
The FED Just Unknowingly Told us What Happens Next!

The FED Just Unknowingly Told us What Happens Next!

#FED #Unknowingly #Told


The Scheduled Fall of The U.S Economy Free Credit Repair Strategy Session …



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  1. Hundreds of billion dollars spent slaughtering people “over there” so that borders can remain open over here.

    Who do they think they are kidding?

  2. 30 dollars for “mayonnaise” – yes, that is the cost of “pasteurising, drying eggs and then rehydrating them. And then mixing the resulting “goo” with oil extracted from canola seed using vast industrial chemical processes. And the cost of all of the stabilisers and preservatives and who knows what else that ensures that the resulting trans fat stabilised flavourless “stuff” has a long shelf life.

    The alternative is to buy a small bottle of olive oil and a pack of organic eggs and make mayonnaise fresh using a little bit of effort. And most of the eggs can be used to make a delicious omelette, salad, poached eggs etc. For maybe 5 – 10 dollars depending on the quality of the eggs you decide to purchase.

    Yet another exercise in not buying the “highly processed ***t” you don’t really want or need and that is so bad for your health.

  3. An extra 41 billion dollars spent in the “military industrial complex”

    (It’s actually 40 billion, the other billion is spent on “lobbying” key Washington politicians at around a million pounds a “pop”. So your taxpayer dollars are spent keeping the turds afloat in the Washington cesspit. Probably similar going on in the U.K. and the EU).

  4. The useful thing about “job reports” is that nobody can question the figures – who else but the government collects these figures?

    A bit like the “national debt” – everybody quotes 34 trillion dollars – but is that the real figure? How would you know otherwise?

    And then there are “election results”.

  5. I agree zero fed cut in 2024, fed has lost control of inflation, we believe fed must HIKE to kill RISING INFLATION, WE JUST SAW ECI Signs of WAGE PRICE SPIRAL & HYPERINFLATION.
    And wages from California, truckers and union workers is still going up which means prices and inflation will go higher = HYPERINFLATION. STOCK MARKET CRASH is coming either from FED RATE HIKE OR DEBT + INFLATION DEMAND CRASH.

    The issue with rate hike is bonds and bank runs, regional smaller banks will crash like republic first.

    FED CANT CUT TILL INFLATION IS CRUSHED, If we cut under current inflation, INFLATION SURGES HIGHER usa average commoner cant afford to buy, then Demand falls, and DEFLATION MIGHT OCCUR.

    I honestly believe only decentralized crypto saves usa and any nation under high inflation, as buying decentralized crypto removes inflationary dollars out off circulation, selling bitcoin or other decentralized crypto returns inflationary dollar into circulation

  6. I sure am tired of these politicians pretty much lying right to our faces. I mean, you can’t piss down my back and then tell me it’s raining. That’s basically what they’re doing. I’m so sick of these people we elect these old people that clearly aren’t all there upstairs there are a few sandwiches short of a picnic And I don’t know what else to say about it. Vote them out some young people in there and their 40s and 50s not 70s and 80s and let’s have term limits for congressman and senators we need to make lobbyist in illegal thing. Basically he who has the most money makes all the rules and that’s not right stand for something or fall for anything.

  7. i dont think they can reduce rates.inflation would be rampant again.we just keep on borrowing.sooner or later the federal taxes will be unbearable for nearly everybody.

  8. Just my humble opinion…. The Fed has painted itself into a corner!!! It really can't afford to cut rates because the dollar is already under a lot of pressure and growing!!! And the Fed can't afford to raise rates because the entire banking system is already under a lot of stress and cannot handle anymore rate increases!!! My advise to the Fed – keep rates on hold indefinitely!!!! And be prepared to start buying United States treasuries in order to help shore up the very weak bond market!!! The bond market is going to force interest rates up in the foreseeable future and the Fed can't do a damb thing about it!!!!! I would also say that our entire financial economic system is right on the verge of a very serious existential crisis!!!!

  9. When will we realize our government does not represent its people they represent the WEF global elite 2030 agenda. Its treason they sold us out and its up to us to install a new government for the people

  10. Everybody is on “disability”. Only 67% of 100% of employable people are employed. If the gov is giving you statistics they are distorted for political gain. AI will do 2 white collar workers as automation did 2 blue collar workers

  11. John , I’m in Australia & that guy in your video is full of sh#t. I filled my car up today with premium @ $2.18 and I have never seen a jar of mayo for anywhere close to $30 . You should verify your sources of information

  12. Come on man, mayo here in LA is no where close to $30. Australia is another issue. What was mayo in Australia before the inflation? But you’re right about elites pushing this county over the edge. But they will fail. MAGA 👍🇺🇸

  13. With all the Trillions in debt what do we have to show for it. It did not go to the middle class, infrastructure, education, etc. It went to the good old oligarchs we have right here with these massive companies who have no alliances to the American worker. This goose will soon have no more eggs for them to grab soon. Disgusting or corrupted politicians let special interest dictate their policies. Trump will only make it worse since he is a money grabber as well and will no longer need his followers once he has complete immunity. Basically a dictator led country at that point and expect military squashing all decent. Putin will be his best bud if he isn’t already. Dems. Are bad to but there are at least some who want to clean it up and have a glimmer of hope for our people. Trumps crew are all criminals. The Supreme Court does not want the crap he did come out before the election.

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