
Sweet Baby Inc Is Awful…

Sweet Baby Inc Is Awful…

#Sweet #Baby #Awful..


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Hello guys and gals, it’s me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at what appears to be a situation where a consulting firm known as “Sweet Baby Inc” has come under hot water once they raised…



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  1. What's frustrating is that people have been calling this kind of stuff out for years, and they were called racist and homophobic and many other names.

    Now that it's been semi exposed, we have bigger names wanting viewer ship money, dipping their toes in the water of talking on the topic, in such a fence sitter fashion.

    Refuse to touch a topic with a 100 ft pole in fear of the mob coming after you, so you ditch all morals and bend the knee. After you see the mob starting to get beat down and exposed by all the individuals who stood on their morals, reality and truth. Only then do you see the cowards who kept quiet start to push back when it's safe. Even their pushback starts as safe, trying to play both sides. Then, when all is said and done, they will fall on whatever side of the issue is safe and brings in money.

    The tip of the iceberg is sweet baby Inc, the depths lead to mass like Blackrock and the WEF, people like Bill, Karl, and Soros. Where the money flows in to fund such things, giving Millions to keep failing woke DEI riddled companies and groups and activists running. Places like Vice, people like AOC. Information that pushes back gets pushed back and suppressed by Google who owns YouTube, by Microsoft by Main stream press and news, who get promoted even trend, with low views, and terrible like to dislike ratios.

  2. i dont understand the problem, alot of people saying sweetbaby is emersion breaking as if having fucking flying cars or the undead, sorcery or fucking flying spider people wasnt emersion breaking enough

  3. I would LOVE a over the top Bollywood style action game. They have a some meh mobile phone games but gimmie a full blown Bollywood, over the top, action game on a console or PC and I'd be all over that.

  4. Having a POC (or Asian or other non-racial-minority like say a Muslim or a radical Christian) must make sense! If you have say a German Wehrmacht Unit from 1940, you will not have blacks, you will not have asians, no muslims either and no women!
    PS: I am getting Google-AI-Vibes that did produced black George Washingtons etc. 🙁

  5. Agreed – a gun is a great equalizer (how does the famous quote go? – God made men and Samuel Colt made them equal!), that's also the reason women should have to face the draft, bullets fired by them are as deadly as those fired by men and nobody truly does 20 Kilometer and more marches anymore, you have transport for that and hand to hand combat? Only in truly desperate situations or maybe on special ops!

  6. Bruh I'm boricua and these mfs are the ones that couldnt get the damn PR flag and Cuban Flag correct in a game with a Puerto Rican protagonist

  7. I'm very much from the John Carmack school of gaming where story means nothing to me. I don't mind a good story in a game but it is nowhere near a requirement for me. These SBI employees have crazy egos thinking their "writing" really actually enhances anything.

  8. To be honest, if I worked with writing stories for games, my smallest concern is writing characters' ethnicities. It's about relatability. If you can't relate to my characters because they have a different skin color from you, my writing isn't the problem. It's your's.

  9. I order McDs as a treat for myself every Sat morning. I get the same L coffee. 1 M, 2 S. Same hamburger. Sometimes switch to their breakfast sandwich… But could you imagine someone coming up to you and telling you that you aren't allowed to order the same thing again at the restaurant? Like the cashier telling you that you are a "picky eater"? I don't know about you, but I'd be like, "Are you my mom?" And even my mom knows better than to suggest stuff like that. LMAO. It's good to diversify your tastes, but at the end of the day, if we need some mindless entertainment, we don't want to be preached at or given crap-tier written material that disrespects our beloved characters or worlds. We want same old, same old. And by the way, this isn't just true for "male gamers"… also true for us female gamers. And I can also assure you that female romance books don't stray away from its set tropes. Imagine telling female romance readers that they're becoming "picky" because they have a preference. LMAO. Get out of here, lady.

  10. As a POC i can say one of my all time favourite games was Mafia 3, Dude that is a great example of a black main character that was not forced. It felt organic, It felt real, but most of all it was genuinely relatable. So shout out to Clay from M3

    Also much like the Carbon tax here in Canada….ESG is a scam imo

  11. People need to become aware that investing in ESG ETFs is the root cause of the problem. The companies in these ETFs must hire woke consulting groups like Sweet Baby to fit the ESG criteria.

  12. What bothers me is that they are trying to say you cant say our game is bad because then you'll be a blank , blank , and blank.
    When the truth is not because the ideology makes us dislike the game,
    Its because the game is genuinely BAD.
    Its possible to make a good game
    They just haven't made a good game yet.

  13. Thank you for telling the truth. This SBI company is very sus. As for the gaming journalist choosing to ignore the truth,.. they are simply hurting their names as credible journalist no matter where they go.

  14. I'm not really sure how you could upload this and think it's a good video. I was a big fan of your work up until now because I always thought you did your research and put in some real effort into the videos you make but seeing you watch a clip from Belair's speech, then create a strawman out of it, then distract from it, only to then eventually argue in bad faith against the argument that you created yourself was really disappointing and quite frankly, made me lose trust in your channel.

    She said that we shouldn't necessarily look at white cis hetero men as our core demographic – and within the context of the whole speech, it's clear what she meant, but especially after you mentioned how people have taken that GDC speech out of context so much, I find it wild that you do the same and claim that she and SBI are "targeting this group of people" when there was no hint of anything like that. "I get what she's saying", well clearly not. It felt a bit manipulative, too, that you went on that tangent to criticize virtue signaling and poorly written marginalized characters (which SBI is against as well) only to then eventually go back to that point when most people probably won't even remember what exactly Belair has said.

    And there were also other things you did that I didn't like, like taking tweets from ten years ago at face value, especially when the context was deleted or when a person seems to be subtweeting aggressively… or only showing the memes and harmless Steam forum discussions rather than the hateful stuff as well that got purged.

    And to add to that, talking about this controversy and pandering towards gamergaters that are just leaping on every chance to attack people, only to then also promote your personal business felt a bit iffy.

    Either way, if that's what you enjoy doing, power to you. I'm not into videos that misrepresent points and try to use awful tactics like that. Giving you the benefit of the doubt would entail assuming that you were just lazy. Still disappointed. idk

  15. I'm black and it makes me wince when these kind of self righteous people use talking about "cis", "straight", "white" or "male" as a premise to say the most vile stuff that you couldn't say about ANY other group or identify without backlash, because its so phony and shows you actually don't believe in inclusion/equality/diversity and you are just using it to exercise some vendetta. For any of these statements replace it with "[non-white race] [non-male gender]" and if it sounds wrong you shouldn't be saying it at all.

    If you feel okay to say something horrible about one group of people but not another group that actually means you don't even see them as equal in the first place.

  16. Imagine if you were going out with your mates and suddenly you realise that you're all white and you need to invite some guy out just cus he's brown, to make you feel better.

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