
SpaceX’s Starship Flight-2 Aftermath: What next?

SpaceX’s Starship Flight-2 Aftermath: What next?

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SpaceX’s Starship Flight-2…



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  1. Ole Guy. How many rockets failed on the pad, 2sec after launch, with Von Braun? V-2's, Redstone, Atlas etc.. He is at Genius level and they are stll bitchin. You may want to point out a few facts to the newbs. I think about this when kids can't tell time if the clock has hands on it, if ya really want to see how the calculator screwed us, wait till the register figures out you change, oh hold on then drop a dime quarter or what ever and watch the face, just don't do it if there is a line behind you!

  2. As the booster fell away and the SpaceX engine diagram showed that all six upper stage engines were running, I really thought that this time the StarShip was going to make (its limited) obit. WTF? It was a real surprise when the upper StarShip went silent. I thought I saw an irregularity in the exhaust plume of the SS before the diagram showed all 6 engines dark. I knew then it was a RUD before SpaceX confirmed it.
    I am certainly not an engineer, so I listen to people who ARE. One of them (not working for SpaceX) said yesterday, "Turbopump. It's always a turbopump".
    Last time around, it was months before SpaceX finally let it be known that holes in the fuel manifold of the booster for the bolts that attach it to the structure were allowing methane to leak through these holes and start engine fires. They tightened the bolts and a new manifold will be used in the future. Obviously, it solved the problem as all 33 engines ran to stage separation. Good job!
    I am VERY eager to hear what the 2 issues were on this latest flight, but I don't expect to find out anytime soon, judging from last time. Let's hope the FAA doesn't wade in again with long delays.

  3. The hot staging ring is a work in progress. Seems to me that is the weak spot right now. Engine compartment of Starship and top of booster, including grid fin actuators, not able to withstand a couple seconds of Raptor hell.

  4. You don't seem to understand what a "test" is. You test it to find out what doesn't work. You fix those things and test again. Repeat. This test was wildly successful. It fixed all the problems identified with test flight 1. It advanced to further, so far untested stages of flight and found some new things that worked and some that didn't. Test 3 will fix the problems identified from test 2, get further into the flight sequence and find other things to fix. That is how engineering is actually done. You just don't normally have the whole world watching while you do it. If this was being done by Boeing or Martin they'd still be having meetings about how to prevent the damage to the launch pad. Spacex has the resources of a huge company and, somehow, the mindset of a startup.

  5. Elon said, these are test flights. We made 1000 changes. If it doesn't explode, that would surprise us. The rocket did all of the things they wanted it to do. AND they learned a lot from the launch. I'm giving you a thumbs down for saying it was a disappointment to SpaceX. NO, it was not! The mission is to get to Hawaii. Not this flights goal. Hawaii is still several flights away. Yes, each of the next few flights the rocket is expected to blow up.

  6. In what 'world' was Starship2 NOT a fantastic success!… how many launches 'failed' for Falcon?… this is ONLY the 2nd and it nearly made orbital insertion. As for the FAA.. why do they have anything to do with a rocket that was destroyed outside of US territory… THAT's what's wrong with our Country.

  7. My suggestions begin with changing out the Starship to be a Orbital Cargo variety. Fill it up with water & other bulky supplies it would be nice to have up in the ISS some day. Nudge it into a nice orbit to await some future tug action, from a future product.

    Best would be to design the upper as a separate capsule with independent backup life support, docking hatch, able to function as a pressure chamber, isolating the rest of the ship.

    Blow them up to learn. Don't drown them. Not yet.

    This approach simplifies the immediate objectives setting up a illuminated pathway for achieving overall mission goals effectively. As it is we risk a tile punctuating a something!
    Once an Orbital Cargo Starship is towed and docked, the Huge increase in available space, And all that water (fill it with water to make weight, the objective of initial launches, with something, that if it gets blown up, is neither costly nor becomes a danger.) Will be a welcomed addition.

    (Got more suggestions on how to outfit them. A prediction: In the long run, Orbital Cargo variants of Starships will be the most common in the Fleet.)
    Once we start assembling them in Orbital Shipyards, constructed as a complex including the ISS, none of those will be the Re-Entry variants!
    That's the point to push for an Orbital Shipyard!

    Build Starships that never have to suffer the indignities of reentry!
    Make them bigger, lighter, as that will be the closest they will ever get to Earth!

  8. This is something that i just don’t get. 50+ years ago we went and landed on the moon with MUCH older technology and computers. Mentioned was that we need about 12 refueling ships per mission to the moon. Back then we had no refueling ships and made it. ?????

  9. Why does SpaceX need to refuel in order to get to the moon? It's reported to be at least three times as powerful as Saturn-V which was able to get to the moon and back without refueling, and while carrying all of the ships and supplies necessary for the entire trip.

  10. The hot stage ring was likely over torqued at launch due to a lack of a proper launch shock load thrust diverter.

    Thus the hot fire ring being damaged at launch may have damaged the StarShip plumbing, tanks etc. so when its engines fired it went boom 💥.

  11. To me the biggest success was that they didn’t destroy the launch tower. This will lead to a short turn around for launch number 3. SpaceX has always been about: launch-destroy-rebuild-launch again. That is their history. They will continue this pattern until there’s nothing left to fail, which is called Success.

  12. This is a really 'interesting' take…

    I think what has been accomplished in just 2 test flights is amazing when you consider how new starship is.

    Look back at falcon's progress for an example.

    Give it chance.

  13. Typical, all their successes and you concentrate on what went wrong. With FAA slowing down tests to SIX month intervals, improvements can only come in six month each time!

  14. This is not a "setback" by any means. It was a successful test flight of a new rocket, new systems and a new separation technique. Now they use the data to iterate once again before the next flight. And unlike other rocket companies, SpaceX has several more rockets waiting for modification and test flight. Very soon starship launches will be common place. Its all going according to plan.

  15. I predict the next flight will go without a hitch. SpaceX rarely makes the same mistakes twice. The two main objectives, Launch and Hot Separation were perfect. The third time will be the charm.

  16. I don't think this is going to work. They would need so many launches so frequently that it is still going to take 20 years, if at all, to get manned, refuelable, easily reusable starship to be a reality.

  17. ,❤ here is yr proof ❤ but yr faith in anything will not count. So pass this on it will count.❤an all who read will receive Jesus healing energy all old aches and pains will be washed away takes 30 minutes best to relax and shut yr eyes. Also 11 07 eastren night level 1 portion of youth longevity digestion an self beauty Jesus energy wash. Negative energy will creep out yr feet tell it's time. All are allowed even those that worship the antichrist 390 ft 33 half thruster dick. Jesus wants all to be in good condition for the day of judgement. Or I'm lying an yr closest friends won't experience it to

  18. This commentator is of the Instant Gratification Generation! Gotta have it all right now right quick and it has to be perfect with everything filled out and working one hundred percent! This guy should not be the one giving out frivolous comments for anyone to hear! He needs to grow up a lot more and realize that it is all baby steps at the beginning! The first words from Neil were that this is a small step for man! Same damm thing applies here! Small steps! Somehow this philosophy has been diluted between the 1969 generation and today’s group! Patience is a virtue for those who understand anything about evolution! Those who behold this virtue have much more control of their own destiny than those who do not!!!

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