
Star Trek: First Contact – Eddie Steak commentary

Star Trek: First Contact – Eddie Steak commentary

#Star #Trek #Contact #Eddie #Steak #commentary

“Eddie Steak”



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  1. Unfortunately, I had to put a partially transparent image over some of the clips in order to get the video on youtube. There's also a few bizarre audio hiccups. I hope the video is still worth watching and enjoyable. Sorry for the drop in quality. I'll try to do better next time.

  2. I’ve noticed you are careful to use language used in the movies; like when I said “9 billion: all borg” that’s exactly what data says.

    I noticed you do that a lot and is a good nod to the franchise

  3. Nicely done Eddie I enjoyed it. The funny thing is, I could have watched the movie again but here I am watching you comment on it. I'd love to have a beer with you cause you sound like my friends. This movie is just like any Star Trek episode; if you can suspend scientific belief and just enjoy the story you will love it. However I do have some observations. 1. Picard wasted 2 drones with a holographic tommy gun. Right on. Replicate 100 FN-FALs or AK-47s and rock them into oblivion. You are drinking with Cochrane in the next scene. 2. "Shooting blanks" may possibly be a term used in the future. It would be more in line with sexual sterilization but possible. 3. Picard saying "Heeruh" in his Lilly speech. I always thought he was trying to imitate Arnold. If he would have said "Go to da choppa..Nowww!" I would not have blinked. 4. Borg Queen = Alien Queen (Picard = Ripley). They ripped that off and no one noticed. Kudos!! Clumsy but effective.

  4. Insurrection is great in my opinion. It’s more Star Trek than any tng movie, even this one. I agree first contact is a better movie and story but insurrection is special to me. It’s unbelievably brave.

    To me it’s right up there with undiscovered country. I enjoy it more than the search for Spock.

  5. 2/24/24 (HOW ABOUT THAT DATE!!!)

    why so much profanity?
    I could do without all the sexual stuff and cursing
    great movie!
    i saw it in theaters with my uncle and my dad
    The consensus was that it was a fun movie
    didn't like the diversion into hair metal without mentioning KISS
    in the 80s KISS were huge again, if a bit similar to other bands of the era
    they're also NYers just like you (I am guessing by your atrocious accent)
    i am no lingust

  6. This is one of my favorite movies as well. As with you, I have a few issues with it. My biggest issue is how they turned a respectable engineer into a lush bent on making a pile of cash. That’s the opposite of the established character in TOS. The character in TOS was a bit boring but that’s because we saw him as a castaway on some rock being seduced by an alien. Even with that, he was hospitable. He offered Miss Hedford a hot bath. The movie Cochrane looks like he never takes a bath.
    All my other issues are just nits.
    – Why didn’t the Vulcans see the Enterprise shooting at Cochrane’s ship? If you were trying to get someone’s attention, you couldn’t do better than 4 quantum torpedoes launched into the blackness of space. How could have the Vulcan’s with their sensors missed the Enterprise in orbit as they approached Earth?
    – Why did Worf shoot the deflector dish? It wasn’t self-powered. The Enterprise needed that. Before going back to the future, Picard could have beamed the Borg off the dish and let them burn up in the atmosphere then retrieve and reinstall the dish. Worf was cool though. I’ll give him that. He must have had the most powerful phaser rifle ever created too. 1 shot was all it took.

  7. The trailer for this movie still gets me pumped!! I was in 4th grade when it came out, it waa kinda scary. Borq Queen seemed slightly Cenobite inspired, and Hellraiser Bloodline (in space) was the same year…and both had a small part for Adam Scott.

  8. Great video, I agree with mostly all points. First Contact is definitely the best TNG movie! I do quite like the interior aesthetic of this era though, but I get where you're coming from with the lighting issue. I think Insurrection and Nemesis have the ship's interior more brightly lit, so that's something to keep an eye out for in the next reviews. Me, personally, I think my favorite version is the one from Insurrection. It looks and feels a great deal more cozy, which, I guess, fits the style of the move in general. The Nemesis one has its colors washed out imo, even with the extra lights.

