
The ‘No Truth’ Administration | 5/17/24

The ‘No Truth’ Administration | 5/17/24

#Truth #Administration

“Pat Gray Unleashed”

Houston got hit with hurricane-force winds yesterday. Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC has done some interesting coverage of Donald Trump’s trial in New York with Stormy Daniels. FLASHBACK: Lawrence O’Donnell’s multiple on-set meltdowns. Do we now know who released the Casey Kasem historic…



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  1. Hang on a second.. the cop DIRECTING TRAFFIC at an ENTRANCE to a GOLF COURSE is NOT dealing with a bus crash or a fatality. Sorry, he's the LOWEST COP ON THE TOTEM POLE and he's all BUTT HURT his resume won't say 'crime scene advocate' it'll say TRAFFIC DUTY for that day. Sorry I've lost ALL respect for the police state we live in. Sorry, no.. I do NOT back the blue any more, no way. Listen to Bald and Bankrupt (he's an explorer / traveler who's been all over all the defunct former Soviet states in Europe) and he was asked what the scariest place he ever was in – you know what he said? Atlanta GA. He was scared because of the AMOUNT of POLICE in SWAT outfits CONTROLLING a crowd at some big event he was at.. he said he'd NEVER seen so many POLICE SOLDIERS anywhere in his LIFE in ALL his travels in European cities. Yeah..

  2. 1:13:33 – listen here for a few seconds, he's about to say some of the language that the MMT (MODERN MONETARY THEORY) and STOPS then says some of the language and concepts are just confusing. Listen, Mr. Bernstein here knows EXACTLY what he's talking about, he's all befuddled because he's trying NOT to say the QUIET part OUT LOUD. He's a SHILL. He's not stupid, guys.. he knows exactly what's going on here.. I sure hope everyone else picked up on that slip of his.. he definitely was about to say MMT

  3. I'm of the opinion and correct me if I'm wrong here that islands DON'T ACTUALLY FLOAT on the water, uh.. they're actually just higher pieces of LAND that stick up outside of the water. I may be crazy here thinking that, but uh… Islands don't capsize.

  4. 🤢🤮14:35. This pc of 💩 is a cartoon gone absolutely MAD😵‍💫 first he calls a Whore,,a Nun🤦🏼‍♀️ then he has the Nerve to criticize a Real Man that has gone through torture & Agony ,unjustly dragged through courts just to keep him from campaigning🤪 there is something definitely WRONG with this guy,, just like 🤤Brandon who sleeps at Very Important meetings with the most prestigious people,trips everytime he steps outside,,(who knows how many times he’s tripped & fell inside that we don’t see),,,,when looking at his watch when Soldiers killed in Afghanistan are coming home to their loved ones👎🏼 this guy is nothing but a Wack Job😵‍💫

  5. Of COURSE the engineer knew you could dial the potentiometer to queue and listen to every line in the house. OF COURSE, he's the one that SET IT UP like that!! (The first one at least). That's a trade secret! Imagine what it's like today? You think there's ANY privacy?? Ha..

  6. It doesn't go without notice that Pat and Co. were very mum and close mouthed in regards to Harrison Butker and the increasing attacks towards him that have become only more frenzied and unhinged as the the virtual lynch mob tweets for retribution and cancellation during this episode.
    Just the day before praise and admiration for the sportsball player was given by the UN(but very)leashed crew.
    I hope that the baseless and ignoble accusations that what Harrison said, things that Pat and Co. praised and whole heartily supported when there was no push back against Butker's speech, are (oh dear) anti-semitic?
    See, that's why that particularly nasty and spurious accusation is hurled about, to make weak willed and cowardly men double down on their weak will and cowardice and do nothing when before they had given to it a tepid round of support.

  7. Okay, dumb question but maybe not. We got hit with seven X-class solar flares recently. Could that be affecting the weather? Solar energy pouring into the earth's atmosphere?

  8. It's cute when Pat finally comes around to ideas decades too late. He used to regularly mock conspiracy theorists speaking about Gulf of Tonkin. Now that it's safe to accept it, he conveniently does. What a weak, so-called conservative hack. With Republicans like this, who needs Democrats.

  9. I've figured out why these Democrat politicians lie the way they do. Most of all they have no respect for the citizens or representative government. Ordinary people are peasants to them. That is how elitist they are. It's actually more than that. They are to the point of loathing. They hate us. It is raw visceral hatred. That is why they employ these woke ideologies. It's not an agenda. They just want to screw things up. They is why the appoint the most incompetent people to important roles. This is why they put out someone like Karine Jean Pierre as press secretary. Face they hate you. They hate our version of America.

  10. I am a Native American and I have been a Redskins fan my entire life (I am almost 50). When they started kneeling, I boycotted and I haven’t watched a game since the 2015 season. Once they changed the name, I have zero reasons to ever watch the NFL again. Redskins is not a slur and the team gave us a sense of pride. Shame on Dan for caving and shame on the current administration for not changing it back. The majority of Native Americans supported keeping the name (9 out of 10). But I guess it is another example of the white liberal telling us minorities what we should be offended by. I mean what would we ever do without them to guide us.

  11. Hey guys, I know Montana is nice, but hey, we have seasons here in Houston too. At least two of them, a warm season and a hot season. So don't be bragging about a state where your spit freezes before it hits the pavement LOL :-))

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