
The Games Industry Is Hurting

The Games Industry Is Hurting

#Games #Industry #Hurting

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  1. The industry is hurting and we should be vocal expressing our concerns in a mindful way. Support those who lose their jobs and encourage a better world for the artists who bring joy to us through games. Great video Zion, proud of you for speaking up 🧡 – Craig

  2. Company usually laid-off "Redundant" jobs which is their term for basically "Use once, Fire 'em, Hire new" jobs. Usually they want to end financial year with as high profit as possible so they'll just fire those who are on the floor, give money that could go to those worker as a bonus to executive, write off high profit, then when it's time to do the work they'll hire new people to figure out codes that they didn't make or engine that they didn't knew while the high position talks about how they'll double the growth/profit next year by basically doing the same thing. it's just won't end as long as there's new Devs to abuse, many AAA studio these days just pushing out garbage after garbage because the high management is in disconnect with their Developers and Customer, most High Management would just filter out the news to Trending and Profitable.

  3. I think I heard somewhere that it's not actual developers losing their jobs. It's people from HR or the social media team. Quote "unnecessary jobs" end quote.

    But that's just a rumor I heard, so take it with a grain of salt

  4. Too many games are going ‘cinematic’ and narrative-driven with amazing graphics but shallow, unoriginal and repetitive gameplay. It’s almost like they’re ashamed to be games and want to be films.

    Good video games will sell well if the playability is there. All the other aspects are bonuses. Developers would do well to recenter interaction in their future titles.

  5. Microsoft recently became the most valuable company in the world. They aren't hurting for money. While there is always more to a story, when Microsoft lays off about 2000 people from its Bethesda /ID, Blizzard-Activision teams, the problem is that the mergers were ever allowed. It isn't new. How are the folks at Lionhead studios doing?

  6. What's really not helping is that many blindly buy games on name only – be it Madden, Call of Duty, NBA 2K… and so on. Last year was solid for games, yes, but I feel equally dull over the sour notes of layoffs and stale products.

  7. I'm old enough to remember when Blizzard Activision was rife with toxicity, facilitated (or engineered) by Bobby Kotick and company, and the gaming community was clamoring for someone to clean house. I guess I don't understand why everyone is lamenting the bad apples getting chucked.

  8. It’s the economy. Interest rates are rising worldwide for many different reasons. Higher interest rates often increase the perceived risk of investing in tech stocks. In short, when interest rates rise, tech stocks often experience a decline. As interest rates rise, these companies may find it more challenging to borrow money to finance their operations, dampening their growth prospects. Money becomes more expensive. When interest rates rise, investor sentiment tend to shift towards a more cautious approach. This is because increased interest rates often signal a slowing economy. As a result, investors may migrate away from tech stocks, which are perceived as riskier due to their high prices-to-earnings ratios, and towards safer investments, leading to a drop in tech stocks value.

  9. Gaming used to be full of enthusiast developers and enthusiast buyers. Once the financial potential became apparent, it became much more about the business aspect. Even a lot of the ground level devs probably saw it as a lucrative career, rather than a passion. If the bubble bursts, I’ll still happily play low to mid budget games if they’re created with care.

  10. Save money and save talent, fire a CEO. I mean seriously, you need talent and you need to pay them to be in this business. CEO's need to make less, or made redundant.

  11. Idk, if your whole economy is just parasitically benefiting of cheap 3rd world labour and your empire is losing influence do to the rise of multiporality while not being able to fall back onto productive labour cause its whole work force is in service, specualtion and other "luxury" things that never should make up more than 10 percent of everything, it seems just a natural consequence, that yeah a bloated industry like gaming which finds new ways to extract rents will just consolidate🤷🏿‍♂️

  12. Its not just because of the economy, the pandemic, greedy companies which really sucks… Its also alot because of the unnecessary forced woke esg nonsense people destroying the tech industry being laid off and tbh they should be laid off.
    All in all this is sad but not suprising, the industry has been inflated too much, it cannot maintain this position forever!

  13. I love how you can work your ass off for a company, dedicate your life to them. Make them endless fortunes and without even considering your well-being they'll just cut you off and leave you to starve.

  14. Many don't know who I am, but I review games and talk about my experiences with them. I love doing that and I love to review something especially of older games that I grew up with like Mega Man, the older 3D Sonic, etc. Now in my three years of reviewing games, I've noticed something about the modern and classic era of gaming: that the modern gaming era is trying to compete with the wrong crowd. Modern gaming is bloated because they are too busy trying to match a "cinematic experience" that happens to be a video game rather than a video game that happens to have a cinematic experience. Perfect examples of this is when you look at an RPG like Persona 5, you feel like you are playing a video game whereas a game like the Last of Us, it feels more like you're playing a movie. That's the problem with the industry and why these layoffs are happening: the higher ups are too focused in catching up to something that never made sense in the gaming industry in the first place. They don't make video games anymore.

  15. I'm so glad that people are talking about this. Being from the animation industry and personally affected by our own layoffs (been without a job since April), I can't help but feel a little hurt that our own industry isn't getting nearly the same amount of press or discussion. I feel like we're screaming into a void because no one cares or views animation with the same respect as other media.

  16. Always appreciate the time and work you all do to showcase and speak about the people that make gaming possible. I hope this video reaches all who need to see it.

  17. It’s greed, pure and simple. So many of the companies perpetrating these mass layoffs also posted record profits.

    This isn’t just a gaming industry problem. Every industry is hit like this.

    It’s part of the reason capitalism is a death spiral. We’ve hit the point where the pursuit of profit has turned to cutting corners by getting rid of the people who actually do the work.

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