  9. Ok something else I'm noticing. The whole leak bit, was quite funny, but again shows that these people don't understand contemporary Earth dialogue. They're centuries ahead of us. So in cbs trek it's so strange to hear them using modern phrases. I mean they'll reference this film but don't understand it.

  10. i love this movie but time travel plots always have enormous holes in it. back to the future 2's whole concept is bullshit. why would marty even care about what happens in the future when he's living in the past? it's not like his kid murdered someone. Doc just needed to tell him and they can deal with it when it happens instead of taking a risk of fucking everything up. the borg could've went back way before first contact or better yet to the 80s and the tng crew coulda helped the OG's rescue whales. with so many options it's hard to argue for the one the writers pick. this video was awesome tho. great work man

  11. Game genie, now that's a reference from the past lol. I'm guessing iwth Data's emotion chip the crew had moved past a series so they kind of had to speed the process along, or bring him into another series which never happened. Though seeing it earned would have been cool. I hope the Bozeman was an updated ship just with the same name, like the Enterprise or defiant because if not then you know things are bad. Then again vs the dominion they were using meranda and excelsior class ships so maybe things really were that bad. It actually would have been nice to see Sisko get a little pay back against the borg, though I guess that doesn't really matter as they have so many ships.

  12. The optimism of Star Trek was always a bit naive and facile, though. It strains credulity to think that all the complex social problems in human history would disappear simply by meeting an alien race. There’s no external miracle out there waiting to happen, it’s up to us to make change.

  13. The actual first contact is, I think, my favourite scene in all of Star Trek. It's utterly perfect. The first things humanity and aliens share, is a blessing of long life, and gratitude in response. What could be more Star Trek than that?

  14. Fun fact: Gravett Island was named for Jacques Gravett, Ronald D. Moore's assistant. I was confused too by Picard's order, but when you look on the LCARS display, it looks like Gravett Island is somewhere in French Polynesia, while because Riker's group is still in Montana, the orders were specifically for just him and his group to find somewhere in North America.

  15. Meh. Everything wrong with Trek in the past 28 years began with this flick. EVERYTHING. More of a beginning-of-the-end, or an undoing than a peak or high point. Every single shitty thing, everything that sucks about Star Trek today, can be traced back to First Contact. I even remember being underwhelmed in the theater back in the day. Never understood the praise.

  16. As a fellow Italian from the tri-state area, maybe you have heard about the condition known as Italian Alzheimer’s disease? We forget everything… except for our enemies!

    But in all seriousness, really enjoyed this commentary. My wife and I watched it over dinner, and it was excellent stuff. Though I have to say, thinking about Data’s corn hole while eating our Udon was not a situation we ever anticipated experiencing – either in this life, or the next.

  17. The concept of a Borg 'Queen' is counter to the basic idea of the Borg and changes the nature of the enemy to something a lot easier to concieve and fight a decentralized hive mind. But it it of course allows the writers to present a centralized villian, and Alice Kreig is outstanding. But it eventually also leads to the Picard Season Three nonsense. Still, great film.

  18. I truly enjoy your commentaries, partially because I too am a bit of a nit picker. I enjoy when you point out logical inconsistencies that I had noticed myself and the many more you point out that I missed completely. This brings me to "shooting banks". Phasers must have some sort training mode, referring to training mode as shooting blanks may have stuck around in English the way "filming" has suck around to describe what people do when they record on digital devices.

  19. No Gravatte Island??! Well, not in 2024, but there WILL be one. I did some time-travelling and Gravatte Island will be an artificial island built after WW3 as a refuge and safe haven from fallout. The designer and builder named it after Marianne Gravatte because he had once been completely alone in a fallout shelter for 2 years and the only thing he had to read and keep him <ahem> occupied was a slightly-used Oct. 1982 issue of Playboy. He would have long conversations with the images of Ms. Gravatte the way Tom Hanks did with Wilson the volleyball from Castaway.

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