Stormgate Open Beta – Multiplayer Gameplay! First Ladder

Stormgate Open Beta – Multiplayer Gameplay! First Ladder Games (1)

#Stormgate #Open #Beta #Multiplayer #Gameplay #Ladder


Stormgate Open Beta Gameplay: Multiplayer ranked matches as Vanguard & Infernal host as well as 3 Player co-op tips & tricks.



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  1. what a save 01:22:27, was over, and the infernal oponent did not focus fire the lancer, what a dumbass lol it was free win. but he wanted to kill workers. bad move IMOA
    But what a hold, look like the infernal was allining, I was quite surprise you finally took this one . still does not understand the meta

  2. Most of the negative comments are irrelavant.. Missing functions, bad graphics, "basic structure?". There's a dog with a satellite dish on it's back floating in the sky for the scouting drone, this is obviously a placeholder and not remotely near what it will look like.

  3. Eh sorry to say but this just isn't gonna do well. Too bad they have some good folks with good ideas But unless they plan to completely over haul this before release it will just be a forgotten RTS as soon as it comes out.

  4. i love rts games but jesus christ why did they choose this artstyle. It is so FREAKING ugly looking. Lot of people will skip this one because it looks like a cheap free to play mobile chinese game. SC1 looks cooler than this Unicornvomit. I know pro players wont care but if you want to attract a huge audience and create hype about a new "triple A" rts game this is not at all the way….

  5. So many people hating on this game ? xd if you can't even make a figure move or shoot particles stfu. Or go be stuck in time or whatever. Show some dang respect regardless if you like the game yes or no. tjees… spoiled lil brats. Sorry winter to put this here like that. You are all by all means to delete this comment if I am out of line.

  6. There are a lot of people who are overlooking the fact that this only just entered beta. Look and feel are the cherry on top that only comes in at the end of the process. Making an asymmetrical but balanced rts is the biggest undertaking here and I like what I see considering again how early we are in the game build.

  7. From my understanding their vision was a cross between wc3 and sc2. I understand the hate it's getting from sc fans, but as someone who leans more towards wc I see this as promising. I do hope they get the graphics to have a cleaner feel though.

  8. Good old 10 hour winter session. Got huge flashbacks to those electro music sc2 sessions, I absolutely love it. I think it is great that you play stormgate and stream games that you love to play even if there is critical comments about the game (like from myself).

  9. I was really hoping for this to be good but it looks and feels awkward to say the least. Yeah you could say this is just the beta but the basic structure won't change even in the years to come. SC2 remains unreached. Microsoft had its shot with AoE4 but they failed. Either a new studio will create a surprise hit or we'll have to wait for SC3, which isn't even certain to be made at this point.

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