies that can be played offline and DvDs. Eventually the only options will be to rent again and when they want to take something away they will. It will get political and it will ruin entertainment. If we havent already reached the PNR.

  3. That's why I don't even bother with most of the streaming services. Some come with various plans from other providers… Netflix and HBO+ from my cell phone and internet provider respectively… But I don't actively subscribe outside of those plans.
    If I really like something I'll go out and buy a hard copy of it, but some things are simply not available in any sort of storable media (DVD, ect) so… I make a copy. If they consider it piracy f* 'em.

  4. You are a master at communicating these ongoing ethical issues in the modern business landscape. Thank you for your constant and continual dedication to insisting upon business integrity.

  5. I never thought me, who lived in the third world most of my life, where piracy was the only way for me to engage with media because I couldn't buy everything I wanted, would ever actually have the more moral position. Jesus fucking christ.

  6. A real implementation of NFTs solves this. Imagine a purchased movie / game / software being an NFT that you can take to any platform and play, and then sell in once your finished with it

  7. Sony used software in their rootkit they didnt follow the license for, they effectively committed piracy to stop others pirating their music, i decided to avoid giving money to them on that day…. And if anyone wants to pirate Sony content, Sony through their actions say it is ok….

  8. This reminds me off thousands of dollars of music I bought then a yr later they said I have to re purchase them the company started before face book I forget the creeps name

  9. Netflix charging more for 4K is a total scam, especially when their content that is downscaled from 4K to 720p is far superior to most other services 1080p content.

  10. this is the type of shit that only happens when you've basically become a monopoly and are too big to fail. Also they've done a great job over the years of getting customers to become ok with their faces getting pissed in

  11. I agree with all of your points and my expectations for these companies are always so low that I expect to be screwed and try to prepare for worst when dealing with them.

  12. If this type of behaviour continues with corporations pirating is going to go through the roof, similar to buying a car with everything already installed (so you paid for it) only to have them wanting a payment to unlock features that you already own and paid for !!???
    And as you mentioned with EULA it’s intentional…
    Sony made a similar mistake with the mini disc players, the only difference from the base model and their top models was just firmware settings that you could access, so instead of paying 600$ for the top model I paid 200$ and turned on all the features and I remember it being like a playstation cheat code, something like up,up,down down, left right left right and another button…lmaorotf

  13. The words "purchase" and "buy" should be legally protected and defined so that when you buy a license, it is non-revocable. The EU is investigating this and will probably make laws 2024 regarding this BS.

  14. Thanks. Cancelled my Sony PS5 Plus. Saved myself 150 dollars. I don't support this. Also be aware Steam considers all of its games a "subscription" this precedent was set by Steam, and hasn't really gained the spotlight because I believe they haven't really removed many games from libraries. However GOG is a platform that ensures you own the game period.

  15. Imaging you buying a car. A few years in, a guy turns up, opens your car with a key. You run out and start yelling at that guy.
    He says: "Oh, hi there, we are revoking your ownership of this car but thank you for your continuing support. What's that? Oh, yeah, if you care to read here, page 22 of your purchase contract, it says that the transaction was revokable. Goodbye, sir!"
    And he drives off…
    Would you be dumb for not carefully reading your contract, even though the seller was clearly saying that you are buying the car?

  16. This is the reason why I don't spend a dime getting any of their low quality indoctrination products and still watch whatever I want.
    I will spend on independent quality products from honest companies.

    Same when they spam me with advertising, it only makes me never buy that product even if I liked it.

  17. kinda messed up that sony's 10-11 YEARS OLD ps4 controller prices didnt get cheaper.
    i also agree on how bad terms and service are. people get surprised when i mention some stuff they agreed about. they are intentionally being wrote unnecessary long that people do not read them

  18. Imagine if we had laws that restricted the words for digital store fronts based on the type of sale it is.
    If it is going to be retracted at a later date, or a service or server is shutdown, it should explicitly say on the complete transaction button one of the following words: "Rent", "Rental" or "Lease", and also say when that rental/lease expires or when the server is shutting down.
    This sort of nonsense needs to end, companies need punishing for shutting services off and not recompensing the people who purchased it.

  19. Also about 4K. It's hard to know what resolution you are streaming at, for obvious reasons. But its so stupid. Look at YouTube. Sure they aren't saints, but at least you can run statistics as overlay, even on ChromeCast / some Google devices. Last test with stats, i got 4K output when I reached a steady 70mb/s, and I stress the word steady. That device alone has to pull that from the net. Meaning if you have a 100/100 line it might be enough depending on how much bandwidth the rest of the house hold uses. I talk true 4K, not upscaling from 1080p

  20. The only answer to this is not to buy from companies that do this type of thing. I don't. If everyone does the same as me, they will soon stop this practice. If people wait until all companies do this it will be too late.

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