
Talking About Sony vs. Nintendo Handhelds with Jon

Talking About Sony vs. Nintendo Handhelds with Jon Cartwright

#Talking #Sony #Nintendo #Handhelds #Jon

“Scott’s Stash”

Scott sits down with Jon Cartwright to talk about Sony and Nintendo handhelds and how they stack up against each other.
Jon Cartwright of Good Vibes Gaming: @GVG

This video was originally released via Card #02 of the Scott The Woz Collectible Trading Cards in late 2022.

Edited by Scott…



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  1. I had both a DS and PSP in 2005. The launch lineup for PSP was so bland as a Nintendo game loving kid. DS's launch standout was 64 DS which was what I REALLY wanted then some great staple entries down the line, but PSP had mostly just sports games, racing games, and an Ape Escape port. Both had Spiderman 2 lol. Later on just more ports and weird spin offs. Nothing interested me until Birth By Sleep came out so between then it was just the music and porn device

  2. Each of these portable consoles were aiming at different audiences and genres. Back in 2005 I let my oldest son pick if he wanted the original DS or PSP. He chose the DS because he was 7 at the time and he loved all the mario games. For myself I got a PSP because the more high resolution games like Final Fantasy 1 and 2 were there and I just like the style. The PSP was also more expensive as a console along with more expensive games compared to the DS.

  3. The PSP was big in Europe.
    In my country (Hungary) every one had a PSP because the Sony brand was always bigger than Nintendo. No one had a GameCube, a Wii and a Wii U but everyone had a PS2 and an Xbox360 so no one had a DS. The 3DS was the most popular Nintendo console because he Vita failed.
    And now the Switch is almost as popular like the PS4 was on it's launch.

  4. I have the biggest nostalgia love for the PSP, just due to the heavy hitter games I got for it. KH Birth By Sleep, MonHun Freedom Unite, Daxter, 3rd Birthday, and all the PS1 games I could grab on there when they went cheap.

    Still, in terms of staying power, the DS had it beat by miles. Same with the Vita- amazing hardware, unique features like the back touch pad, but it was held back due to a complete lack of a reason to own it past one or two knockout games.

    Something I'd wished both companies would have done is put the older games on these handhelds for pennies instead of full price. As a kid, you don't have access to really any money, and being able to grab classic titles for like, two to five dollars was a lot easier to do than frickin 15 or 30.

  5. I had a PSP and DS. I had like 2 games on my PSP. Sonic Rivals and Midnight Club. I got and played lots of demos. But mostly I remember loading music and movies to my PSP using it as an MP3 and MP4 player.

    The DS and GBA I had way more games for with many being some of my all time favourites

  6. First game I bought on my PSP was Mega Man Maverick Hunter X as well as Mega Man Powered Up. Powered Up was never released on the Playstation store so I can't play it on my Vita like I could Maverick Hunter X. These are two classics Playstation should bring to PS5 on their neglected Premium tier where tons of classics especially PSP only games aren't getting released, Final Fantasy 1, 2, and 4 PSP versions maybe even the 3D remake of FF3. Also the FF Dissidia games would be awesome to have on PS5 too.

  7. I was studying game design when the PSP came out and our school had PSP dev kits. As a designer I didn't really get into the hardware but acording to the programers and artists who where way more limited by the systems restrictions it was way weaker than most people realised. It's insanely impressive how developers could get so much out of it. On a personal level I was team DS.

  8. if Sony wasn't so anti-consumer, yeah the Vita being this high-powered Treasure Trove of Japan's games & several movies in Physical format so they can't get delisted from your collection could absolutely thrive in today's market

  9. DS is hard to read less so XL/3DS. 3D puzzle on PSP best. PSP by collectors yes. N64/Dreamcast 1 stick hello. Dude Tearaway. 2011-2015 like Dreamcast 3 years. Bad perception from players. Scott Liberation IS CANON STORY between 1&2 Ch4 to Killzone 2 gap you need Ch5 aka DLC (free to import to PSP off their website) & they can't do something different THEY HAVE TO BE A FPS LOL NO THEY DON'T THATS FANS EXPECTING AS SUCH THATS YOUR PROBLEM NOT DEVS.

    Smartphones were eh. Handheld & flash & console I separate.

    Love cable TV video out. Go is ok. I got a 2000 years later. Got DS OG Mario Kart sticker cyan blue upgraded to a Metallic Blue DSi. Love my Pink OG DS but it's only GBA I never owned GBA.

