
Star Trek’s The Bell Riots – Future has Arrived – but

Star Trek’s The Bell Riots – Future has Arrived – but how accurate?

#Star #Treks #Bell #Riots #Future #Arrived


I look back at the Star Trek Deep Space Nine episodes Past Tense parts 1 and 2 and see how the events depicted in 2024 match today’s reality.

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  1. IRL, here in the USA, we're closer to this dystopian vision than not. As other posters have indicated, you have entire communities gutted (resulting in an increase in homelessness), there are a number of cities calling themselves "sanctuary cities" because they don't want to enforce immigration laws, and the main political parties would rather pander to their respective bases than to actually solve problems, most of which are solvable. Shameful.

  2. Wait a minute, Sisko and Bashir being shuttled into the district, and Dax not had nothing to do with their race. Sisko and Bashir were found by law enforcement t seemingly sleeping in the subway station as vagrants with no IDs on them, while Dax was found by a civilian, not ties to law enforcement. Making it somehow about their race is just silly and .makes no sense seeing as the people in the sanctuary district are of all sorts of races and backgrounds.

  3. Not only Fahrenheit, but the British system at all. Few people understand gallons instead litres, miles instead km, inches instead cm, etc etc etc etc. It's more understandable "she is 1,65m" than "3ft and 3/4" or "this car makes 30km with 1 l", than "it makes 18.55 miles with 1/47 gallons" 😅😅😅😅😅

  4. Thankfully the current showrunners haven't retconned the Bell Riots into the future like they did Khan…

    Instead of Gabriel Bell, we get the George Floyd Uprisings…

  5. The US does actually have Sanctuary Cities. Sanctuary Cities are ones willing to take immigrants who are refugees and asylum seekers primarily. Today, most asylum seekers are from Latin American with the majority from Venezuela. These people are being put in temporary housing in currently unoccupied properties like old schools, churches, and hotels that cities rent. So they didn’t quite get it right about the local population living in these districts but it’s true for immigrant populations living in temporary housing run by local governments in the US.

  6. Screw Celsius. Why are we using boiling water as a reference point? That's not a human experience of air temp. Farenheit is easy, zero is about as cold as it gets in England/New England, and 100 is about as hot. Easy. Is it 100% hot? It's 100 out. 50% hot? It's 50 out. Cold as you've ever felt it? That's 0% hot! 🙂

  7. thankfully it all "ends" in a couple of decades but that temp will take 4 centuries…


    – **SAVE HER LIFE**: amatchformamag

    y only a "handful" knw anything: they wrk 9hrs@aslavejob then only hav 3 hrs left 2 research their own stuff

    more pple going blind bc screen DONT get your eyes dilated it screws your eyes up I found the info from comments on reversedilationliquid vids — old lady SCRWD my vision up decades ago i dontwantit2happen2 you too. ALSO SIDEWINDOWDEFLECTORS for your car to save your driver-side-more-damaged eye and NEVER EVER STARE @ THE SUN it's what screwed my eyes up in first place since i needed glasses afterwards.


    **Acrylic Sheets:**Transparent Orange Acrylic Sheet**: 12 x 24 inches, 1/4" (6mm) thick.

    *Top Health Advice:*

    1. Night Light orange tint blue light filter/blocking function on devices saves eyesight: Use a large orange vinyl plastic see-through panel (see "acrylic sheets" above) paired with the computer's nightlight blue light software function for eye comfort for protection against harmful blue light.

    2. Side Window Deflectors reduce driver-side eye damage and glare while driving, turning your car into a more comfortable space like a living room.

    3. Avoid excessive screen time to prevent blindness increased screen time leads to the myopia pandemic.

    4. Use Rollens sunglasses when outside; consider the orange-tinted "Gold Rollens." Can put multiple overlapping so can use 2 at same time for more protection.

    5. Never stare at the sun to avoid retinal detachment and eye damage.

    6. Avoid getting your eyes dilated DILATION LIQUID weakens eye muscles and leads to blindness. An old lady assistant spilled it and said "oops," now light-sensitive, reduction of accommodation, more myopic, never fully recovered.

    7. Avoid the chickenpox vaccine to prevent shingles later in life.

    8. Cigarette Smoke is responsible for numerous deaths and severe health consequences most die at 60.

    9. Use eclipse glasses for eye protection.

    10. Privacy screens can darken screens.

    11. Eyejusters self-adjustable glasses come in stainless steel and hybrid materials.

    12, SWIFT passes out earplugs to protect her fans anything over 70db = DEAF tinnitus ringing is dying ear cell freq u will never hear ever again. MUFFS!



