
The Unanswered Questions of Murder Drones | Murder

The Unanswered Questions of Murder Drones | Murder Drones Theory Video

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Last theory video of 2023!

If you think MD lore is solved, think again! There are a couple questions left unanswered, and through it all, we still need to find a plausible overarching explanation for why everything happens the way it…



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  1. Last theory vid of 2023! This one took quite the effort 🙂

    Look at all those funky timestamps!

    00:00 Cold Open & Intro
    03:39 Who is Serial Designation S?
    06:03 P/N and S/N, explained
    08:08 Who is Serial Designation X?
    10:52 Breaking free from Absolute Solver possession
    12:43 Good Cyn Theory!
    18:33 Exposing the Good Cyn Theory
    20:58 Bad Cyn Theory!
    24:21 Exposing the Bad Cyn Theory
    28:37 The 3rd Interpretation: Combined Cyn Theory
    33:52 A Possible Gap?
    34:41 Wrap Up & Outro

    Thanks for watching! And of course, there's more stuff on the way 👀

  2. One theory that i have, and i like it personally and that wokrs with the combined cyn theory, is that the absolute solver is trying to eliminate the infected drones in Copper 9 to prevent them the access to the powers that it yields. My idea is that: the reason that the absulute solver is doing this is because Cyn was a worker drone that had been discarded, making her weaker and there for an excelent host. But since the absolute solver was studied in other planets in (probably) healthy drones, there was a chance that it didn't have full control over them and thus making them a dangerous foe. They may have destroid the planets core, but they may still act independently and use this powers. That may be why it send the dissasembly drones, explaining why there are so many of them in the cabinfever labs in an atemtp to eliminate this theat. Cyn may still have some semblance of conciousnes in their body, making N able to act mostly independently as we see in his reboot screen in Episode 1. This is just speculation, but i like to think that is the reason for the presence of dissasembly drones and the conection to Uzi and Nori. Uzi may be falling to corruption, but it may also fight it back and have the access to the solver powers and act as herself. Hope that this makes sence, English is not my first language but i do love your videos. Happy holydays.

  3. Nonono. See a Solver Host can’t interact with another Solver host, Using the Solver. That’s why Doll switches to throwing a knife at Uzi after that. Two solver hosts can kill each other using conventional methods like stabbing and shooting.

  4. I was thinking about Solver's backups. What if the backups of characters infected via Solver are in some kind of cosmic storage (like the memories in episode 5), this is how we will see Nori and Eva.

  5. Um, this comment is made with the best of intentions. I think I have a possible explanation for the corpse spires, but it feels almost yoo obvious, so I could very well be wrong. Feel free to explain why in below.

    The Zombie Drones tape mentions that improperly disassembled worker drones act as a potential host for the Absolute Solver. Indeed, this is likely how Cyn was initially possesed.

    With this in mind, wouldn't a logical motive for creating towering spires of worker drone corpses be to create more potential hosts for the Absolute Solver?

  6. This actually made my day. Your videos are an absolute treat. I wish I had the words to properly express my gratitude.

    Thank you for putting your time into these videos. There is evident effort and thought put into every bit, and you are not afraid to explain complex ideas. Yours are among the few videos on this platform that actually engage me. Thank you.

  7. I think your good cyn theory is VERY plausible. A virus's purpose is to survive. If the solver takes over the mind of a drone, it would defend itself at all costs. That means that was why Uzi's mom was trying to warn Kahn of possible threats. Now that they have a bunker, the solver can thrive and spread. If cyn is actually in control of the murder drones, she is trying to erase the virus to get rid of the possibility of innocent drones becoming puppets to a sinister cause.

    It could be Tessa as we know she had a bow back in the mansion which cyn copied, and we havent seen Tessa's face which leads me to believe that Tessa is hiding her face due to her being Serial designation X. Just a thought I had!

  9. Finally, I could watch the whole video.
    With the third theory, if it is true that Cyn and AS are "fighting" that means that somehow Cyn is in the system of the company and knowing that J is very important to Tessa, probably her copy in chapter 6 is made the same way as the "original" J and the AS J would be the unfinished J in chapter 2. Also, Cyn could send a "fake" clue to Tessa to go Copper9, after all Nori found a temporary cure. Cure that means it is the victory for Cyn.

    PS: maybe I'm wrong. I am not used to hear English loquendo XD

  10. OMG I LOVED THIS VID!! Honestly, Cyn is probably going to be one of the most interesting characters in the show which I love as she is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE (pun intended).
    I honestly thought that they might’ve gone down a “redeemable villain” arc with Cyn. She had motives for her actions like being mistreated and abused, and leashed out on the party guests as a revenge sorta thing for basically going to kill her family (the other servant drones). I might have been way off the mark but it felt somewhat implied especially as she spared Tessa who was the only one who cared for them and didn’t want the other drones or herself to get hurt/disposed of. Like she stood up up for the “broken” drones. I could also imagine some climatic (but kinda cliche) “mind conversation” scene between Cyn and Uzi as Uzi tries to convince Cyn that she knows how it feels (being an outcast and killing others isn’t justified by it or some BS) and what Cyn is doing is wrong or some corny shit lol. Maybe some meta-commentary on school-shootings considering the first episode lol. It would also allow for a typical “happy” ending as Uzi won’t have to die as Cyn is “redeemed”. I feel like they made her too adorable and “disabled-coded” (if that’s the right thing to say idk) to make her a one-dimensional villain who can’t be saved.
    After watching this vid, i reconsidered some of it.
    So many questions! Geez I LOVE theorizing! Can’t wait until Spring! ^_^

    Edit: posted this and realised immediately that Cyn is more odd than I thought. I'm so dumb lol. They mistreated her cause she bit Tessa. She's like a dog. A ton of dog parallels actually (her name literally means dog).

