
Star Trek: Borg – Interactive Movie Retrospective

Star Trek: Borg – Interactive Movie Retrospective

#Star #Trek #Borg #Interactive #Movie #Retrospective


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  1. Thanks a lot for bringing the Remastered version to my attention. It is truly great! And your Retrospective review is also pitch perfect and does the interactive movie justice.
    I have purchased BORG back in the day, still own it and managed to get it to run just 2 years ago in a virtual Windows 98 machine and played it.
    I like it for Q and the Borg obviously.
    But the Remastered version does look so much better!
    I'm very happy! 😊

  2. I'm outside of the giveaway window, but I'd like to mention some Star Trek games anyway. The first one I had was Star Trek: Starship Creator. I don't know if it was actually a disappointing game or if I just had a misconception of what it was, leading to my own disappointment with it. You build a ship (basically digital kitbashing), choose a crew from a roster of Starfleet Officers (think Fantasy Football but instead you choose from Starfleet officers instead of athletes), and fly it on random missions. The missions have random events based on a list of preprogrammed random events, and there's no voice work, you don't see your bridge, and everything is told via text (despite it not really being a text based adventure game).

    I guess I felt it lacked substance. But for what it was during the time it came out, I guess it was a fun interactive "toy".

    There was also a neat third person action game called Star Trek DS9: The Fallen, where you play as either Sisko or Worf (and maybe others) depending on the level, and the story revolves around some Pah-Wraith shenanigans. It wasn't a great game, but I thought it was underrated.

    My favorite is actually the Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force and Star Trek Elite Force II duology of games. The first game is about Janeway and Tuvok forming an elite squad of commandos to protect the ship against the Delta Quadrant threats, mainly the Borg (think MACOs but in the 24th century), and then EF II took place after they returned to the Alpha Quadrant and the team transfers to the Enterprise E. I wonder if it holds up today. It's a game I'd love to see a remaster of.

  3. Hi Junkball – can you so a supercut of all of the times in the series where there's either intruders on the ship or hostiles on an away mission, and the baddies VERY OBVIOUSLY are pointing a weapon at the First Officer/Captain but then you have Data or some rando call out "Commander!" or something similar. I always wondered what the purpose of that would be if it is VERY OBVIOUS someone pulled their gun out at you.

  4. Klingon Academy is my absolute favorite and I will never stop espousing about how good that game was nor will I stop complaining about why no one has ever remade it or made a game like it since. There was so much stuff to do in that game! Literally everything was moddable! The complexity has never been done since and even Star Trek Online doesn't hold a candle to what you could do with Klingon Academy or what the community did do with the game after its release.

  5. I bought the game, I played it and completed it after many many hours
    There's a bit where you try to do something, Q appears and says, "Are you sure you want to do that?" Then takes you back through time to try again, the trick is you do actually have to do it!
    Took ages to figure that out

  6. For me it would have to be the Star Trek: Starfleet Academy and Star Trek Starfleet Academy games. It's so hard to choose between the two. SA was my first computer game and Klingon Academy really felt like such an expansion. These games should be updated to run on newer systems natively as I feel like they are great stories to watch and play through. 🙂

  7. I certainly haven't forgotten Star Trek: Borg, I played the hell out of it as a tween. If it were to somehow end up in my mailbox I might actually get around to actually finishing it!

    That isn't to say it was my favorite Star Trek game, though, that distinction would probably go to Elite Force, a game so good that it almost made me like Star Trek Voyager

  8. Thank you so much for doing this, I love Star: Trek: Borg! It, along with Starfleet Academy and Klingon Academy, are my favorite Trek games because of their immersion in the universe and original footage (but don't enter me in the drawing, I still have my own copy of Star Trek: Borg handy! 🙂 )

  9. De Lancie has so much pure FUN with the performance, it's so hard for me to feel blue when seeing him.
    Also I dont know how hard that upscaling/clean up Davies did is, but to me it is seriously impressive. Nice job

  10. I adored Starfleet Academy as a kid. It had such a special feel to it being a game with the Wrath of Khan era uniforms, and genuinely made me feel like a Captain. It was also very difficult, but the custom skirmish mode was always a lot of fun! Cutscenes including Shatner and a great cast in general – and a neat idea to make it an academy simulator, allowing reattempts of failure while some decisions outside the sim are failure.

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