    – "SIDE WINDOW DEFLECTORS" REDUCE eye damage/glare while driving TURNS CAR INTO A LIVING ROOM!


    – Never stare at the sun: retinal detachment and eye damage from staring at the sun.

    – Myopia Pandemic because of increased screen time.

    – Horror stories about dilation causing acute angle-closure glaucoma and Bell’s palsy.

    – DILATION LIQUID can weaken eye muscles and potentially lead to blindness. An old lady assistant spilled it and said "oops," now light-sensitive, reduction of accommodation, more myopic, never fully recovered.

    – Eyedrops recall since 2023 due to potential blindness.

    – Eclipse glasses for eye protection.

    – Orangetanbrown VINYLPLASTIC LARGE/SMALL PANELS "lowblulitesite" for eye protection against HARMFUL BLUE LIGHT.

    – Privacy screens to darken screens.

    – Eyejusters, Self-Adjustable Glasses, Stainless Steel, Eyejusters, Self-Adjustable Glasses, Stainless Steel.

    – Metal steel eyejusters: Eyejusters adjustable glasses for vision correction. Besides the metal versions "steel eyejusters," there are also HALF PLASTIC HALF METAL ones that are TWO COLORS (silver/black) with a METAL FRONT and PLASTIC ARMS, so they are a HYBRID of 2 MATERIALS!

    — Night light orange tint blue light filter/blocking function on computer/phone saves eyesight. Names: "night shift," "night light." Blue light filters are known by different names depending on the device manufacturer. Here are some examples:

    – **LG**: "Comfort View"

    – **HTC and OnePlus**: "Night Mode"

    – **Huawei**: "Eye Care"

    – **Motorola**: "Night Display"

    – **Xiaomi**: "Reading Mode"

    – **Samsung**: "Eye Comfort Shield"

    These features all serve the same purpose of reducing blue light emissions to help protect your eyesight and improve sleep quality.

    *Eyewear Insights:*

    1. Plastic glasses are lighter than metal ones.

    2. Eyejusters reading glasses with dials inside do not work for farsighted vision worse than maybe 3.50 or 4.00 but could be higher number verify.

    3. For nearsighted vision, use super cheap plastic versions with side dials.

    4. Note that different manufacturers have varying nose bridges and frames.

    *LGBTQ+ History:*

    – The phrase "Gay Pride" was coined by activists to reclaim pride from its negative connotations and promote self-affirmation within the LGBTQ+ community.

    *Health and Technology Concerns:*

    1. Copper blocks WiFi; children absorb WiFi 10x more, so turn it off when not in use. Other countries BAN WIFI but USA Lobbyist lie!

    2. Unplug WiFi to reduce overpopulation and lower temperatures by 1.5°C.

    3. Lead pipes are linked to crime; crime rates dropped when affected individuals retired.

    4. Chickenpox vaccine can lead to shingles later in life.

    *Environmental Concerns:*

    1. Summers are now longer, hotter, and double the 100 weeks.

    2. In 2024, the public was asked to stop driving to prevent ozone smog erosion.

    3. By 2036, the added effect of an extra week of 100°C for each summer month will have long-term consequences.

    4. Millions in Texas are advised to avoid driving to combat high ozone pollution levels.

    5. Smog smells bad when temperatures reach 100°F.

    6. Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (PV) or indirectly using concentrated solar power.


    – **Fake Moon Landing**: Filmed in Clovis, NM.

    – **WATCHMEN/RING movie**: Moon landing conspiracy.

    – **35 PATTERN 350**: Versatile pattern for various uses like comic book stores, grocery stores, theaters, etc.

    – **Combo Plastic & Steel Frames**: Stainless steel front, acetate sides, or all-metal steel eye justers.

    – **Mr. Beast Laser Challenge**: blindness from laser reflections as he RISKED/DAMAGED their eyes dot relection = dot in eye!unlesstheyhadeyeprotection

    – **Weight Loss**: Simply stop eating.

    – **Anti-Woking Rich Republics**: Lack of awareness about "woke" due to economic disadvantages.

    – **COVID-19**: Enacted in 2020 due to the 1.5°C milestone, not the virus. Vaccine as a sterilizing agent.

    – **Relaxed Dog**: Neighbors notice because the dog roams free without a collar.

    – **Sci-Fi**: Focuses on overpopulation

    – **Air Blowers**: Harmful noise levels; avoid blow-drying living things without hearing protection; hschooler showed how harmful in a project she devised.

