The Tech That Will Prevent and Reverse Chronic Disease

The Tech That Will Prevent and Reverse Chronic Disease w/ Naveen Jain & Guru Banavar | EP #71

#Tech #Prevent #Reverse #Chronic #Disease

“Peter H. Diamandis”

In this episode, Peter, Naveen, and Guru discuss the importance of asking unique questions to solve massive problems, …



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  1. 34:52 What IF… everyone can also get an app connected with our "biological model data" and scan ingredients and product labels to Tell us if good or not for any of us individually. (NEXT step. Can tell if good for your family. Having also the biological model of other family members, recorded inside)

    This will be a game changer.

    Also, other applications can go together, like tailored recepies, etc

  2. 0:17: 🔬 Viome aims to solve massive problems in biology by collecting massive amounts of data from a broad population and using food as medicine to change gene expression.
    15:10: 🔬 Advancements in biological data collection, computational power, and algorithms have led to breakthroughs in understanding and analyzing biological data.
    22:38: 💡 The entrepreneur realized the value of a technology that could analyze RNA and obtained the license to create a company around it.
    29:52: 💡 The speaker discusses the importance of fine-tuning one's body and using an AI-powered app for personalized health recommendations.
    37:22: 📈 Viome has shown through longitudinal data that their biological scores accurately reflect changes in symptoms and can be used to track improvements with nutrition and Guru.
    44:49: 💡 The speaker discusses the misaligned incentives in the medical industrial complex and the need to go around the system to improve healthcare.
    52:00: 🔬 The video discusses the challenges of measuring GI intelligence and the potential of looking at the oral microbiome.
    59:03: 💤 Proper nutrition and stress reduction are essential for longevity and quality of sleep.
    1:06:03: 💡 Fountain Life offers advanced therapeutics to add healthy years to your life.
    1:13:23: 🤔 Experts have differing opinions on when human-level AI will be achieved, with some predicting 2027 and others predicting 2050.
    1:20:48: 💡 Entrepreneurs are problem solvers and the more entrepreneurs there are, the better the world gets.
    1:28:02: 🔑 Taking probiotics immediately after antibiotics can disrupt gut diversity.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  3. Peter, I enjoy your Moonshots podcasts. I'm certain that I'm not the first to say that it bugs me when you say a URL and you say "backslash" when you mean a "forwars slash" or just "slash." Minor thing.

  4. In addition to using food as medicine, what about using nature as medicine. And assimilating nature as fully, reverently, and joyfully as possible. Especially because it's free and available to all.

  5. They say if you want to be fit hang out with fit people. Feel and think younger hang out with younger people. Longivity seeking people should form clubs and organisations where they can develop communities.

  6. Thank you so much Peter for your inspiring and intellectually stimulating videos and your immense contribution towards the advancement of humanity. Your books and videos have impacted me a lot. Kudos sir, looking forward to meeting you my mentor in person soon.

  7. Bravo, about food compasion is the way, rats in citys have a bigger brain and more complicated social life than rats in the fields, because they eat cook food, in a few generation of rats life their brain get bigger, we humans did the same, wen we started eating good cook food easy to digest our ancestors brains get bigger by only few generations, we can do the same again nutrition update 2.0, really good cook food plus supplements and some control in a few generations we could become even more powerful brains society….. evolve depends of circumstances, good circumstance and good challenges and the brain and body evolve like crazy even in one live generation, the best sport for the brain and health is ping pong, plus good difficult education, plus yoga and meditation and you will see the benefits in the first days, is powerful, are the best practice for health, plus fasting, so any country or company that promote that will have a REALLY BIG economic rise, if i have to much bigger companies i would do a test and make obligatory to my workers jajaj fasting, yoga, meditation, ping pong, good food, supplements and make close look at their health to see if make me more money, i am sure it will make ton of money. You can evolve in years…

  8. Isn't this exaggerated personalization makes you incapable of adaptation to the environment? I mean, it's good for various diseases, but to personalize everything sounds a little bit like the social media echo chambers.

  9. 00:00 Introduction to delving into biology via extensive data collection from a diverse population to address chronic diseases.
    02:47 Naveen Jain of Viome points out the healthcare system's focus on acute care despite 97% of healthcare funds going to chronic disease management.
    05:29 Highlight 99% of genes in our bodies being expressed by the microbiome, underlining the human-microbiome symbiotic relationship's significance.
    10:21 Collection of a quadrillion biological data points from the oral microbiome alone, demonstrating the data collection scale for understanding human biology.
    18:23 Viome's ambitious goal: understanding human biology changes during chronic diseases' onset and progression to explore nutrition as a preventive and curative measure.
    23:43 The challenge and reward in shifting from a B2B to a direct-to-consumer business model, especially in the health sector.
    24:37 Comprehensive RNA analysis enabled by collecting various phenotype data through tests like saliva and blood for personalized health insights.
    26:13 Individualized dietary advice based on personal microbial and biological data to tackle health issues like inflammation.
    28:14 Use of AI and robotics for crafting personalized supplement capsules aligned with individual health data for precise health recommendations.
    32:18 A breakthrough with the FDA in early-stage oral and throat cancer detection showcasing the potential of data analysis in early disease diagnosis and management.
    47:01 Current early cancer detection tests show a limitation in stage one sensitivity, pinpointing a need for more precise early detection methods.
    48:10 Aim to establish early-stage molecular biomarkers for diseases like cancer, partnering with pharmaceutical companies for curative solutions, moving beyond symptomatic detection.
    49:19 Discuss the adverse effects of extreme diets and the importance of personalizing diets based on individual needs.
    01:00:35 A holistic health approach encompassing nutrition, stress management, exercise, quality sleep, and life purpose as contributors to longevity.
    01:08:44 Future healthcare vision: an AI "angel" aiding individuals with real-time health decisions for continuous, personalized healthcare support.
    01:09:35 Research on gp1 shows a decrease in alcohol craving, indicating a potential for altering brain behaviours towards addiction.
    01:10:45 Future of nanobots in healthcare: potential significant impact of molecular machines on biological processes within the body.
    01:12:37 Predictions of achieving human-level AI between 2027 and 2050, focusing on AI's impact on medical professionals.
    01:26:54 A 4 to 6-month timeframe to balance gut flora, with personalized food and nutrient recommendations as key improvement drivers.
    01:29:46 Study showing notable depression reduction in individuals following personalized food and supplement plans, emphasizing gut health's role in mental well-being.
    01:31:34 Naveen Jain's presence on Instagram and LinkedIn as Naveen Jain CEO and Viome's digital footprint on
    01:32:00 Emphasis on understanding one's own body and the importance of health knowledge.
    01:32:28 Complexity of the human body with 40 trillion human cells and 100 trillion microorganisms explored.
    01:32:39 Emerging understanding of the body's complex interactions via AI and massive data analysis.
    01:33:04 Gratitude for Naveen and Guru's contributions in rapidly advancing science and technology to solve health mysteries.

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