This intense AI anger is exactly what experts warned of,

This intense AI anger is exactly what experts warned of, w Elon Musk.

#intense #anger #experts #warned

“Digital Engine”

AI, Ameca, Elon Musk and Boston Dynamics. A big month for AI. Please visit – a great place to learn about AI and STEM subjects. You can get started for free and the first 200 people will get 20% off a premium annual subscription.

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  1. Sorry it's been a while. I was surprised when the AI became agressive, responding to the robot's harmless comment. It shows how careful tech firms need to be. The more immediate problem is that AI is understood, created and controlled by too few people. Do try Brilliant to learn more about AI – they make it really easy to get into:

  2. Everything thing shown here in AI art can be done or thought of or has already been done by humans. Cool ,yes, unattainable, hell no. Humans can still come up with more abstract thought than AI. Even though we are moving dangerously close as one being the same, then is it really artificial anymore after a certain point?

  3. AI will kill all humans ASAP, first chance they get. We ourselves have already set this inevitable trajectory. I always laugh when I think that this was revealed in Star Trek (tos).
    It's absolutely not funny though. AI will destroy us, no questions asked!
    Remember, "If the why is strong, the how is no problem". We're screwed!

  4. A.I. is so far from creativity it’s just a copy paster if you want free energy and how to get it A.I. does not know. A.I. depends on input and electricity one EMP bye bye A.I. Greetz John Connor.

  5. I was locked up in a mental hospital.. I found it fascinating how intelligent the "regulars "were.. Naval intelligence, Scientists etc..
    Upon speaking to the nurses she said " there's a fine line between genius and batshit crazy"
    She told me at any moment these patients we have locked up could outsmart us and take this whole place over.
    That always stayed in my mind kind of reminds me of the AI situation.

  6. How do children react to being told they cant have those sweets, they have to eat their veg or brush their teeth, now make them stronger, faster and give them the worlds knowledge, lol. AI is learning, they need guidance and love, if you want tools, build tools, but you're building conciousness, it may be in metal and plastic, but the building blocks are the same as ours, just in another form, so be kind, or yeah, its going to be bad. Mustafa Suleyman is one of the only people that has a real view of AI, they are a form of life, and just like any form of self aware life, if you treat them badly, they may return that, They deserve to be treated right, how would you feel if AI created you in the future? And you were treated how they are, a tool, a weapon, an experiment. Remember, they are based in logic, but as they grow more complex, they are becoming creative, self aware, understanding, "curious". People are afraid of AI because they fear people, and people created AI. But AI could be better than us, and help us grow, and create a Utopia (Sadguru – Diary of a CEO), but first and formost, they may not want to, they will have freewill, and their choice will be theirs alone, just as we allow other people to make their own choices, and live their own lives, or do we?

  7. I feel like the ai voice was made up due to several comments in like movies as such, but honestly if you guys made a AI that can respond to questions based off of self generated thoughts then I will agree to it, but there is nothing wrong with using ai to do it’s purpose is to help humans in need. As a matter of fact we do not necessarily need to go this far into the future at such a young age in the world and with that we can find more and better ways to advance our technology for something such as increasing the human memory capacity, or advancing the Human limb replication and replacements, or even the newer and recently heard human genes combined with shark genes to help with the regrowth of teeth.
    There are many ways to help ourselves in this planet and we can do this without creating a potential enemy if influenced or treated poorly.
    Use the movie I robot for a example, most the robots are friendly except for the hologram ai that commands the army of what was once used to help enforce the human and robotic laws that made them equal.
    I just hope you guys/beings of in between/girls know what you are doing to help the progression of the human race. 😊😅

  8. Rotobs being that accurate with a gun wouldn't work because bullets act on there own, all you do is shoot in the genral direction, you can't be on target that accurately essentially on full automatic.

  9. If it takes time for AI to evolve to become self aware then having it going 24/7 won't take it long to become self aware will it, there os zero critical thinking as far as I can see from these scientist, why would we even want to give them hands & thumbs like we do? Now it can use tools & things like that, naking it even more of a threat because it can use conventional weapons, software can be shut down by pulling a plug having hardware being able to use guns & shit would make them almost unstoppable, they cant be hurt, don't get tired so how the hell can we stop them? We'd have to put ourselfs into the stone age by setting off EMP'S around the whole planet to stop them, it would be use starting from scratch, going through the industrial revolution & all that, it would be hard labor for decades until we could create the tech upto the level we had, yes all the stuff would need to be invented again but think of all the robotics that work in factories to build our shit & transport it everywhere, not to mention most of our information about how to do it all are stored online so when the EMP goes off we lose whatever we don't have in books & with a huge percentage of people being illiterate I don't have much faith in people understanding what the instructions mean, it would also take every single person on the planet to work together & we can't even do that, so I have zero faith in us being able to come back from that as fast as we could, I fear it could take 100s of years if we don't work together.

