
The Weirdest Story Mode Nintendo Ever Released

The Weirdest Story Mode Nintendo Ever Released

#Weirdest #Story #Mode #Nintendo #Released

“The Cursed Judge”

or, An Exploration of Subspace Emissary

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0:00 Introduction
7:31 The Gameplay



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  1. I thought I remember losing any collected stickers and trophies if you die in the subspace emissary. Also I did more play the subspace emissary for the gameplay. Honestly I played it far more than any other gamemode on Brawl. I even replayed it recently. Honestly the story is kinda cool but I think the gameplay is much more freeform than really any other game on the market.

    And not sure what you mean with enemies being unfair, I thought it was fairly balanced especially for the character designed for the level. And ranged characters are just straight overpowered. Charizard's flame attack is basically unstoppable and Link's bombs are nearly one shot kills to any mob.

    And I disagree, subspace emissiary is far more entertaining than adventure mode. You play smash for the challenge, if it's as basic as any other 2D platformer it's loses that. And I honestly think it's experience unlike really any other 2D platformer. You can choose different characters for different levels, you can choose who suits your playstyle, and the enemies in many cases have very telegraphed attacks. And you did have real fights in the subspace, you had the boss fights against other playable characters and the full sized bosses. There was even a boss only gamemode outside of the subspace as well.

  2. Me: Hey this is more of a normal videogame essay than the usual nihilistic existencial dread
    The cursed judge: the entire arena is consumed by a shadowy void pauses
    Me: ah, there it is

  3. I always took Ganondorf trying to punch Tabuu as Ganon attacking him out of anger due to be used as a pawn for another all-powerful being's scheme with Master Hand getting freed just being an accident. But I quite like the interpretation that all of the "villain" characters where just filling out their intended roles in this child's stories like they usually do. So when Tabuu, a being representing societal expectations and maturity comes to erase this child's imaginative and hopeful mind, they try to protect their creator like alongside the rest of the heroes.

  4. Brawl was the first smash I got, and I actually really enjoyed playing subspace as a kid, loved seeing the different enemies, only a handful would actually prove themselves annoying, most of times it was a breeze to play with great bosses more diversity than the regular battles I always played at friends house on melee

  5. I honestly never paid any attention to how “fun” the gameplay was when I was a kid. My sister and I would always play together, and it was a blast trying to get through all the enemies and uncovering the story. We must’ve played through subspace emissary like 10 times, and we didn’t have any previous context on most of the characters/franchises, besides Mario and Zelda 🤷🏼‍♀️

  6. I love when all of the ships from the various characters show up and it’s like
    Arwing: Hydrogen Bomb
    Shamus’s Ship: Hydrogen Bomb
    The fucking Halberd and Dragoon: Hydrogen Bomb
    The S.S Dolphin: Coughing Baby

  7. Subspace Emissary's impact as a story about childhood joy is amplified when you grew up playing Brawl. I was, what, nine? ten? when it came out and that shit permanently rewired my brain. The main theme still makes me tear up a bit, and some of my dearest childhood memories are of roleplaying with my brother on custom stages and listening to the music in the sound test for hours. Look what you did to me, Sakurai. I write fanfiction now!

  8. Wow! I was skeptical that there could be much depth to subspace emissary, but you came through with such a powerful, poignant reading that it kinda knocked me off my feet. Very well done.

    Sakurai is such a unique creative mind that it really is a shame that, even though I do love them, he has had to spend so much of his life dedicated to only making smash games. Man is a storyteller when he gets the chance.

  9. To me, subspace reminds me of the imagination of a kid playing with their figurines and making up their own stories

    Which is funny since this seems to have been the inspiration for the entire franchise

    Edit: I only now watched the last chapter of the video

  10. Yall know the meaning of this. It is simply: LOOK AT ALL THESE CHARACTERS CROSSING OVER OMG!!!!! CUTSCENES?!?!?! WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. So if the lore of Smash 64 is that master hand is the hand of a child playing with his toys, is Tabuu depression making him feel like he needs to destroy his childhood joy? And it's basically 'tablet' as far as I can tell and is digital, so perhaps the digital world came in to steal his attention away from his own little games and heroes of childhood as he's becoming a teen.

    Why Gannondorf saved everyone? Idk maybe he found out he enjoys the villains were the most interesting part as you get older or someshit.
    Edit: ok well we were on the same page, along with Matpat apparently lol

  12. I agree it's janky, but I really missed the lack of adventure/SSE in later smash games.. 4 was basically empty and ultimate, as good as it was, has nothing to go back to. For people who don't have anyone to play with in person, and don't like playing online, the removal of single player modes meant smash wasn't really a game, it was a practice battle against bots.

    Also playing SSE and fighting through the forest area with stickerbrush symphony remix playing was the closest we got to DKC 2 remake.

  13. I haven't finished the video yet, but I have to say, during the gameplay section I'm getting such a strong urge to play this story mode again. I'm not going to do that through, because a) I'd need to set up my Wii again just for this and b). I don't want to undermine the pristine state of my nostalgia towards it by finding out exactly how right you are about the gameplay being bad now that I'm not a kid, lmao.
    Loving the video.

    Having finished it now: I really liked your closing segment. Makes me feel like maybe I should go play it again some time, after all. Thank you for the insights and memories.