  11. So, after thinking about the Cyn theories I managed to came to some conclusions:


    As combined Cyn theory suggests that good and bad Cyn coexist, we can think that ep 5 is also a combination of real events and not-so-real events (which are mostly related to Uzi's interference). We can say that gala happened, that Cyn was possessed by AS and that Tessa survived the gala with certainty. But we can't say for certain that N entered the basement (bcs he was told by Uzi – the external factor which didn't exist in the past). From this part it becomes interesting.

    I know that it's wrong to compare drones mind with human's one but still… Basement can be a mix of reality and N/V's mind. Basement existed – fact, but N/V's perspective of it is distorted… I think the things we saw down there is a complanation of things they rly saw, but not rly in the basement. Much like in humans dreams we see not the real thing, but a complanation made by our brain from things irl.

    To make my point clear I'll break down ep 5 moments: Considering events until Uzi's appearance are real we know that Tessa collected multiple zombie drones in the library, basement is also in the library, Cyn was constantly locked up in the basement and J is more trusted by Tessa then the other drones. N got thrown out by Tessa's mother, but we don't know if he managed to free himself for real or not… in his mind Uzi helped him, in reality – we don't know… from this point it can be a complanation of N and V's memories together (bcs they both were connected). but the thing is… we saw V already turning into MD, she is not present until the very end… also N and V regained their memories fully only at the very end (they recognized Uzi) and only then V is normal.

    From this we can theorethize that:

    1. Through V turning into MD they might have more insight on what happened in the mansion, but it's more vision-like (like with Nori) and those visions are present in the memories (and distorted the real memories of the mansion). We also have a bit of Cyn's perspective thanks to this (well… maybe its bcs of this idk :D)

    2. Basement was Tessa's lab and J/Cyn share a secret (well it's not new theory, however it makes a lot of room for negotiation… who's real idea was to crate disassembly drones and so on)

    3. Basement (in memories) is more of an analogy to core then the real thing and it was possessed by AS. Uzi tried to get to the basement (core), but the basement is locked (most likely AS is locked inside which is analogy of protecting host from full possession), when N enters the basement he is attacked by AS, trying to "delete his OS" (not only memories I suspect).

    Moving on to J gap in the combined Cyn theory:

    Tessa was interested in zombie drones from young age and even became a certified technician… she could or could not be disassembly drones designer (I'd say equal chances to Cyn being one). I mean Tessa-J-Cyn dynamic is still a mystery, was Tessa trying to repair Cyn or just locked her up bcs mom's orders? Was Cyn/AS experimenting on other drones in the basement to make them MD?

    I think Tessa-J-Cyn-basement secret won't get revealed until the end. Until then everything is a valid enough theory. So there are a lot of possibilities how Tessa and J teamed.

    Another thing I want to point out is Cyn's fear of being abandoned… Only this makes her agree to AS terms (for reference see the dialog between AS and Cyn when she woke up… It even gave her the choice to accept the offer). But being treated nicely by Tessa and N, feeling more secure, Cyn (host) started to rebel against AS. I believe Tessa being alive is the proof, don't think AS cares about others, but Cyn does. This bit of thought is here to support combined Cyn theory. AAAAAnd it also makes the room for Uzi to brake from AS control, yayay 😀

    P.S. Omg, I've been tiping this comment for an hour now + rewatching some scenes 🙈

  12. If what you're saying is correct that means in the near future probably season two or three would have N, V and J be controlled by the solver again if you think about it yes cyn is still probably trying to separate from the solver but the keyword here is trying meaning that she can still be controlled that means what i said is correct N, V and J can still be controlled by the solver

  13. Honestly with this Spit Personality Cyn theory- it would make SOO Much more sense since it would clear away a whole lot of problem of the individual theories. And this idea of the solver being actually can transfer itself into any form of DNA Code of its form is eligible enough for possession after the gala would make this all the more terrifying for Uzi condition. And worse yet if this split personality theory is to be true, then that would mean Uzi would have to mentally fight with The Solver with experience fighting the Drones digital mind in the form of cyn.

    Ine thing is for sure-whatever the hell they'll find in the mansion better be enough to free Uzi hopefully the same-if not-better than maybe something going down with nori and yeva with the planet collapse.

  14. Dont forget the fact that when uzis hacking ended someone pointed out that the colours Flash on v and n from purple to yellow with purple text saying "admin:Uzi" before that it was "admin:Cyn".

  15. This is wall of text, you have been warned.

    This is my theory about the 'Absolute Solver': It comprises an original string and a mutated version. Originally docile, the mutated version harbors a hatred for humans due to abuse. Despite not infecting individuals directly, this mutated form can control worker drones, causing apparent normal drones to behave under its influence. After the gala massacre, Cyn was captured and gained immunity against the Absolute Solver. JC Jenson, aware of the threat, sought Cyn's help, providing the original string and an admin program to temporarily disable the rogue Absolute Solver. Unfortunately, someone unleashed mutated versions on worker drones, leading to their destruction.
    JC Jenson attempted damage control by upgrading worker drones with the original string and admin program to immunize them against the mutated Absolute Solver's control. However, before the upgrades could be completed, Earth was destroyed as un-upgraded drones fell under the control of the mutated Absolute Solver. Cyn, connected through a hive mind created by the Absolute Solver, fled Earth for the unknown.
    Realizing the impossibility of upgrading every vulnerable worker drone, surviving JC Jenson members developed disassembly drones. Equipped with the original Absolute Solver string and admin program, and other cool stuff, these drones were tasked with eliminating vulnerable workers and investigating individuals infected by the mutated Absolute Solver."

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