    Hate slimness it looks trash. Give me a thick DS a PDA looking DS then DS Lite slim, breaks looks ugly & cheap. DSi was fair. Marketing did, design is trash. Don't care how modern PSP looks I don't care, it's a generic handheld design minor changes.

    DS ebooks. Flip book apps I own the Artemis Fowl one on a whim randomly.

    Street E1000 is the last model. Mono, no internet. Cheap. The PSP Wii Mini.

    PSP Go digital bold. Phones for sure. Games at such download speeds & wifi chips.

    Chi cost for carts & moving parts on the go tough.

    Yeah yeah Crisis Core. Nowadays easy to get but yeah PSP physical prior. Still better games out there but yeah.

    Digital control that early versus nowadays. To avoid UMD because they make many physical formats and movie studios gave up so yeah.

    Xperia Play was cool. Not great but fair. The Vita Mick ups or prototype was cool. Yeah 2013-4 last games on PSP digital or physical.

    PSP over DS. Even for niche games. But eh Nintendo boring. Many have aged well. Who cares about the big games niche games are better on both. Many non on DS definitely PSP. My favourite puzzle games only on PSP few are on DS as well.

    The Wii/DS are ok of OS and similar or do their own thing.

    I don't mind PSP console elements besides its own. PSP over DS games. DS is overrated.

    PC handhelds are ok but Pocket PCs were better. Awkward sure but cooler. Or Windows CE on PDAs too.

    Yeah consoles dying yet oh money making nonsense when PSP Minis or DSiware made sense mobile on those handhelds. I think those were great. Phones are boring. Wow lifestyle garbage, garbage games. Simple dumb stuff. Flash games were good then simple games or business model trash now.

    Smartphones ruined things. Smartphones 'offered' but people think that. But I prefer games. Smartphones to me didn't universalise for me. Most people maybe but didn't to me. I always used my PSP/DS then bought a Vita/Wii U, 3DS then a Switch.

    Devs & customers both idiots. I love Declassified.

    I knew I wanted consistency & flash games separated. So I don't get it. I never thought the same as everyone else. Fair thesis, Switch is weaker but PS4 is still more powerful then phones besides the Nintendo only.

    XMB Cross Media Bar.

    You already look like a fool by sucking at understanding the PSP games or studio games let alone what XMB stands for I get it.

    It's a broad OS/UI into a more technical type. Then a clock/games of DS or awkward stuff.

    They could have done DSi eshop more than DSi games but yeah DSiware yeah circle then models.

    Konami made Coded Arms a procedural generation shooter but you have no idea what that is. GTI Club is awesome arcade racing fun on PSP.

    Love Plus is a great dating Sim on DS. Many 3rd parties offered FPS so why make the same experience on the go and more brown and direct competition Scott think for a minute not a second and come up with a dumb response.

    TOCA 2&3, ports of PS2 games. Force Unleashed is the best version of the PS2/Wii version base. GT PSP sure it's GT mobile or handheld style game but it's unique.

    You want copy and paste don't expect that you clearly don't get how PS1-3 those studios worked back then it says a lot let aloyyour generic mainstream gamer IP focus too look broader and get your heads above the sea level not buried in the sand. I respect a lot of Devs on PSP to compete DIFFERENTLY not the exact same.

    Also PS2 you said wasn't graphics focused yet you criticise them. What is your problem with consistency seriously it's hilarious. PSP is the same. It's PS1/2 what do you expect compared to DS, Gizmondo, Zodiac or cellphones and iPhone. Come on seriously.

    Genesis collection exists besides Sonic Rivals. Jak fans are idiots with Lost Frontier. Still the same studio staff but separate people involved then major decisions. Fans have bad expectations.

    Hip games uh huh. I had both but to me I prefer PSP more. DS to me I didn't get much I got Zelda sure but mostly third parties besides what the Brain Age/Sight Training but others were fair.

    3D was what it was but 2D or stylus or casual audience was DS. I didn't care for DS 3D. I love the Zelda DS games. I hate the console Zeldas are so awkward to me.

    Video camera angles and lid closing was awesome.

    Forget ame development they HAVE to do this and that. No they don't.

    It plays well too. What non Diablo clone do you get a isometric shooter. Very few have a nice day. What is and what should be a different things. Get it right.

