
Speed camera stealth jammer teardown – with schematic

Speed camera stealth jammer teardown – with schematic

#Speed #camera #stealth #jammer #teardown #schematic


A very affordable device that jams any speed or red light camera, allowing you to floor it at all times with utter disregard for human …



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  1. You’d have to be incredibly stupid to expect that to work, they should sell them as bait but it’s actually a tracking device that sends data to the police so they can take these deadly bastards off the road

  2. ⚠️Everyone
    You can send fake stuff back at sellers expense.
    Just raise a return and up pops a postage label .
    I send 100's of items back every year.
    Costs nothing and hopefully teaches them a lesson 😅😅

  3. It’s actually being miss marketed. It is not a camera jammer. It’s an idiot detector. If you see one of these things flashing in a car it’s doing its job. It’s alerting you to a car driven by an idiot. Stay well clear.

  4. Honestly, the most impressive bit in there is the the lithium cell with a charge controller! You'd think they'd cheap out with just a capacitor. (MCU's are cheaper than 555's these days.)

  5. If the law has not changed then it is still a criminal offence to use a device to attempt to block the radar signals from a Police device or speed camera, I think the use of a device to locate GPS camera set up and detect radar emmisions (Ecomm) is legal. But the ones who are selling Tetra detection equipment should be aware that Ofcom has a complex position of the use of scanners in the UK and prosecutions have taken place for their use.
    I would avoid using anything that detects the Tetra system as that will put you in a position where the penalty for it's use get very heavy. The CPS can argue that by attempting to intercept the locations of the vehicles fitted with Tetra you are attempting to eavesdrop despite Tetra being a digitally encrypted service.

  6. The best wat to stop the IR speed cameras getting you is to leave the headlights adjusted to their highest position, and put them on high beam at least 50 yards before you get to them. Or so I'm told. Tried it a few times….nothing you can do going away from them though.

  7. I made something similar in 1997 or so to make a fake car alarm by making a face plate with a yellow LED showing through that velcroed onto a storage bay in the dash. On the back side was a single AA battery in a holder, a switch, a capacitor and an LM3909. The data sheet claimed that the battery would last 6 months in continuous use. I used it for 5 years periodically and never had to change the battery. It was a lovely chip.

  8. My vehicle has one of the factory LEDs that flashes to indicate it is locked and the alarm is active, but truly that is not something that dissuades thieves. Why would they care about a light? Or even know what it means, they are usually not that bright if they are breaking in to cars(dad joke intended).

  9. Hi Clive, i wanted to beg 2minutes of your time with a single long-winded question regarding MCZ33889DEG ic's. It's a bit of a "help me Obi Wan, you're my only hope!"
    I don't know how to contact you!
    Regards, Drew

  10. Mr. BigClive, first wanted to say I've been a long time fan, watch all your videos (typically from my Xbox) and enjoy the variety of videos. Recently tho, I've been having issues (I have reported it to YouTube – good luck on that). Your videos (new ones only) don't play on my console, it simply goes to a blank screen and does nothing. Old videos work fine, and shorts seem to work fine. It's VERY bizarre. Your channel is not the only one, there are odd channels where the problem exists pileofstuff is another one I can remember. Have you in past month (maybe early Dec) started encoding different? or YouTube? Happened after a YouTube App update in December. Who knows maybe I'm the only one lol? Any way "One Moment… please" keep pushing them out.👍👍

  11. These provide a vital road safety function. They assist in getting dangerous drivers who want to speed off the roads by getting them sent a nice set of points for their driving licence.

  12. "If buy these and expect to be able drive though speed cameras, your in for a very hefty fine." Excellent – anyone buying these for that purpose are getting exactly what they deserve – twice – once from being conned and again from the police after their dangerous and flagrant law-breaking.

  13. I recon if you fitted a row of these unbelievable devices across your number plates you could definitely avoid number plate recognition 🤪. You may get a blue flashing light through the mirror though .

  14. I wonder how the Chinese would react if western companies just used random collections of Chinese characters for their local affiliates over there? Like, instead of 'Lego', just pick some logographs that look vaguely blocky and jam them together to make something completely nonsensical…you know, like AEXZR is to english speakers.

  15. I have something thats looks very similar..that I use to control my fish tank lights…….
    never realised | could use it in my car to help me go fast…. and get away with it..

    N x

  16. I often wonder how many of the workers in the factory for these devices actually understand that they're creating fake devices. Does only the manager know? They're literally manufacturing e-waste. Such a bad waste of resources.

  17. Ahahhh…… if you had bought the most expensive product you would have found inside a few gigawatt power generator based on Zero Point Energy and an EMP flash emitter that can turn off any electronic equipment within a radius of several kilometers. (including your car)
    All the armies in the world use them to "shut down" one city at a time and to defend themselves from aliens.
    You buy them for "research" (and a laugh) but who is seriously fooled by stupid things like that?

  18. So, how do you know whether the 'official', more expensive units have the RF and other components the cheap knock-off doesn't? Maybe they cost more because they have the expensive components the cheap ones don't.

  19. This device can do all it claims with a simple addition of a SLING SHOT. When aimed carefully at the speed camera or "red light camera" it can permanently disable those devices.

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