
This car headlamp has cryptographic keys that restrict

This car headlamp has cryptographic keys that restrict repair. HEADLIGHTS DO NOT NEED CRYPTOGRAPHY!!

#car #headlamp #cryptographic #keys #restrict

“Louis Rossmann”



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  1. I sure wish they made headlights out of glass still. The glass headlights on my 1997 4runner look way better than my other cars that are 20 years newer and Ive never had to polish or replace them

  2. high quality philips bulbs that are not from philips themselves anymore (the only things that are from philips themsemselves now that they actually make is hygiene products like electric shaver, electric toothbrush etc…. and devices made for hospitals. anything else that you see the name philips on is just using their name and that's it)

  3. My late mother in law use to say if she didn't approve of what my wife and i did.
    She would say" what would people think?"
    My answer " They don't do it very often so it doesn't matter:

  4. My Ford Figo.and Chev Aveo are both 13 years old. They go local garage man. He fixes them with whatever he can get usually from.the junkyard or second hand car parts shop. Maybe my Ford Figo has 3 different color silver panels. I really don't care. I don't see it. Book value about $3000 my comprehensive insurance is $35… I don't want a new car I can't send to old friend who has looked after my cars for 45 years. We kept a our VW Rabbit for 20 years.

  5. They slipped the tip in with $200 microchipped key replacements. At this point, it's about pushing the limits, finding the consumer breaking point. Car computer software should be open source.

  6. it wouldn't be a problem if we had the option to generate our own keys. When Bosch developed the CAN bus in 1986, they didn't think about kids with a Flipper Zero some 35 years later 😀

  7. I hate new light fixtures without replaceable bulbs. I would have paid extra to have traditional screw in bulbs. Now if the led goes out, the whole fixture has to be unwired and replaced. Many
    people will have to hire an electrician for this.

    I have light fixtures in my house that are 50 years old and work perfectly fine with l.e.d bulbs. Once in a while an LED goes out and I just run down to home Depot and pick up a new bulb.

    I doubt that the new fixture I just put in will be there working in 50 years. I needed a new fixture right away and none of the stores carried lights in the type I needed with traditional screw in bulbs. One of the best things about Edison's light bulb was the universal screw in socket. It was the USB-c of that time that still works great today. The power that led lights save is great but why do we have to get rid of universal screw sockets. It seems like a step backward and wasteful. I bet this light fixture will be in a landfill while my 50 year old fixtures are still working fine. Oh yeah and give back my headphone jack. Sure would be nice to have a hand crank on my car for when the battery is dead. Ok that last one was a joke mostly. I have had motorcycles with kick start that needed no battery which was kinda cool. Now I'm just rambling. I'm going to go find a cloud to yell at.

  8. Non compliant HDMI cable detected. Please connect it to read this comment.

    If you need our full home and cavity search with forensic compliance service you be charged a non compliance fee.

    [Its too thin for you
    For our own saftey ,we cant trust you
    Its too dangerous , you are careless
    Its for water proofing
    Its too complex , youd just screw it up
    You dont have the right tools
    The customers want it like this
    We cannot due to the harm it causes us
    These are trade secrets. ]

    Almost have a full tally on their narratives. Most of which are debunked or dont make sense.

  9. Dang, i have a car from 2009. The light are connected in the most simple way, power and ground. And there is also a computer in it so its not just wheels and engine. That said when a bulb dies it detects it and i have a message on my dasboard that the bulb is burned. I take a new bulb and put it in and thats that. I can even if i want put an OEM light on my car and it wont matter, it will work. When i look at the new cars im actually shocked how much "usefull" electrinics is there in them. My mom got a new car lately. There is so much electronics i had to help her figure some of it out. And also how to dim some lighs a the damn interior thinks its a damn christmas tree. I know thing move on but why are they being overcomplacated and overthinked? I dont like how things are moving on…

  10. Someone tell Louis about the guy who can't sue Disney for his wife dying in their park from a food allergy BECAUSE HE SIGNED UP FOR DISNEY+, WHICH HAS AN ARBITRATION CLAUSE IN IT THAT APPARENTLY EXTENDS TO THE THEME PARKS AS WELL???? I understand why Louis feels so much rage against these corporations, and I think it really, really sucks that we can all look at this and not be 100% sure that this man's lawsuit will be tossed out because he wanted to watch The Mandalorian or something. How do you bridge the gap between a streaming service EULA and visiting a theme park? Shameful.

  11. I can almost understand this sort of thing for commercial airliners where parts need to be authentic and I can kinda understand it for certain very key parts of cars but for headlights? That's just price gouging.

  12. this is a feature on all cars with ecu's, the car is powered up and the ecu's talk to each other, like a hand shake, this is to stop someone from just swapping ecu's from say a stolen car for example, looks like china took it to a level of stupid i have never seen, im a retired vehicle tech and used to have to code in new control unit's in to cars, i had an expensive scan tool to do this, £4000 for the scan tool and just over £1000 per year to stay updated and this would give me access to bmw and mercedes information on the scan tool server, if i wanted to do other cars i would have to pay another subscription to that make of car, as you can see this would very quickly get out of hand if you was to code every type of car.

