Technology’s New G|Chinese AI will be used in iPhone 16 series next year|Practical test Marshall Emberton III &

科技新G|iPhone 16系列中文AI明年用到| 實試Marshall Emberton III & Willen II |GOOGLE香港20周年|黑膠唱盤形藍牙便攜喇叭

#Technologys #GChinese #iPhone #series #yearPractical #test #Marshall #Emberton #III

“GadgetGang HK”

This week’s “Technology New G” features Cheryl reporting on the latest technology news! First of all, of course, I would like to mention the iPhone 16 series and the new products released by Apple; I will also talk about the new iPhone function Repair Assitant. If the repair assistant function is replaced with other machine parts, the Apple ID will be locked; of course, the PS5 PRO…


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