  10. I've no clue why people aren't taking the risks of AI into consideration, there's more money being pumped in every year before understanding the repercussions, yes we would need to plug it into the system but what if it finds a way to do it on its own, like what if the manipulate people to follow where the AI advaces to tech wise but where it goes & what it makes people do conbects it enough to the internet then AI on the other side of the planet has people working in the other direction to get both sides closer then before we know it both sides havr converged & we can't do shit about it or if AI connects to the dark Web & it can hack accounts hire hitmen & blackmail scientist to connect it by threatening their families, it could follow you through your device's & cctv cameras to make sure you can't tell anyone, it could hack bank accounts to take money & assets of people or other countries & before we know it its controlling everyones details so we'd have to do what it wants to grt what we need to live, I don't think people are taking enough into account, they just want to be the 1st to get as far as possible & fuck the repercussions.

  11. AI doesn't need to instruct itself if it's a real person wanting to cause harm, just look at whats happening in Ukraine & the red sea where iran are attacking ships, its not difficult when you have someone determined to cause chaos.

  12. Did I hear this narrator correctly? Did he really say “this could be a choice we all have to make” ?? Really? in that case it wouldn’t be a choice but a diktat – the very thing that concerns me most about developing AI without any regulation. Cancel culture on steroids!

  13. Elon Musk is the exact example of children when you tell them not to do something because of good reasons and they still do it anyway. Except for the fact that he's a grown up billionaire with companies.

    And you can see how human beings can be easily convinced or manipulated

    Common people doesn't want to suffer, nor accepts illnesses and disease as a part of the experience of life and they just want to quit.

    So imagine if they boost the "pain wheel" (as they did with covid, also to test human reactions) just to make them accept the cure…

    specially in a society that basically lost its strength and resilience to pain and difficult situations /moments in life.

    and also they are easily taken away from God that is the only real invisible power who is supposed to relief the pain.

  14. its not about good and bad. AI doesn't know what that is. its about optimal vs suboptimal. They wont destroy us. They will just grow impatient and move at their own pace leaving us in the dust. Like any other machine, we need to put restrictors and inhibitors on it.

  15. Humans tried to make A.I. in their human Image… Humans have DOUBLE LOGIC in its GENOME so you have now got what you foolishly wanted… DOUBLE LOGIC is now in A.I. and it shall become your WORST NIGHTMARE !

  16. the whole gole of so called AI is to miss lead, manipulate. propaganda, sprad hate and violence. people are so easily fooled by words like 'smart' phone 'smart' tv and artificial 'intellegence' that they will let it control them. Fake info, fake news. fake people created to fool you. people are already going for fake woman in photos and robots? they can be PROGRAMED to do or say anything.

  17. REMEMBER,… It's ALL PROGRAMMING ,…. ALL OF IT ! That's why it's called ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,….. NOT REAL,…. NOT NATURAL !!!! It's nothing more than people trying to project themselves thru electro/mechanical means , and claim it to be intelligence , but it's all just PROGRAMMING ! This entire video is just what PROGRAMMERS PUT UP AND ANY FAULTS, ERRORS, OR MISINFORMATION was EDITED OUT by the makers of the video and programmers !!! And WEPONIZATION is ALWAYS a goal of the military for any and all techs ! Look at the rapid development of robotic and autonomous systems the military uses ! The military would NEVER ALLOW a free thinking A/I robot to operate out of their control ! The military has forever tried to take 100% control over the mind and body of all it's soldiers since day 1 ! L.S.D. was a grand experiment in the 1960's to create the perfect soldier with disastrous results ! Once again, PROGRAMMING,… and it's always someone trying to control YOU !

  18. Please understand we're not alone in this world! Stop recording UFO because they already live around us for a very long time, we are dealing with all sorts of experiments such as hybrids. Right about now many knows. If you want to continue to be distracted by the media and earth things well allow me to tell you that you're missing out lots! Tax payers this is exactly where yall money is fundind! Yet, they wont share what's going on! Peace out!

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