  14. I never understood that smash 4 storry interpretation. Like ultimate's is at least more direct. And send a message that can be linked back to smash and Sakurai. While smash 4's is just a boss. Idk.

    And In any cases they're both better applied to life lezson that kid making stories in their head learn. Rather than Sakurai himself. Like it's obviously somewhat linked to smash and Sakurai. But striking that balance of not too much nor to little. Wich is technicaly also smash 4. Like master hand die and crazy hand take (or loses) control. Is just something the smash kid would learn at some point like he learn to avoid tabou.

  15. The main problem I have with experiencing subspace emissary is that 8 year old me did NOT have the patience to do the great maze, I never saw the ending for myself until youtube many years later

  16. I feel that sub-space is like putting a traditional fighting game character in a beatem-up game, so it doesn't feel that jarring to me since i have seen such concepts work well.

    The problem for me isn't subspace but brawls mechanics clashing with it, from how it's generally slower and how empty it feels sometimes. Making sections either bland or frustrating because of how* unavoidable some hits are.

    I have lightly dabbled in wii moding for brawl and it confirmed my feeling that if it was put in Melee or ultimate it wouldn't be bad or as weird.

    The changes i made was just me fudging with the characters ground/air* speed.

  17. 35:04

    One detail I do really like, is that the Floating Island where the Bomb Factory was, never returns. It's implied that since there were basically tens of bombs there as opposed to just one exploding, whatever was inside the facility is lost forever, annihilated.

    It adds a slight melancholy to the whole ending, especially given all the ROBs there, and if Pikachu was there, it wouldn't surprise me if there were other captives present there that just didn't make it. Those within the Factory's explosion are the only true casualties of the story, ignoring Master Hand.

    Also makes the final screen of all the characters looking off into the distance where the Island used to be, that much more dramatic. They're quite literally looking at the vacuum where their greatest enemy and potentially old friends used to be.

  18. Indeed in the PS3/Wii/iPhone 4 era the industry believed that casual gaming (mobile games and Wii Sports etc.) would replace consoles and PC gaming for good. So it's reasonable that they made this truly believing that it is the last one.

  19. Okay, I'm tired of people grouping DeDeDe in with the others as an antagonistic force, he was aware of Tabuu's ploy and wanted to collect some of the fighters so they'll have a fighting chance.

  20. the army of hands in world of light tell a metaphor in itself taking into account your own logic, this game is not just only of that brawl adult, or the 64 kid, it is made with the hands of hundreds the hands to create and destroy, and behind it is just pure creativity and pure oblivion, and yes smash eventually should die, but what an incredible sad day would be when it completely does, the absolute creation and absolute destruction are both, their own tragedies after all

  21. Sorry for the comment spam, but… Amazing video. I am thankful to have watched it. I hope your "vague enjoyment" of the creation was an overall positive, lol

  22. 23:30 – dude. I didn't even REMEMBER this cutscene until you brought it up, and instantly got goosebumps, not even hyperbole for internet points. Shit is STILL badass.
    That was so hype to be seeing for the first time after dozens of hours of playtime with my little brother.

  23. I think that the tone (and even kirby focus) of Subspace is simply what world of light wishes it was.
    Nostalgia talk aside, obviously arguments can be made that world of light is better in terms of gameplay (aside from just not having tripping) with the cards and all, but I don't know if the stakes and all really are anything outside of the original trailer.

  24. ROB died, cried. (not really but it rhymes and was sad)
    The Pikachu and Samus team is iconic, meta knight is badass, and pretty much everyone (that I cared about as a kid) got to shine. Hell, maybe that's why I cared about them.
    To this day, one of my favorite and most played games/gamemodes I never finished – because SCREW that maze, little me got stuck in loops too long lmao

  25. Genuine question – Was the wii a jump in power above the gamecube? I was under the understanding that it was largely a form factor upgrade with a new disc drive and the motion control stuff, with a lot of the same hardware power-wise as the gamecube.

  26. 14:42 It's the height of irony that it is for this reason Sakurai chose NOT to build a coherent (massive liberty in word usage) adventure mode in Smash 4/Ultimate, since he thought people would just upload and watch all the cutscenes online–not realizing that the cutscenes were the ONLY saving grace of Subspace Emissary. He learned less than nothing from Brawl's success, not only due to his refusal to keep to the Brawl formula, but for his ass-backwards rationale in rejecting said formula.

  27. I have great memories of playing through Subspace Emissary with my brother. Maybe it's the nostalgia talking, but I really disagree with you about the gameplay- I think it's a pretty decent Kirby-esque "game" in and of itself. And even if the story is kinda stupid, I thought it was awesome as a kid. Was disappointed they didn't have anything comparable in the later Smash games.

  28. I'm so glad someone made a video about this story mode cause I played it something like 5 whole times as a child and somehow every time afterwards I was convinced I had hallucinated it

  29. Nothing reflects the sincerity of Subspace Emissary more than the fact that I got genuinely passionate about how Zero-Suit Samus and Pikachu formed a bond during their time on that ship, or a little choked up when you showed the cutscene where Lucas tried to shield the Pokemon Trainer's head while falling to his own demise with them. It's all completely silly, but dammit, it did still mean something! Thank you for taking the time to talk about and give this game the weight it (weirdly) deserves to have, even just once.

    In conclusion: Free Sakurai.

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