The Level1 Show February 7 2024: Comfort Me Elmo

The Level1 Show February 7 2024: Comfort Me Elmo

#Level1 #Show #February #Comfort #Elmo


0:00 – Intro 0:22 – Okta to lay off 7% of …



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  1. ….. Come on Ryan… Did you never do the math? Ever wondered why a 30 min. TV was only ~23 min. and an hour long show was only ~45 min.? They had to account for the ad times. And it used to be about ~4 min. an ad break and there where usually four to five ad breaks an hour. 3.5 mins an hour for ads now 16 to 20 mins. for ads later. If I was a coding man I'd start working on writing code for an Ad volume reducer for on line streaming services.

  2. Nobody uses IPV6 because they don't have to. IPV6 was developed during a time when the industry feared running out of IP addresses. IPV6 solves that problem by supplying so many Globally Unique IP addresses that the world could never run out of them.

    Then Network Address Translation (NAT) became a thing and all the wind went out of the sales of IPV6.

    And, no. Your refrigerator doesn't need an IP address. If it does then get a new refrigerator.

  3. You should have referenced a different article for the CPAP story. Look for article titled "Recalled Sleep Apnea Machines Tied to 561 Deaths" There was another story from the FDA where they cite that the Styrofoam causes cancer.

  4. Spinning nonsense conspiracies around jobs numbers by claiming the small fraction of layoffs is offsetting the bigger number of jobs gained is pure stupidity.
    UPS has a disproportionate number of layoffs due to its hilarious union salary negotiations pushing uneducated workers up to six figures to move boxes around.

  5. 11:30 get me a framework android phone with an old-style fingerprint sensor on the back that actually works unlike the under-screen ones…. (and nfc,256G, thinly rubberized metal case, unlocked loader, wireless charging) and I might even be willing to apply to them if they get the (fan proposed) printer project going.

  6. It twitter being run into the ground? Sure it's been a little buggy, but now you can actually say what you want to on the platform. Apart from that it seems basically the same to me.

  7. You don’t have to watch the beheadings. I found it and reported for some reason, maybe I’m getting old, but I didn’t feel the need to watch the entire thing. Controlling yourself is a virtue just in case anyone is wondering. lol

  8. My Firefox won’t run without a restart every time a wake from sleep on Winshit. Works fine in Linux it’s just a few other things don’t work. I love our choices in our capitalist system of monopolies.

  9. All those useless satellites will trap us on Earth for centuries. First major conflict which goes live, those satellites will turn to junk and the Kessler syndrome will become reality. More of our intelligence showing up in reality.

  10. I've never had any moral qualms pirating TV, movies or music, and I'm sp happy I've contributed so little to that rotten machine throughout my life. It will continue like this.
    At the same time, I'll happily support smaller channels like this one by buying merch or patreon. This stuff is good and totally worth it.

  11. UPS has become the carrier of last resort in my area. Their lack of business in my region has less to do with people ordering more stuff, and more to do with everything they touched arriving late, damaged, and at a house three blocks over from the place on the delivery address. These days, everything gets routed through FedEx or USPS, with courier services called in for really important stuff.

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