    – **5 Hottest Places on Earth**: Iraq, Texas, Egypt, Arizona, Dubai.

    – **Trump's Racist Comment**: "They're poisoning the blood of our country."

    – **Diversity**: Essential for life, as even atoms are constantly moving.

    – **Halley's Comet 2061**: Predicted to reverse the timeline as population reaches its peak.

    – **90s Crime**: Decreased when lead drinkers retired.

    – **Smog Smell**: Appears at 105°F in the third week of August.



    this confirms i was correct all along spoilers new anime terminator main key reason the ai turned against pple is that root meaning of "robot" = slave which is y i always say machines are cursed. ironic now thking of "i robot" movie w willsmith poor guy but has an anger/distaste for his support of whites inherently bc of racism but secretly he actually hates his own race bc of his father's abuse.

    spoilers: also same day i watch this talks?/has trinity of ai as 1 consciousness & emp as solution (same goal: unplug — everything needs2sleep or toomuchheat) this same day i do note of racetrinity below the FINALRACEMAP:


    SECRET of travel trinity BLKASIANWHITE same as lastime travel 3continents this time same ones except for 1.

    TRINITY RACE: as filming locations of east represent eur ex haroldcrayongeorgia looks like london canada looks like london same w ny michigan chicago bc world cuts off at inflection pts of each race so TX used2b MEXiCAN which are eurasian so it is actually ASIAN so WEST=ASiaN as in INDIANSnativesCALIFORNIA that is y that civilwar movie has them joining up; london influence cuts off @ kazastan as they eurasian & asian influence begins. everything south equator is BLACK WORLD even influencing INDIA=darkerskin. so WHITE WORLD begins @ EASTERN USA and ends @ MIDDLE EAST then ASIAN WORLD begins and ends @ USA WEST. EVERYTHING south is BLACK!

    this is y DEI=no racism bc it is primarily a BLKASIANWHITE world u r either primarily in 1 side or not. any1 who doesnt support it is/basically = "racist" consciously or subc.

    – Screenwriting Propaganda:

    My screenwriting teacher said that if we only remember one thing from his class, it’s that everything is propaganda. But to me, if it’s good, it’s not propaganda; it’s memorable and impactful.

    – William Shatner:

    William Shatner faced controversy when he was accused of drugging, strangling, drowning, and cremating his wife. He used her past struggles with alcohol as an excuse. Do some blame his actions on the stress from the moon landing conspiracy and his tinnitus from a Star Trek accident, for which he was a spokesperson?

  8. I was living in Chicago, for Graduate school in Art, from 1994-2002, and work. I watched this set of episodes, in the deep Winter,…and was shocked how this story was. Homeless' needs was more in Chicago, than in my native suburban Ohio. Often at every EL Station (Chicago subway train) or on street corner, and in the parks, there were people, asking for some change, or a transit pass, or to buy them some food. As a Grad' Student, I didn't have much money, outstanding, and living in the City got me into debt, even with work. I used public transport, and walked no Car, yet, I had an apartment, and could buy food,…and you'd emerge from the grocery, and be asked for food by a person sitting on the pavement. I was mugged at gunpoint, hit, left in the gutter, in my second year in Chicago,….and after, for a while, with PTSD, I really didn't like people begging for me to help them,…I said some very rude words, and walked away. These two DS-9 episodes stayed in my mind, recorded on video in 1995, then the DVD set. About a week ago, my mind had an alert. "isn't DS-9" going to actually meet reality, soon?" Yes so, I got the DVD out, and watched over two nights.
    We have passed other Sci-Fi/years: 1984, 2001, 2010, Back to the Future -2015, Blade Runner-2019,….and other Trek events. Yet, creative writers think of what could be, and what "we" may encounter, and problems we could change before.

  9. Sorry, Fahrenheit makes sense from a human perspective. 0 is reaching dangerously cold, 100 is dangerously hot, and everything in the middle can be felt. 30s need a heavy jacket, 40s mid, 50s light, 60s nothing, 70s might throw on a t-shirt, 80s getting into shorts, 90s don't go outside (sorry Texas and Arizona).

  10. Thanks for pointing out these intersections with current events, Nick. Highlights the social commonalities that humans need to be aware of and hopefully work on. Hope to see more of these great analyses.

  11. We already have sanctuary districts in the U.S. From san Fran across the U.S.. We just don't have the violent massive up rise of the homeless part yet or the national Media networks really exposing and focusing on the matter.

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