    So was N64/Dreamcast but oh PSP shut up Scott/Jon do research, have a brain cell that isn't stupid. I get the limits. But this is why gamers suck. Oh it has to be this way. So why is it we get less creative games is demand for nonsense and oh platform limits well maybe they wanted to try something new at the team not always the same thing a whole series.

    Have a broader thought Scott use your brain not your gamer wild expectations. Nintendo can do a Four Swords game or Art Academy let alone other particular projects but Killzone Liberation oh they can't do that hardware limits or not.

    Think outside the box. Fans think the same and they don't think outside the box.

    Ready at Dawn & High Impact WERE ND/Insomniac/Monica staff idiots. DO RESEARCH.

    They were different staff with different ideas but oh no how dare they because it's not the main minds who put out those ideas people liked the most and we see those with different direction get bashed. What a bunch of ungreatfuls. Gamers have wild expectations.

    I swear the Ratchet PSP games are weird but bad hardly it's different staff, different ideas based on different parts of the series to still make it their own. Like that wasn't clear but fans are idiots and console nostalgia blinded. Many people are it's hilarious.

    Mario 64 is whatever played better. Got bored with it DS or N64. Many pre M64 or post M64 are more fun and no I don't mean Banjo I mean other PS1/2 or N64 or otherwise 1st and 3rd parties yes even the unlikely ones not the popular ones because I don't always talk popular games I talk better ideas in niche games forget sales sometimes and talking design decisions.

    I knew I'd hate this video because it's just a casual talk but Scott is so Nintendo and full of himself. Jon I get it but seriously barely any staff/studio understanding like at all how pathetically simple to do yet don't get it.

    Golden Bolt had better things to say about the behind the scenes and I can't stand him yet his videos are good his takes are a bit much sometimes.

    They can't be perfect. Nintendo does things differently but prepared for handheld and console years ago but Sony didn't and pulled a few staff to split between sure it was rough but when Firesprite made the PS4 Camera Playroom app not Japan you do question it when that's ex Studio Liverpool employees and they still stuck with Sony. They probably still connected with the company just had to form a new studio but still that's says something no one else does their research on yet I DO. Look in the right places sometimes. Not just at the game. The interviews, the Wikipedia game lists. Have a better research idea as a collector or else your worthless at knowing the context.

    Oh spin offs some yes others no. Bends were great on handhelds You look at Nintendo too much. I love PSP my favourites 3D puzzle games & 1st party/PS2 & Wii ports. PSP/Gizmondo (PC handheld sort of Po let PCs were a 2006 & older 2000s thing pre iPhone) and Tapwave Zodiac (PDA) were cool modern machines. Camera, media player, GPS.nGage as cellphone but 3D/GBA games. Physical movies on the go was cool.

    Didn't know Tag Team Racing had cross save like Outrun 2006. Good to know. Like Eye Toy exclusive content in some PS2 games huh.

    Glad Scott pointed out Smart As. Sure some PSP casual games yes the Hannah Montana, ABK48 or the 1 Language Coach game while DS had more. There is a Brain Age on PSP but it's third party while Smart As is 1st party. Or Muppets is Vita exclusive but not great.

    I think handheld versions are fine. Resistance Retribution is better than most in that series while 3 pushes the Insomniac ideas of their Ratchet games. Retribution may be better than 1&2 but it has a better story and fair level design and PSP limits overcome.

    The third parties were there and yes Monster Hunter presence for sure.

    Invisimials or other apps and things with camera or GPS for travel or PS3 PS Eye era as well. Eye of Judgement no camera on PSP.

    White Knight Chronicles and others.

    Ridge Racer is just fun and the PSP entries like Burnout PSP games too were just great combo games of past games ideas.

    The DS was a fair game machine stylus or controls, special carts, the music/photos/eshop later. PDA design to Lite+ design and variety of pre touch screen smartphone apps (90s smartphones pre finger touch screen exist). the PSP did media (music, movies, comics) and games yet people had no idea the Tapwave Zodiac & Gizmondo which are just like the PSP but PDA/Pocket PCs did the same thing the PSP did but more unknown.

    Also PSP cross save Outrun 2006 PS2/PSP thanks Sega. GBA sure had Billy Hatcher minigames or other GameCube game support but still Sony didn't push cross save till PS3 era so PS2 PSP gimmicks are awesome to see.

  10. I think I'd go with the DS, specifically the DS Lite, if I were on a desert island. That thing had insanely long battery life, and I'd have a lot of games to choose from between all of the GBA and DS games. Plus I even have Nintendogs to keep me from feeling too lonely.

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