The secret of modern preparation | Hans Niemann vs Liam

The secret of modern preparation | Hans Niemann vs Liam Vrolijk | Tata Steel Challengers 2024

#secret #modern #preparation #Hans #Niemann #Liam


GM Daniel King examines the game Hans Niemann vs Liam Vrolijk, Tata Steel Challengers 2024. Support on Patreon: …



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  1. One criticism I've seen of Fischer random is that, at least with the shorter time to prepare, players often default to completely symmetrical openings to the point where they can get away with it, which can't hope to be as rich as something like a sicilian. I'll be curious to see if this changes with the longer time controls.

  2. You can ban him from the club but if the club wants to host the US championship they should not be allowed to ban him from this. If he qualifies he should play

  3. The Fischer chess tourney will be interesting. Magnus sounds very motivated, and said: This is the logical way to go. Fischer chess should have longer time control than classical chess, simply because you must calculate new positions from move 1. (Not a precise quote, but what he meant)

  4. Interesting game.

    I do like your emphasis on noting that Stockfish's (or any other engine's) analysis is not necessarily the "truth" of the position, in that, it may show the "best" move but is it the "best" move for a human to play? Sometimes, not. I've analyzed positions where Stockfish gives a winning assessment of a position. And then when I look at the "best" move, it's insanity. One line I looked at required FOUR "only move" computer moves that were just incredible. No human could find them. It took me hours of experimenting to understand why those "only moves" were winning. The kind of thing I could NEVER play in a real game and remember. The moves, the concepts, far too alien for a human being. So, in that position I play the "second best" move, which is also winning but a move I can understand. A move, a human can play.

    When you analyze with Stockfish, remember you're not Stockfish. Ask yourself if the resulting position is one you understand. "But Stockfish says this is the best move!" Well, yeah, for Stockfish but maybe not for you. 🙂

  5. The US Championship game you are thinking of is Niemann-Caruana 2023. There Hans took back on d4 with the knight instead of the pawn and lost. I daresay this is what triggered his analysis of the line and subsequent dissatisfaction.

  6. Hi there, is there is any chance you can see my model game with the Kalashnikov?, I learnt it from you and I think it would be great addition to analyze and share among people!!

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