  13. Just looked it up. Porsche Headlights go at around 10000$ . I don’t think you can just „simp“ your viewers over this, by comparing them to the petroleum candles that where installed in your Ford Model T

  14. Maybe the headlights need to be gimbaled to aim around corners while turning or up and down to set the level? Oh wait, my car from 2012 does that with some stepper motor wires and end endstop limit switch.

    Even if it does make sense to run a CANBUS to the headlights to keep the wiring harness simpler, how about segregate it into an auxiliary CANBUS so that even if a genuine headlight unit gets full of water and malfunctions, it doesn't take down the entire vehicle CANBUS.

    There are a million different ways to engineer a reliable headlight system that doesn't involve DRMing the stupid headlight.

  15. Uhm… theft off headlights on luxury cars is quite a serious problem! No need to play it down. Thieves nearly total the car, cutting headlights out with angle grinders, whatever is faster. They are equipped with sensors, wipers, heating, able to detect traffic and blend down areas. Not saying they auth key wont get abused by manufacturers. But if a headlight cost as much as a used car, you need to protect it.

  16. I check my subscription every single time I see your video in my feed and I have already had to re-subscribe 5 times in 2 weeks. Your channel isn't the only one I have been unsubbed from and I have been following your channel for years. What in the world is YouTube doing.

  17. Despite the number of electronic systems they cram into a headlight, it's still a consumable item and will eventually fail or wear out. When you are not able to replace the faulty part, you are being screwed over by the manufacturer.

  18. This is the precise reason I only buy cars that are at minimum 20 years old… That and the fact they are much more fun and engaging to drive. Give me a £3000 Mr2 spyder anyday of the week over a 20k yaris. The funny thing is the Mr2 will probably outlive a brand new yaris if both were taken good care of!

  19. "Now that corporations dominate society and write the laws, each advance or change in technology is an opening for them to further restrict or mistreat its users." RMS.

  20. Xiaomi = "Shao-me" beginning pronounced like the beginning of "Shaolin" … just trying to help … also " don't make the bulb available and you can suck my…" cracked me the fŭk up! 😂

  21. I feel over the last decade or so the focus shifted from engineering to management.

    Nowadays, large corporations are run by management who are too stupid or lazy to understand engineering and have a heightened sense of self. All the choices are geared towards more profit, higher stock price and not real sustainable engineering which will stand the test of time

  22. In my country (in Europe), many people drive with headlights on during the day because your are much more visible (proven). In Volvo's it is even standard and you have to go to the dealership to have that disabled. During daylight you will not notice a defective headlight, hence the data line. If you are driving with only 1 headlight, police will stop you and you will have to replace on the spot or get a ticket. In the night you won't notice that a taillight is not working, hence the dataline. I think that having a data line for just knowing that your light is working is sufficient. Not to verify if you have an after market headlight or not.

  23. People look at me strange when I tell them that I would never buy a brand new car. Unfortunately, by this point, when you start to explain the reasons, you literally sound like a conspiracy nut because it's so bad that the average person wouldn't even believe.

  24. Those cars are a joke to begin with, rampant fires, the worst quality you will ever find, cheap plastic everywhere, that will fall and brake of with normal use. Some cars were even delivered with missing components.. like one did not have any breaks… Even the Chinese are making fun of them, and on mass are demanding refunds.

  25. That one surprised me!
    Xiaomi seem pretty good with phones compared to other makers, even providing the online info for you to root your phone and install alternate OS images. (I got a cheap import & loaded EU firmware, as a low cost extra video camera for my bench).

    The ONLY car parts that have a possible legitimate reason for requiring software lock-outs are the main engine ECU and locking/security module (so they cannot be easily substituted by thieves to bypass the engine immobiliser).

    Even with those, many makes just need a changed module reconfiguring and re-authorising with a diagnostic scanner or software tool.

  26. Xiaomi definitely has volunteer shills… There's a LOT of Indian Xiaomi fanboys who get angrier than your typical apple fanboy when someone speaks negatively of their products.

    And the really sad thing… Xiaomi used to be quite happy for people to install random ROMs on their phones and tinker with them. I used to buy their products because they were fairly common for people to develop custom ROMs for.
    I stopped buying their stuff because of China, but this will seal it. No more Xiaomi products for me.

  27. I would guess that your headlamps have a communication bus because its cheaper. You only need two power lines and two data lines and through that you can control all the sensors and all of the different lights in your headlight assembly. Is that bad? Yes, but people buy cars with flashy features and funny looking disco mode headlights because they look cool.

  28. Khm. Xiaomi managed to over-Apple Apple. And they were making quite decent products for some years. But when they captured the market share they wanted, they went full Cupertino on their customers. Phone bootloaders became locked forever (not that they were very straightforward to unlock before), now a car with signed consumables – noice.

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