
Superweapons – Thomas Bearden Part 2

Superweapons – Thomas Bearden Part 2

#Superweapons #Thomas #Bearden #Part

“Ashton Forbes”

Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Bearden on Secret Super Weapons in 1988.



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  1. Bearden seems legit and brings up good topics but overhypes Soviet tech a bit. Russia is not that advanced but still a force to be reckoned with. Lose Ukraine and Europe goes to war. And please don't vote in Trump again.

  2. President Trump has also talked about vehicles that take off vertically from your own driveway. That will be our future, how we deal with it, is our own.

    At least eight large cities that will be put together by ourselves, and we name the streets!

    Something beautiful is happening!

  3. Dutchsince has been predicting earthquakes for years, I've followed him for those years, he's a good dude man and they've been messing with him too,trying to get him taken down

  4. From the chat….jkphillyfan

    ​​Aren’t there underground facilities all over Ukraine? Few month ago Pentagon contest that they helped building 42 bio labs in the Ukrain.

  5. Let's go back in our further investigation MH370, which I think has Diego Garcia's super computer AI to control the Orbs. And we may discover later what happened to MH370 after passing through the portal.!

  6. There might be some truths in there. But it also sounds a lot like the old Soviet/Russia propaganda to be honest. We hear similar things today how advanced Russia is and how little defense the west has against Russian weapon systems. The reality is a different story tho. I mean just look how Russia is struggling to even take small parts of Ukraine after 2 years.
    But then again, I'm certainly no expert and I have no knowledge of what is really going on behind closed doors.
    I do think the two videos we have are interesting enough to explore the possibility of the technology, no doubt it.

  7. Good to see you watching this. First time i saw this on Dutchense's stream my jaw dropped. I bet yours will too. You too follow Dutchense. Looking forward to your Interview with Mr Sarfatti, thanks 🙂

  8. It sounds like he's talking about CERN. What is going to happen in April 8, 2024 when they start it up and run it until June?
    I hear that CERN wants to study "dark matter". I hope nothing happens…but I expect earthquakes will be coming.

  9. Hey Ash ! You have been in my ears all day since yesterday scalar physics is a great topic to go deeper into !!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK.


  10. Ppl with ammo will end up victims of their own. I just wanna make happy and do math n crafts… mr. Puttin plz can i get a bubble. Im no trouble. Will need to protect from our crazy zombie neighbors…who want nothing to do with crafts and math…

  11. If all of this was true, and assuming they figured this out in the 60s, it would have been independently discovered by scientists all over the world. Who could really keep such info quiet if true? They would have to have a global reach..

  12. I believe Bearden is telling the truth, but his use of Russia as the ultimate perpetrator may be deliberately misguided. I feel like I need to write this, because it’s frustrating seeing the Russian scapegoat propaganda be reinforced in a place where truths are being revealed (your YouTube page).

    The final boss in Ashton’s search for truth will be when he sees that the US government was softly overthrown after WWII. This was then cemented in 1963, two years after JFKs speech pointing it out. All hidden by the Trojan horse established within the government during the 1940s through blackmail that allowed them to gradually take over our intelligence in less than 20 years. Still no one sees it. The US people always wonder why their country is constantly engaged in war. Yet they never ask who is responsible. And just saying the “CIA” isn’t good enough. It’s who took over the CIA that people need to try and discover. Then you begin to see it.

    If you want a place to start, the root catalyst can be found in the Balfour Declaration. From there, observe who was involved in the Haavara Agreement. Who funded the Nazi revolution within the US? Who funded it outside of the US? The same people who bought it back when it collapsed, which were the same people who funded the Bolshevik Revolution, which drove the collapse of the Soviet Union. Hitler and Lenin were just useful pawns.

    The 1940s is the first time we ever started having issues with Russia. Why would the US have issues with Russia after they just sacrificed more soldiers than anyone to help win WWII? Well, consider who came to the US after that war. It’s the same people who were playing both sides. The people who helped deliver the bomb, NASA, etc.

    Who created the CDC? The WHO? The NSA? Who runs these entities now and why did no one find that odd whenever the ACE2 receptor’s energy attraction data shows such a skewed distribution between races? Now ask yourself, who leads the WEF? The WHO? The CDC? It’s all there, clear as day.

    We’ve been in constant conflict ever since WWII, which makes absolutely no sense when you consider we have more in common with Russia than any other country we’ve had false flag driven conflict with, which have been catalysts to every war we’ve been in since WWII.

    When you look at 9/11 honestly (I know you still believe the narrative) you’ll realize it’s all of the same people, just one generation later. JFK, Gulf War, Viet Nam, Iran Contra, the Middle East, and now Ukraine. All of the same people. Just one or two generation later. Leon Trotsky’s great granddaughter has been the head of our National Institute on Drug Abuse for over 20 years. About 23,000 overdoses in the year of 2003. That number was 106,000 in 2021. Unbelievable.

    The most insane thing about Ukraine is that no one asks how the people in charge (Victoria Nuland and Vladimir Zelensky) could be J****h, when the most crucial feature of their military is comprised of openly transparent Nazis. It’s the game within the game, all there out in the open. Still, no one asks why or how these two groups could ever work together.

    You just have to look at who was on both sides of the Haavara Agreement, 1940-1948 newly implemented policies, and the foundation of these intelligence groups. All of your concerns about black budget spending, hidden technologies, etc. has all been obfuscated by the same people that have directed every single international conflict over the last century. The US doesn’t actually hate Russia, it’s the Trojan horse within the US, which Russia overcame, that hates Russia. And the people who stand to benefit from continued conflict with Russia are the same people who stood to benefit by playing both sides. You lose, you buy the assets of the country you ran your operation through. You win, you take both assets of the country you ran the operation through and the country that was defeated. Evil as it gets.

    End of rant.

  13. I'm having trouble swallowing Bearden's opinion that the Soviets were fielding operational weapons of this type over 40 years ago. They'd use them publicly by now if that were the case. They're not strong enough not to. The science is plausible but any mass capability not, in Russians' case, anyway. Considering the era, his narrative regarding the Soviets sounds like SDI type propaganda warfare.

  14. What good is a weapon if you don't even know what country to direct said super weapon??? Hidden viruses in electrical grid. Hidden nukes/dirty bombs sitting in a random city for years like down in the tunnels underneath a city. Weapons are of no use if one does not know who the enemy even is.

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